Kamis, 31 Desember 2020

RBITEX EXCHANGE - Cryptocurrency exchange

On this occasion I will provide interesting information about the project. RBITEX is interesting
Let's look at the reviews below:

Blockchain technology has created great opportunities that are beyond the present centralized financial system where cryptocurrencies can be used as a commodity, currency and as a means for value exchange centered around people. The emergence of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies have paved numerous ways for wealth creation, one of which is cryptocurrency trading.

Digital asset exchanges and trading platforms have evolved to be one of the most important parts of the blockchain industry and we seek to improve on the technology by creating a new and innovative digital asset trading platform that will usher the blockchain technology into its glorious future.
What is Rbitex Exchange?

rBitex Ventures Private Limited is a Fintech company based in India, that seeks to launch a global marketplace for all cryptocurrency assets. The whitepaper expresses the features of the rBitex Exchange and its benefits to users. rBitex is building a robust and fully compliant platform that offers a broad range of peer-to-peer cryptocurrency-specialized solutions.

These include a high-frequency trading platform capable of real-time spot trading and margin trading and over-the-counter trading. rBitex Exchange will be a game-changer in digital assets trading. Stepping into the industry in 2020, the rBitex team has equipped itself with all the tools of digital asset trading and has drawn its conclusions based on research and observations against other exchanges.

rBitex Exchange will be the digital assets trading platform to watch out for in 2020. Be among the first traders to enjoy the rBitex Exchange experience and make your mark with this Cryptocurrency Social Trading exchange.

rBitex Exchange is a coming of age cryptocurrency exchange platform that aims to disrupt the digital assets trading by completely transforming how we trade on exchanges. rBitex Exchange is meant to stand out and will be a force to reckon with in the volatile and highly competitive market.

rBitex Exchange is offering digital asset traders a platform with incredible features which will outperform all current exchanges. Right from its interface to the general trading, rBitex exchange will be unique in all aspects and completely revolutionize the digital asset trading landscape.

User-friendly and attractive interface:
With a user-friendly and attractive interface, rBitex Exchange provides a comfortable and seamless platform that is bound to set the standard with those in the market. rBitex Exchange will also allow you to trade from multiple devices with ease.

Real Time Statistics:
Get accurate Details and real time updates on market performance and don't lose profits. rBitex Exchange provides excellent visual convenience for interpreting statistics, Market Data, and makes it one of the best exchanges that will guide traders to success with notifications and updates in today's market. To know about User Assets. profit and loss updates tailored to your market interests and trends.

Social Trading:
Conversation is an important part of the Exchange and at BITEX it happens whether you are there or not. Share knowledge, observe and learn from the trading community, chat with trading experts and get tips and tricks to turn a profit.

Trade Security:
rBitex Exchange team has developed a watertight exchange to ensure the safety of user funds and wallets. Unlike other platforms that have recently fallen prey to hacks, rBitex Exchange provides multiple layers of protection to ensure your wallet and funds are safe. The platform also uses KYC (know your customer) regulations to identify all users and compliance with international standards.

Beginners can explore - follow along, monitor expert strategies that help understand the parameters to look for to turn a profit and learn to trade faster. Our social trading features provide a network infrastructure, where users can meet and chat with investors, and make new investment friends to share the adventures and joys of investing.

Our goal is to simplify the digital asset trading process and innovate the customer trading experience. We also envision offering amateur users the most secure trading situations and developing unshakable trust between them.

rBitex Exchange is the best performing trading platform that will be able to support the most popular cryptocurrencies on the market. All assets on the rBitex Exchange platform will be directly paired with INR, apart from BTC, ETH and USDT. And as an Indian Exchange it has Pair "INR" which converts Assets in Rupees so that Indians Can Withdraw Directly From Their Wallets to Bank.

RBitex exchange features:
Multilingual support
Excellent customer support and improvements
Super fast KYC
24/7 trading platform

After the launch of rBitex, we will continue to develop the rBitex platform and we will add new features which include:
Spot trading
Social trading
Margin Trading
RBitex COINS (rBitx):

rBitex is a utility token in rBitex. A strict limit of 500 MM rBitx will be created, never to be increased. rBitx will run natively on the Ethereum blockchain with ERC 20. rBitx can be obtained by issuing tokens as described in the following section or on the rBitex exchange.
RBitex Token Information:
Token name: rBitx
Code: rBitx

Total Tokens: 500,000,000
Utility Tokens
rBitx is a payment token on the rBitex Exchange, which is used to pay for any fees on our platform, including but not limited to:
Exchange fee
Withdrawal fees
List of fees
Other costs.

Furthermore, rBitx provides a number of utilities with the exchange platform which also include but are not limited to:
Trade fee discount
Voting rights for the new token list
Referral bonus increase
Early access to new features.
Token Allocation:
20%: Presale
30%: IEO
10%: Team
30%: Reserves
10%: Rewards & Bonuses

Thank you for reading this article and using your valuable time here. For https://www.rbitex.com/about they try to build something great and unique. We saw dozens of projects without a single use and we saw extinction. And on the other hand, the "rBitex Exchange" team has a solid idea and they are almost finishing their product and service. So in my opinion there is no reason for RBitex Exchange to be successful. and I Appreciate This Unique Idea for Their "rBitex" Exchange Coin rBitex To Perform Better in the future Must be a Good Wish for them.

For more information, please visit the link below:
Website link: https://rbitex.com/about
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/rbitex
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rbitexexchange
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rbitexexchange
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rbitexexchange/
Email address: support@rbitex.com
TOKEN SALE Buy & Sell: https://rbitex.com/about

Author : harum93

Rabu, 30 Desember 2020


Ciao a tutti come state? Se sei interessato a partecipare a un progetto, il tuo keyTango dovrebbe leggere le informazioni che ti aiuteranno a ottenere informazioni che possono aiutarti a vedere la tua visione e missione.

keyTango- Il modo più semplice per iniziare con DeFi
keyTango è un'applicazione Web3 creata per coloro che stanno lottando con un'interfaccia utente / UX complessa che sembra direttamente dal terminale Bloomberg, che funge da gateway senza attriti per i prodotti e servizi DeFi popolari pronti per essere svelati in un paio di clic. A differenza di YFI che dà come scontata una certa familiarità con la DeFi profonda, offriamo un'interfaccia utente / UX facile da comprendere e da navigare, che ti offre contenuti e suggerimenti personalizzati in base al tuo livello di esperienza e alla tua cronologia blockchain.

Nella serie di oggi, daremo uno sguardo più da vicino ad alcuni dei concetti chiave del Market Making. Potresti avere familiarità con il termine quando si tratta del mondo finanziario tradizionale, ma avrai sicuramente bisogno di un aumento di velocità per cogliere la posizione del termine nel dominio DeFi.

Presentazione di keyTango, Deep DeFi per investitori retail
Il team di keyTango è composto da alumni del MIT, Ycombinator ed Enigma MPC. Il team è supportato da Outlier Ventures. keyTango adotta un approccio in 3 fasi per migliorare l'adozione al dettaglio:

1) Identificazione dei prodotti di tendenza:

utilizzando l'analisi della rete, il know-how finanziario e la nostra rete di investitori, stiamo monitorando l'ecosistema Deep Defi per identificare le opportunità DeFi più interessanti in tempo reale e fornire indicazioni su come ottimizzare i rendimenti

2) Esecuzione intelligente del contratto:

Eseguiamo queste strategie tramite contratti intelligenti che ottimizzano la sicurezza, il rendimento del capitale adeguato al rischio (RAROC) e le commissioni sul gas.

3) UX semplice e pertinente:

offriamo queste strategie agli investitori al dettaglio attraverso una semplice UX / UI. Le strategie vengono scelte dal nostro motore di rilevanza, adattate alla particolare conoscenza dell'investitore e alla propensione al rischio in un modo che consente un processo di scoperta efficiente e un processo decisionale di investimento informato.

L'esclusività della DeFi
La DeFi dovrebbe essere inclusiva, ma al di là dei prodotti di base con rendimenti simili a fiat (APR <10%), la scoperta e l'usabilità sono troppo complesse per gli investitori al dettaglio. Un recente studio di Simone Conti (Head of CryptoLab's Digital Assets Investments), suggerisce che solo 500 wallet detengono il 90% di tutti i token DeFi. Per rendere la DeFi veramente inclusiva, ci deve essere un modo migliore per gli investitori al dettaglio di scoprire e utilizzare i prodotti DeFi con rendimenti interessanti (TAEG> 10%).

La complessità ostacola l'adozione della vendita al dettaglio
Al fine di ottenere un "tipo di rendimento criptato" (APR> x100%), gli investitori DeFi utilizzano prodotti e strategie sofisticati come i prestiti flash che interagiscono con più protocolli sottostanti. Al contrario, per gli investitori al dettaglio i protocolli DeFi sono spesso schiaccianti anche come prodotti autonomi; la complessità aggiunta nell'uso di diverse combinazioni di protocolli è semplicemente proibitiva.

"DeFi al dettaglio" vs. "DeFi attraente" o in altre parole "Shallow" vs. "Deep"
Noi di keyTango crediamo che attualmente ci siano 2 distinti ecosistemi DeFi:
Shallow DeFi (utilizzato dalla vendita al dettaglio)
Deep DeFi (utilizzato da addetti ai lavori / professionisti)

I prodotti Shallow DeFi vengono utilizzati dagli investitori al dettaglio per generare un ROI fino al 10%, mentre i prodotti Deep utilizzati dai professionisti, spesso superano il ROI del 100%.

Ciò che distingue Shallow da Deep è che il primo contiene prodotti che utilizzano un solo protocollo sottostante. Al contrario, Deep DeFi contiene prodotti che utilizzano più protocolli sottostanti. Un esempio di DeFi superficiale è quando un cliente Argent effettua un deposito ETH su Compound Finance. Un esempio di Deep DeFi è il yield farming, una strategia spesso utilizzata dai trader DeFi, che sposta le risorse tra diversi protocolli per massimizzare i profitti sia degli interessi che dei premi simbolici.

Ogni prodotto "Shallow" ha un concorrente diretto nello spazio CeFi (finanza centralizzata).
Ad esempio, la proposta di valore all'investitore al dettaglio dei prodotti CeFi offerti da Nexo, BlockFi e Celsius compete direttamente con Compound Finance e MakerDao di DeFi. Al contrario, i prodotti Deep sono unici per DeFi. Questi sono intrinsecamente unici e potenti perché sfruttano il tratto di componibilità di Ethereum, che non ha precedenti in FIAT o CeFi. Come descritto da Linda Xie (amministratore delegato di Scalar Capital) "all'interno di Ethereum, i protocolli e le applicazioni possono facilmente inserirsi l'uno nell'altro ed essere combinati insieme per creare qualcosa di completamente nuovo ... questo è a volte indicato all'interno della comunità come" pezzi lego ".
I due mondi distinti della DeFi e come gli investitori al dettaglio stanno perdendo terreno

I due mondi distinti della DeFi e come gli investitori al dettaglio stanno perdendo terreno

La DeFi dovrebbe essere inclusiva, ma al di là dei prodotti di base con rendimenti simili a fiat (APR <10%), la scoperta e l'usabilità sono troppo complesse per gli investitori al dettaglio. Questo è il motivo principale per cui (1) il 95% di tutte le risorse crittografiche non genera ancora alcun interesse e (2) il 90% di tutti i token DeFi è detenuto da meno di 500 portafogli.

I prodotti DeFi "profondi" possono generare rendimenti strabilianti (APR> 100%) dalle criptovalute e mantenere un potenziale rivoluzionario se aperti agli investitori al dettaglio. Ma questi prodotti utilizzano più protocolli sottostanti e sono quindi intrinsecamente complessi.

keyTango fornisce una piattaforma accessibile e accomodante per gli investitori al dettaglio per dare un senso ai prodotti DeFi profondi, con processi di scoperta, formazione e investimento personalizzati per gli investitori al dettaglio in base ai loro obiettivi, alla propensione al rischio e alla conoscenza dei prodotti DeFi.

Market Making (MM)
In sostanza, i Market Maker definiscono la liquidità e gli indicatori di profondità nei mercati finanziari. Monitorano in tempo reale il prezzo degli asset che realizzano e colgono l'opposto dell'andamento del mercato che spesso si trova in una posizione vantaggiosa. In poche parole, quando la maggior parte dei trader sul mercato cerca di vendere un asset, i market maker lo comprerebbero e quando la maggior parte dei trader sul mercato cerca di acquistare un asset, i market maker lo vendono. prezzo delle attività prevenendo picchi imprevedibili di prezzo dovuti alla scarsa liquidità.

Giocatori nel mercato
- Uniswap

Uniswap è stata la prima vera AMM decentralizzata ad entrare nel mercato nel novembre 2019. Uniswap consente a chiunque di implementare un pool di liquidità sulla rete e consente a qualsiasi altro trader nell'ecosistema di contribuire con liquidità.
- Bilanciatore

Balancer è considerato il pioniere degli AMM recentemente immessi sul mercato. Il bilanciatore funziona in modo simile a Uniswap, ma offre anche funzionalità dinamiche innovative che consentono al protocollo di disporre di un arsenale più ampio di casi d'uso AMM.
- Curva

Un altro protocollo AMM ancora fresco per entrare nell'ecosistema DeFi all'inizio del 2020 è stato Curve Finance. Curve ha pool di liquidità generati solo dall'amministratore in cui tutti possono contribuire a questi pool, ma hanno una grande distinzione; I pool di liquidità di Curve supportano solo le stablecoin.
Pool di liquidità

I pool di liquidità sono pool di token che forniscono liquidità ai DEX. Gli investitori (AKA LP's) agiscono come market maker, utilizzando meccanismi AMM (automatizzati di market making) su questi scambi. Nella sua forma più semplice, i pool di liquidità mantengono un rapporto di valore 50:50 tra ETH e un secondo token.

Vuoi saperne di più sulla DeFi con keyTango? Iscriviti alla nostra beta su keytango.io e rimani aggiornato con i nostri ultimi sviluppi e ricevi la whitelist per la nostra imminente vendita di token. Hai amici a cui non piace leggere? Puoi trovare il video esplicativo pertinente sul canale YouTube ufficiale di keyTango.

Selasa, 29 Desember 2020

KRG Token

If you are interested in joining a project, you should read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission

#KRG #cryptoinvestor #cryptocurrency #blockchain #decentralization #bounty, etc.
Cryptocurrency since it first appeared has brought many changes, including in the real estate industry. With cryptocurrency, now people can invest more safely and easily in various crypto assets that are directly backed by real assets, which makes these tokens more stable and secure compared to tokens in general.

When crypto assets are backed by real assets, these tokens are generally more stable and easier to adopt en masse, such as fiat currencies that are backed by gold. In this way, investors can more freely invest and store these tokens.

Speaking of asset-backed cryptocurrencies, there is one token that you might want to know about, namely the KRG token - a simple and transparent blockchain-based tool designed to make an investment in commercial real estate straightforward and easy.
KRG Token: A Cryptocurrency Backed By A Real Estate Business

As previously explained, a KRG Token is a cryptocurrency backed by a real estate business. Thus KRG tokens are more stable and secure compared to cryptocurrencies in general, which do not have any support.

KRG Token is backed by a real estate business, namely Karagandy Hotel & Office complex in the heart of Karagandy city (Kazakhstan). Where each token will represent the share of the Hotel & Office complex market value at the rate of 1 KRG per $ 1 of the market value which amounts to $ 10,000,000.

Going forward, the commercial profits will be used for the buyback of tokens circulating in the market, which creates an economy that increases the value of the KRG tokens. So that when investors invest in KRG tokens, they can expect more about the value of the KRG token in the future.
Karagandy Hotel & Office complex

Karagandy Hotel & Office complex is a commercial area which has a total area of 10,000 sq.m. and 5 floors of buildings, each of which is commercialized for various purposes such as offices and hotels.

Karagandy is a 3-star hotel which is strategically located in the city center with easy transport connections giving an edge in terms of customer flow.

If we look at business opportunities, the Karagandy Hotel & Office complex is quite good to look at, considering the potential of Kazakhstan's tourism industry, which is expected to increase every year.

KRG Token
KRG Token will be launched under the name "KRG" with a limited supply of 10,000,000 KRG. KRG will be a token that will be traded on the market for 1 USD, but in the initial phase, the team will reduce the price to 0.5 USD per 1 KRG with a time limit. The team plans to do a pre-sale until 1.09.2020 and IEO (BTC-Alpha): 1.09.2020. In the future, the tokens will be used for various purposes, and when the profit is met, the team will buy back the tokens circulating in the market to stimulate demand and value. Following are the details of the KRG token:

Ticker: KRG
Total Supply: 10,000,000 KRG
IEO Pre-sale: till 1.09.2020
IEO (BTC-Alpha): 1.09.2020
Pre-sale price: 0.5 USD per 1 KRG
Description: KRG token is a highly volatile crypto asset backed by an established business: Karagandy Hotel & Office complex in Kazakhstan.

In Conclusion
By being backed by real assets, the value of cryptocurrency tends to be more stable and increases investor confidence in the token. KRG Token is a cryptocurrency backed by a real estate business namely Karagandy Hotel & Office complex, which is a commercial area with a total area of 10,000 sq.m. with 5 floors located in the central and most lively area of the city of Karaganda, which is quite a promising investment. KRG Tokens will be used for various purposes, when commercial profit is reached, the team will buy back tokens circulating in the market which will increase the value of the KRG tokens in circulation.


KRG token is a cryptocurrency backed by a real estate business.
KRG token is a simple and transparent blockchain-based tool designed to make an investment in commercial real estate straightforward and easy.
Future commercial profits generated by the business will allow for a phased buyback of the KRG token.

Detail Information:
Website: https://krg-token.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KRG-tiken-world-102621584890722
Instagram: https://instagram.com/krgtoken_eng
Telegram: https://t.me/krg_eng
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KrgToken
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaqwqg8y2a-oXvGU9AqfQ0g/
Media: https://medium.com/@krgtoken
Bitcointalk Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/

Author : harum93

Minggu, 27 Desember 2020

Smarts - новый рубеж для услуг и системы управления DeFi

Настало время, когда люди могут совершать транзакции более безопасно и быстро, используя криптовалюту. Криптовалюта позволяет людям совершать транзакции безопасно, анонимно и без третьих лиц.

С момента появления криптовалюты она внесла много изменений в финансовую индустрию. Доказательством этого является то, что с тех пор, как криптовалюта начала приниматься населением, было много функций криптовалюты, которые почти такие же и даже лучше, чем у традиционных технологий.

Например, протокол децентрализованного финансирования, или то, что обычно сокращается до DeFi, позволяет разработчикам внедрять традиционные финансовые инструменты в децентрализованные приложения. Это позволяет применять криптовалюту и блокчейн в более сложных финансовых делах и позволяет криптоинвесторам максимизировать свою прибыль.

Смарт: новый рубеж для DeFi
Smarts - это платформа, которая предоставляет решения DeFi для криптоэнтузиастов. Это платформа, которая будет использовать технологию блокчейн и сделать ее инновационным решением для обеспечения автономного и гибкого денежного рынка. Это платформа, которая позволяет вам как пользователю криптовалюты выполнять различные операции с криптовалютой, такие как кредитование, размещение ставок и добыча ликвидности.

Smarts - это платформа, ориентированная на сообщество, и она предоставляет открытые функции DeFi, так что когда у вас есть токен SMAT (оригинальный токен Smarts), вы можете участвовать в участии и разработке платформы, или вы могли бы сказать, что Smarts - это децентрализованная платформа DeFi с управлением сообществом. система.
Особенности платформы

Умный стейкинг: эта функция позволяет пользователям делать ставки на свои токены и получать пассивный доход от них.

Добыча ликвидности: позволяет пользователям становиться поставщиками ликвидности и получать двойное вознаграждение в виде комиссий и токенов SMAT за каждый вклад пользователя.

Smarts Lending: функция децентрализованного кредитования, при которой пользователи могут получать ссуды самым безопасным, простым и удобным способом по сравнению с традиционными финансовыми платформами.
Почему Смартс?

Сегодня на рынке много платформ DeFi, и не многие из них действительно серьезно относятся к этому потенциальному рынку DeFi. Smarts - это платформа, созданная профессионалами, которые понимают, как работает рынок криптовалют.

Это профессионалы, которые понимают, что платформа DeFi требует прозрачности, доверия и открытости. Вот почему Smarts построен на этих трех принципах и делает его своим духом - создание платформы с сетью, которая расширяет возможности каждого участника, но поддерживает платформу DeFi в нужном русле - и хорошо управляется профессионалами за кулисами, которые остаются полуанонимными, а также как установление хороших отношений с различными сторонами для создания лучшей платформы DeFi. Вот почему стоит выбрать Smarts.

Токен SMAT

Как упоминалось в первой части, токен SMAT - это исходный токен платформы Smarts, который будет выполнять функцию токенов оплаты, вознаграждений и управления для участников. Это токен, разработанный с использованием Ethereum Blockchain ERC-20, который предназначен для поддержки работы платформы Smarts.
В заключении

Smarts - это платформа DeFi, которая ориентирована на обеспечение автономного и гибкого денежного рынка с ориентированным на сообщества подходом, который позволяет каждому максимизировать свою прибыль и в то же время участвовать в разработке платформы Smarts.

Это платформа DeFi, созданная профессионалами на децентрализованной платформе, которая позволяет пользователям безопасно и комфортно совершать транзакции, не беспокоясь о безопасности. Таким образом, из-за этого Smarts заслуживает называться «Новые рубежи для сервисов DeFi и системы управления», которые не только позволяют пользователям использовать сервисы DeFi, но и участвуют в правительстве.

Ключевые моменты
Smarts - это инновационная платформа DeFi, предлагающая использование технологии блокчейн для обеспечения автономного и гибкого денежного рынка.
Smarts - это платформа, ориентированная на сообщество, и она предоставляет открытые функции DeFi.

Smarts не требует доверия и децентрализован.
Модель добычи замкнутой ликвидности с дополнительными правами, высокой доходностью и устойчивыми характеристиками.
Прозрачность, доверие и открытость - вот основные принципы Smarts.

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2020


Вы заинтересованы в участии в проекте NAYUTA COIN. Вы должны прочитать информацию, которая поможет вам получить информацию, которая поможет вам увидеть свое видение и миссию.

#NAYUTA #CROWDSALENETWORK #cryptocurrency #blockchain #DeFi #bounty #Airdrop.
Приглашаем вас присоединиться к быстрорастущей южнокорейской компании Nayuta Global. Компания за 2 года доказала свою надежность и перспективность. Маркетинговый план отдает 78% оборота в сеть. Продукция высокого качества. Собственный цифровой актив с возможностью майнинга. Эффективная система обучения. Надежное руководство. Огромные перспективы развития. Мы приглашаем вас стать частью нашей интернациональной семьи.

Перед запуском майнинга в приложении Enecuum, Nayuta Coin будет добываться в кошельке Crowdsale Network. Достаточно пополнить баланс NC и ваш баланс будет увеличиваться каждый час. К концу мая 2020 года вы сможете вывести NC из кошелька Crowdsale Network на свой баланс в прикрепленном nimtodoli Enecuum Inmtodol «Акция + 44%» продлится до конца карантина в странах СНГ По многочисленным просьбам, когда Покупая NC, бонус 44% продлится до 15 мая 2020 г. Новости консорциума Nayuta global начинает подготовку франшизы на многофункциональный оздоровительный комплекс Nayuta Wellness Center с собственным фитнес-центром, СПА в виде соляной сауны, с салоном красоты и кофейня.

Международная академия Business Life запускает семинары и BBS в режиме онлайн и готовит собственную комнату для вебинаров для трансляции семинаров в режиме онлайн. Crowdsale Network, платформа для стартапов и инвесторов, направляет 90% своих ресурсов на развитие Nayuta, так что запланированный запуск производства новой линейки продуктов Nayuta реализован в текущем 2020 году.

Nayuta Coin от сети Crowdsale
Сайт Crowdsale Network - https://crowdsale.network
Сайт Nayuta Coin - http://www.nayutacoin.info
Реферальная ссылка - https://sofico.crowdsale.network/

CrowdSale Сеть
Уникальный алгоритм отбора проектов перед ICO. Проекты сокращают расходы на маркетинг и упаковку. Благодаря нашим специалистам, работающим через наши представительства в странах мира, мы предлагаем инновационные технические решения.
CrowdSale Сеть

Бизнес-акселератор. Платформа, совмещенная с платформой краудфандинга для нового поколения. Мы поддерживаем социально значимые проекты, улучшающие и меняющие качество жизни каждого человека.

Монета Наюта
Nayuta - это компания, которая продает товары для здоровья, косметику, средства личной гигиены и средства по уходу за кожей через систему сетевого маркетинга. Компания была основана 18 августа 2018 года в Южной Корее. Административный офис находится в Республике Казахстан, г. Алматы.

Основателем компании является г-н Чей Ён Сок. Сегодня независимые дистрибьюторы Nayuta развиваются более чем в 50 странах. Nayuta - возможность для каждого построить свой бизнес, продвигая эксклюзивные продукты на основе натуральных ингредиентов с многолетней научной разработкой учеными Восточной Азии.

Это инновационная область в области сетевого маркетинга, которая идет в ногу со временем с использованием новейших технологий, таких как блокчейн и система мультицепного маркетинга. Наюта намерена запустить собственное производство за счет привлечения дополнительных инвестиций через платформу Crowdsale Network. Для этого будут выпущены токены Nayuta Coin «NC».

Nayuta Coin - это токен в экосистеме Nayuta.
Выпуск токена: 100'000'000.
Премайн: 30%
Алгоритм майнинга: PoS / PoA.

Вы можете приобретать товары и услуги с помощью этих токенов в Интернет-магазине Nayuta.
Чтобы получить более точную информацию, перейдите по ссылке ниже:
● Веб-сайт: https://bitcointalk.org/
● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nayuta-Coin-101559351813832
● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nayuta_coin/
● Telegram: https: / /t.me/nayutacoin
● Twitter: https://twitter.com/NayutaCoin
● Средний: https://medium.com/@nayutacoin

Jumat, 25 Desember 2020


GenesisOne is a cryptocurrency platform that will utilize diverse businesses and projects globally to bring sustainable value to its members. By entrenching itself into communities globally where the greatest needs exist; GenesisOne looks to embrace marginalized and neglected peoples to cultivate, develop and elevate them and their communities to allow for the exponential growth needed in global GDP to bring equity to all!

GenesisOne’s launch of a CyberLottery, sports book and virtual casino allows for maximum exposure across cultures and serves as the initial stream of dividends adding value to the underlying GenesisOne Token. Furthermore, the launch of the exchange and wallet will allow advanced financial trading operations to take place across crypto, stock, commodity and currency pairs. Members can trade options, conduct algorithmic trading, quantitative trading, and utilize levels of margin to enhance their portfolios. Provision is underway for the next wave of projects dealing in Banking, Trade, Infrastructure and community development.

GenesisONE where tomorrow is happening today!
GenesisOne is currently developing both our global CyberLottery system (including custom GenONE Lottery), global professional sports wagering system and virtual casino as well as our NeoGenesis Exchange and wallet offering new opportunities for algorithmic and quantitative trading, option trading on stock, commodity, currency, cryptocurrency trade pairs. These systems are already in phase two development and will continue forward with completion toward the end of October/beginning of November.

These are the first forays into our global initiatives that will allow for maximum exposure and penetration facilitating future projects and investments.

Yes, there are other crypto gambling sites just as there are many forms of crypto that specialize in one particular thing. GenesisOne is developing many revenue streams from lotteries/casino gambling, algorithmic, quantitative, option trading exchange/wallet, real estate and community development, infrastructure projects, investment and retail banking, mining, cross border trade and logistics, warehousing and port development, petroleum and refinery products, leisure attractions, hotelier, restauranteur, airline operations, and in marginalized neglected, crime ridden areas we are enterprising in the development of city wide surveillance systems working together with official police and our security forces to augment the overall security apparatus of the area and begin its revitalization as an economic center.

All together, think of GenesisOne as a Berkshire Hathaway Group in its infancy which allows you access at only $1 USD in lieu of the latter’s approximately $240,000 price of entry.

A lot of the established dapps concentrate on specific niches as such creating a market for themselves becomes increasingly difficult.

GenesisOne is not a platform targeting a niche because that does nothing for the majority of the world. So many in the world lack the basic necessities in life to truly live. We’re not interesting in surviving; we want people to truly enjoy life and be joyous and merry as we all were created to be. So with that being said, yes we will be developing numerous revenue streams in a strategic phased in manner to not only ensure we impact the communities where we serve to grow, develop and prosper but also to allow the greatest potential for value for all our members in achieving the highest dividends from the individual business component performances.

Global Cyber PowerBall Lottery Enterprise
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many web sites still in their infancy.
Global Professional Sports Wagering System

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many web sites still in their infancy.

Solution for lost or stolen Tokens
Member through our website and fills out the application providing their information and so forth. This person in effect fills out a KYC application allowing them to become Members and thereby able to receive member exclusives such as the burnable feature for their tokens if they are lost or stolen allowing those lost GenesisOne.

Purpose and Idea of the GenesisOne ICO
The idea with this ICO is to gradually bring on millions of users globally and we’ve identified key centers we’re going to focus on in terms of major population centers. The lottery allows us to onboard more members globally than simply another cryptocurrency. So we will aggressively develop that into our core business by penetrating areas without much internet service or Smartphone owners with our team of agents who go to local Western Union/Moneygram agents to use them as affiliates who will have access to a master account from which local people can sign up for our Token and play the lottery, etc.

Dedicated Crypto Gaming Platform
GenesisOne is all set to establish a global gambling platform on a multitude of various sports games globally through an app interface, virtual casino offerings through an app to play the Slots, Baccarat, Poker, Roulette, Blackjack, and Craps. At the same time, through the app offering multiple angle views of players, we’ll be able to provide Poker Tournament play with competitors worldwide.
GenOne Tokens are Insured for Verified Investors

The person in effect fills out a KYC application allowing them to become Members and thereby able to receive member exclusives such as the burnable feature for their tokens, if they are lost or stolen allowing those lost GenesisOne Tokens once properly confirmed of their loss to be destroyed and useless to whomever took/finds them. We then reissue new tokens to that person by minting them a new set. The loss must be documented and through the blockchain ledger we can assess whether the person did indeed lose them and not just performed a transaction and trying to not pay another party or something.


Token Name: GenesisOne (GenOne)
Total Supply: 1 Undecillion (USD) ~ 1 Sextillion (Euro)
Premine: 6,000,000 (6×10-28% of Total Supply)
Presale: 5,000,000 (83.33% of PreMine Supply)
Bounty Program: 500,000 (8.33% of Premine Supply)
Price: 1 GenOne = 1 USD or Equivalent ETH
Pre-Token Sale Start and End Date: May 15,2020 to July 15, 2020
Soft Cap: $10
Hard Cap: No Hard Cap
Pre-ICO Crowdsale Goal: $5,000,000 (5 Million)
ICO Crowdsale Goal: 100,000,000,000 (100 Billion)
Mintable: Yes (If Token is lost or be

cause of Theft)
Burnable/Freezable: Yes
Token Sale Start and End Date(Globally): August 30, 2020 to December 1, 2020
Token Sale Start and End Date (USA): Sep 10, 2020 to Nov 1, 2020



May to Sep, 2020


Aug 30 to Dec 1, 2020
3ICO Rollout USA
Sep to Nov, 2020

– May to Sep, 2020

Currently in progress with pre ICO until beginning of April, 2020

James Edouard
President and CEO

Alice Lee
Public Relations & Brand Director
Mohana Sundaram-Cheif Technical Officer
Jenicks Raja – Project Manager
Vignesh M – Product Development Officer
Ranjith Babu Senior - UI / UX Designer
Hafiz Ahamed - UI Developer
Veera Sharma – Blockchain Full Stack Developer
Thirupathi A – Unity 3D and Full Stack Developer
Alwin Mathew – MERN Stack Developer

Kazi Sajib - Marketing / Promotions Manager

GenesisOne is a platform that stands to re-invent not only the cryptocurrency space but the way we transact and handle our finances daily. Bridging technology, finance, gaming, real world projects in different industries can help create a dynamic, transformative, and lasting new paradigm of doing business.

By taking care of all people and keeping their interests paramount, we can offer products tailored to people’s communities, hopes and dreams. There is no real limit to the good we can accomplish with this platform by collectively using local global talent and our knowledge base in finance, technology, and trade we can create an upsurge in overall value and benefit received by people, communities, and stakeholders.

Website: https://genesisonetoken.com/

● Whitepaper: https://genesisonetoken.com/pdf/Whitepaper.pdf
● Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/RealGenesisOne/
● Twitter : https://twitter.com/RealGenesisOne
● Telegram : https://t.me/Genesisonetoken
● Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/u/realeg_group/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

● YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQAgeB7kKQrMiKdZ3NxVN5g
● Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/genesisone

Author: harum93

sCore Finance

sVault Finance ist die DeFi Stake and Yield Farming Platform. sCORE-Token kann eine dezentrale Absteckplattform sein, die ihren Anlegern passives Einkommen bietet, indem sie Belohnungen an Benutzer verteilt, die mit der Menge des gesetzten Tokens und damit der Aufbewahrungszeit der Token auf der Absteckplattform übereinstimmen. Um Landwirtschaftsstrategien über intelligente Verträge zu erzielen, bietet sCORE außerdem Sicherheitsdienste für unerfahrene Benutzer als DeFi-Gateway an und zeigt den Benutzern aus Transparenzgründen alle Informationen zu Blockchain an. Der sCORE lässt sich häufig problemlos in DEX oder andere Plattformen für Ertragsbau-Infrastruktur- und Provisionsrabatte integrieren. sCORE-Token werden häufig für Absteckung, Landwirtschaft, Gebührenprämien, Abstimmung und Verwaltung innerhalb der sVault Finance-Plattformen verwendet.

Landwirtschaft: 1% Gebühr von jeder Transaktion wird unter allen Inhabern verteilt. Der Prozentsatz, den die Inhaber erhalten, ist direkt proportional zur Menge der Token, die zum Zeitpunkt der Belohnung in der Brieftasche aufbewahrt wurden.

Jeder Inhaber erhält automatisch seinen eigenen Anteil an der Gebühr. Die Zahlung erfolgt automatisiert. Der Verteilung ist keine zentrale Partei zugeordnet.

Die Einnahmen aus den Pfahl-, Nicht-Pfahl- und Landwirtschaftstransaktionen werden auf die Pfähle verteilt und ein kleiner Teil davon wird verbrannt. Ziel ist es daher, das passive Einkommen, das es seinen Anlegern bietet, durch eine weitere Reduzierung der Verfügbarkeit zu erweitern.

Was ist sVault Finance?
In der sCORE-Absteckplattform wird der nachfolgende Knotenersteller oder Blockgenerator über eine ausgewählte Formel ausgewählt, bei der der Knotenersteller sein sCORE-Token setzen muss, sodass wir die Übermittlung zufällig verwenden, um die Übermittlung vorherzusagen. Erstellen Sie später mithilfe der Formel, um den Tiefstwert des Hashs in Bezug auf die Abmessungen des Einsatzes zu ermitteln.

Deshalb versuchen wir, Fairness zu erreichen und nicht Kriegsgefangene, bei denen wohlhabende Bergleute das ganze Geld verdienen. Da die Einsätze öffentlich sind, wird jeder Knoten häufig mit angemessener Genauigkeit vorhergesagt, dass das nachfolgende Konto das Recht erhält, den Block zu fälschen. Die Einzahlungsprämie wird von sVault dAPP bereitgestellt und nicht von dem Benutzer, der die Transaktion durchführt. sVault verwendet Proof-of-Stake als Konsensmechanismus. In Proof-of-Stake müssen sie, um ein Knotenvalidator zu werden, ihr sCORE-Token setzen, um aufgrund des nächsten Knotenvalidators gewählt zu werden. Daher werden SCORE-Token an die Community von Personen vergeben, die ihre Token unterstützen.

Die strukturierte sVault Finance-Plattform ist häufig mit einer Brieftasche verbunden, und Anleger können ihre Token problemlos auf die App setzen. In der frühen Phase des Projekts, dh auf der sVault Finance-Plattform, können Anleger ihre Token jederzeit ohne Token-Sperrzeit auf ihre Brieftasche oder eine andere Plattform übertragenEigenschaften
MINIMIERTES RISIKO: Das Zinskonto soll Ihnen so schnell und einfach wie möglich hochrentierliche Renditen bieten. Deshalb ist unser neues Produkt eines der intuitivsten und zugänglichsten in unserem Portfolio.

PASSIVES EINKOMMEN: Sie müssen ein hartes und schnelles Interesse an Ihrem Vermögen verdienen. Beobachten Sie, wie Ihre Ersparnisse täglich wachsen, und ziehen Sie ab, wann immer Sie möchten. Geld funktioniert rund um die Uhr für Sie, auch wenn Sie schlafen.

HOLD SCORE: Um Rentabilität zu erzielen, HALTEN oder verwenden Sie die Handelsoption an den Börsen, an denen SCORE verfügbar ist! Nutzen Sie die DeFi-Technologie, um Ihre Einnahmen zu optimieren.

ZURÜCKZIEHEN: Ihr Geld wird nie gesperrt, da dies häufig bei einem Standardbankkonto der Fall ist. Sie können das Geld jederzeit mit einem Klick abheben.

SVAULT GOVERNANCE: In sVault Finance wird die Kreditvergabe und -aufnahme nur für bestimmte Vermögenswerte unterstützt, und daher haben die Inhaber von sCORE-Token das Recht, darüber abzustimmen, welche anderen Token für die Kreditvergabe und -aufnahme bei sVault Finance unterstützt werden sollen . Jede Abstimmung kostet einen sCORE Token.

LIQUIDITY INCENTIVE MINING: In SCORE können die Benutzer dem Pfahl und dem landwirtschaftlichen Pool Liquidität zur Verfügung stellen. Benutzer sollten sCORE nicht im Pool sperren. Der Benutzer, der Liquidität bereitstellt, erhält Belohnungen für den Liquiditätsanreiz. Diese Belohnungen werden in Form von sCORE-Token bereitgestellt.

Treten Sie Pre Sale & Public Sale bei
Kaufen Sie sCore Token: https://svault.finance/

Token-Name: sVault.Finance
Token-Typ: BEP20 - Binance Smart Chain
Symbol: sCORE
Dezimalstellen: 18
Gesamtangebot: 10.000.000 sCORE

Ökosystem: 30% (Einsatz 15%, Landwirtschaft 15% werden bis November 2022 gesperrt)
Team: 3% (sind für 20 Monate gesperrt und 5% werden monatlich freigegeben.)
Marketing: 7% (Kopfgeldprogramm) 7%, werden bis April 2021 gesperrt.)
Liquidität: beträgt 20% und die anfängliche Liquidität von bscswap wird 50% der im Vorverkauf aufgenommenen Menge betragen.

Die anfängliche Liquidität von Bscswap bleibt zwei Jahre lang gesperrt.
Vorverkauf: 40% des gesamten Angebots werden geliefert. Kein Schloss


Kamis, 24 Desember 2020


Exchase è una piattaforma di trading che combina uno scambio di criptovalute, social trading, opzioni binarie, un sistema di pagamento e un servizio di scambio in un unico ecosistema.
Il nostro team internazionale è composto da specialisti di vari settori: sviluppatori, commercianti, finanzieri e professionisti del marketing.

Utilizzando le nostre soluzioni high-tech uniche, abbiamo combinato in un'unica piattaforma molti servizi popolari forniti da diversi attori nel mercato delle criptovalute e nel classico mercato fintech. Pertanto, avendo un account per tutti questi servizi, gli utenti risparmiano una quantità significativa a causa della circolazione dei fondi quando li utilizzano, poiché la piattaforma non addebita una commissione per il trasferimento di questi fondi.

Nell'ambito della campagna di crowdsale Q4 2020 - Q1 2021, verranno emessi 200 milioni di token EXSE dello standard ERC-20. Queste emissioni verranno fissate e, per mantenere al meglio il livello EXSE, in accordo con la comunità degli investitori, i token verranno bruciati con una certa frequenza. Inoltre, i token utilizzati dai trader per ridurre le commissioni di trading sono destinati a essere bruciati. I token EXSE, oltre a svolgere la loro funzione di base come oggetto di investimento, consentiranno ai loro possessori di risparmiare commissioni quando effettuano operazioni di trading sulla piattaforma Exchase entro quattro anni dal lancio, oltre a ricevere bonus dai referral.

Siamo sempre aperti alla cooperazione, creando nuovi contatti e rafforzando quelli vecchi.

Per collaborare scrivi a info@exchase.io
Date di lancio previste per i servizi ecosistemici Exchase:
Scambio di criptovalute

È già stato lanciato uno schema di scambio: il libro modello B.
Il modello A book è in beta testing con una data di lancio prevista nel secondo trimestre del 2021.
Trading a margine.

L'opzione di trading con margine è attualmente in fase di beta test.
La data di lancio prevista è nel primo trimestre del 2021.
Elenco dei token

La data di lancio prevista per il posizionamento di token di terze parti sulla piattaforma Exchase nel primo trimestre del 2021.
Portafoglio crittografico

Il lancio previsto di un portafoglio per l'archiviazione delle risorse crittografiche degli utenti nel quarto trimestre del 2021.
Giochi Crypto

Implementato e nelle fasi finali del debug di un gioco crittografico con il sistema di token mining EXC.
Sistema di trasferimento di denaro

La piattaforma Exchase è integrata con il proprio sistema di trasferimento di denaro (crypto, fiat). Per fiat, sono supportati tre flussi: bonifico bancario, ritiro contanti e denaro mobile.
Il sistema di trasferimento di denaro è già stato implementato dal nostro team di sviluppo. Al momento è in fase di beta testing. La data di lancio prevista è Q2 2021.
Opzioni binarie

Oltre al classico scambio di scambi di asset fiat e crypto, la piattaforma Exchase fornisce un servizio di Opzioni Binarie, le cui regole operative sono molto più semplici e intuitive comprensibili per un utente inesperto. Le opzioni binarie hanno molto più in comune con il gioco d'azzardo che con il trading stesso, specialmente con le sue forme avanzate. Sei coinvolto nell'analisi degli eventi di mercato come negli scenari di scambio, ma il processo di interazione stesso si riduce a te solo per prevedere un trand "toro" o "orso" (come in un casinò dove scommetti su un certo colore ).
Le Opzioni Binarie sono già state implementate dal nostro team di sviluppo. Al momento è in fase di beta testing. La data di lancio prevista è il primo trimestre del 2021.
Trading sociale

La piattaforma Exchase prevede la funzionalità di sottoscrizione a master (gestori PAMM), in cui le transazioni per conto del tuo account verranno eseguite dal core dello scambio copiando le transazioni di trader più professionali, ai quali viene detratta per questo una piccola commissione. Questa è un'opportunità unica per i nuovi arrivati ​​assoluti al trading di entrare nel settore e beneficiare dei loro investimenti.
Scambio decentralizzato

Il modello di scambio DEX è già stato sviluppato ed è in beta testing.
La data di lancio prevista è il secondo trimestre del 2021
Transazioni OTC

Il lancio del trading OTC sulla piattaforma Exchase è previsto per il quarto trimestre del 2021
Prestiti crittografici

Il sistema di prestiti garantiti da criptovalute dovrebbe essere lanciato nel quarto trimestre del 2021
Sulla base degli attuali problemi di mercato, la nostra piattaforma di trading avrà la seguente serie di soluzioni:

Va notato che il mercato delle criptovalute ha subito un enorme aumento non solo nel volume degli scambi, ma anche nell'introduzione di strumenti familiari ai normali trader per realizzare profitti. La nostra piattaforma supporterà il trading di contratti futures. Questa soluzione offre maggiori opportunità per fare soldi e attira molti trader sulla piattaforma.
Trading spot:

Oltre al trading di futures, verrà aggiunto il trading spot. Questo tipo di trading è il più popolare e familiare al pubblico del trading, nonché il più affidabile, veloce e semplice.
Trading a margine:

Il trading a margine è un requisito per qualsiasi scambio moderno che cerca di competere con i grandi giocatori. Pertanto, riteniamo obbligatorio aggiungere questo tipo di trading alla nostra piattaforma.
Scambio istantaneo anonimo:

Non va dimenticato che le criptovalute sono state create per fornire un maggiore anonimato. Qualsiasi commerciante che desidera effettuare uno scambio anonimo istantaneo può farlo utilizzando il nostro servizio.
Scambi decentralizzati:

Non tutti si fidano degli scambi, il che significa che è necessario fornire opportunità di scambi decentralizzati a coloro che sono molto preoccupati per la sicurezza dei loro fondi.
Dettagli token
Nome: token EXSE
Standard: ERC20
Simbolo: EXSE
Vendo: 1.000.000 EXSE


Informazioni generali sul primo round
Dal: 15 dicembre 2020 (00:00 GMT)
Gettoni in vendita: 1.000.000 EXSE
Terminato: 25 dicembre 2020 (12:00 GMT)
Min. numero di transazioni: 50 EXSE / 0.02 ETH
Fatto tramite contratto intelligente: blockchain di Ethereum
Decimale: 18
Tasso di cambio del token: 1 EXSE = 0.0004 ETH
Max. Importo raccolto: 400 ETH
L'uso dei fondi del primo round
50%: Platfrom develompent
15%: conti legali e bancari
15%: ottenere una licenza per lavorare con risorse virtuali (licenza per criptovaluta).
14%: PR e marketing
6%: spese operative


Dicembre 2020 - Lanciato uno scambio di criptovaluta basato sul modello B-book
Gennaio 2021 - Apertura di conti bancari per Exchase OÜ.
Mar, 2021 - Distribuisci la versione Android su Google PlayMarket.
Aprile 2021 - Negoziazione a margine.
Giugno, 2021- Prestiti crittografici.
Agosto 2021 - Portafoglio crittografico
gennaio 2021 - Ottenimento di una licenza per lavorare con risorse virtuali (licenza per criptovaluta).
Gennaio 2021 - Collegamento di fornitori di liquidità, come parte dell'implementazione del modello A-Book.
Aprile 2021: distribuisci la versione iOS in AppStore.
Maggio 2021 - Opzioni binarie.
Giu, 2021 - Social trading
Membri del team e consulenti

Danila Prozorov- CEO
Andrei Versilov- CTO
Aditya Prakash-CMO

Con la presenza della tecnologia nel settore finanziario, che abilita molti servizi finanziari moderni che sono molto utili per le imprese o gli individui nelle loro attività finanziarie - Exchase è una piattaforma Fintech che combinerà criptovaluta, social trading, opzioni binarie, un sistema di pagamento e uno scambio. servizio, in un ecosistema finanziario moderno, efficiente e sicuro per gli utenti. Utilizzando Exchase, gli utenti possono risparmiare i propri fondi perché la loro circolazione di denaro è solo sulla piattaforma Exchase e utilizza molti servizi finanziari attraverso la piattaforma 1 Exchase per molti servizi finanziari.

Per ulteriori informazioni vedere il collegamento sottostante:
Sito web: https://exchase.io
Libro bianco: https://exchase.top/en/Exchase_WhitePaper_EN.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExchaseF
Facebook: https: // www.facebook.com/ExchaseF
Telegram: https://t.me/exchase
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Exchase

Rabu, 23 Desember 2020


You are interested in joining the project, Blockcasino you must read information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission
#BLC #Publicsale #Bonus #casinoonline #blockcasino #BTC

Online casinos will totalize 40% of the promising digital gaming industry that has a projection of tripling turnover in the next 5 years worldwide. Regulatory changes, the arrival of chatbots and integration with social networks will be the keys to this increase. While these are projections, the immense potential we see in online casinos cannot be argued, as players no longer have to spend time going to the casino, commuting, crowding, and even having to inhale smoke in case you are not a smoker. You no longer have to go through hundreds of machines to see if there is a place for you to play and also with the COVID-19 pandemic in full swing, there is no longer the risk of infection, your house has become the “Game Room” .

We have made a survey, processing of the information and we observed that those online casinos with a regulatory framework and with real headquarters that exist, with authorities, and legal regulations that they must comply with, stopped being a “scam” to become a very attractive alternative . For this reason BlockCasino will provide a differentiated Partner system to those who invest through the BLC token, being able to obtain great benefits from this industry, we are looking for Partners to grow together and based on the blockchain structure will issue a Partner agreement which guarantees a 100% reliability in every record.

The first low-cost online casino development platform
We are a revolutionary e-gaming platform, we facilitate the integration of more than 100 providers with more than 4000 games. Now you can have your own online casino business by being an affiliate partner of BlockCasino.

About the Blockcasino Project?
Blockcasino is a software solution that integrates large online casino gaming, live casino and sports betting service providers under a single platform, we offer the possibility of having your own casino with traditional payment systems and cryptocurrencies, with international regulations, all included under a comprehensive solution to offer you an intelligent, secure and transparent platform.

We are innovating this business model, granting high profitability with minimal investment. Taking advantage of the great benefits of the blockchain network, we offer a utility token which allows Token BLC holders to have the benefit of a Blockcasino use license and have their own business.

How does it work?
Our solution acts as an integration intermediate between the operator and the casino provider, in addition to the integration of the games. We provide a robust and fully managed online casino platform solution to suit all needs.

The platform combines modern front-end technology with sophisticated back-office capabilities to adapt to all devices

FRONT-END: We offer players a dynamic and functional design, which is key to success and profitability. It’s not just about usability, but also about retention, personalization, and promotion of the most profitable content.

BACK-END: an advanced and intuitive panel to the operators, with innovative tools, obtain important data, Reports and visibility in real time. Dig deep and reach your desired audience with little effort.

Casino Open
There are more than 100 online casino game providers to offer our customers more than 4000 quality games, with creative and innovative designs.

Sport Bet
Coverage of all sports, reliable real-time betting data, multiple markets, e-sports, and industry-leading accuracy.

Payments and Cryptos
More than 30 payment solutions that include Visa, Mastercard, skrill, neteller, paysafecard, ecopays and payments with cryptocurrencies bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, BLC Token.

Bonus Client
Provides Bonus, Loyalty and Achievement features through the platform, players will enjoy loyalty points, game credits, free spins and bonuses.

Profit Labs
It offers comprehensive management of customer experience, transactions, balance and all reports in real time to build a loyal customer base in your business.

Afiliate Partners
Affiliate Partners is the essential affiliate tool to be able to enjoy the use of the BlockCasino platform and enjoy all the modules and services.

More than 100 providers of online casino games, to offer our clients more than 4000 quality, creative and innovative games.

Gambling license
Curaçao gaming license: a solution for any type of game, adapting to providers and generating trust in players.

12 multilingual languages
The platform will be available in English, Русский, Turkish, Deutsch, Español, Italiano, 中文, Português, Hindi, Français, Georgian, Thai

Extremely Low Cost
With our user license and our work team, you can start your business saving more than 90%, in just a few clicks.

Traditional Payments
Extensive payment system with Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Neteller, Skrill, paypal, bank transfers and mobile solutions for everyone.

Fraud reduction
Transparent betting system, a hassle-free solution for any online casino operator, without worries.

Payment by cryptocurrencies
Convenient and effective cryptocurrency payment solution used in numerous online casinos around the world.

Bonus system
Fully customizable bonus parameters, also Sign-up bonuses, special bonuses, loyalty and experience points.


BLC is an ERC-20 token / created on the Ethereum blockchain
Home Token Sale : SOON (12:00AM GMT)
End of Token Sale : SOON (12:00AM GMT)
Accepted currency : ETH Ethereum
Token number : 109,500,000 BLC (73%)
Token value Private Sale : 1 BLC = 0,04 USDT
Minimum purchase : 0.1 ETH
Distribution Of Tokens
Total Supply : 150.000.000 BLC
Seed Sale & Private Sale : 100.000.000 BLC
Uniswap : 9.500.000 BLC
Team : 22.500.000 BLC
Advisors : 10.500.000 BLC
Marketing & Growth : 7.500.000 BLC
Sale Of Tokens
Ticker : BLC
Token type: ERC20
Seed Sale Price in USDT = 0.03 USDT/BLC
Private Sale in USDT = 0.04 USDT/BLC
Uniswap Listing price in USDT = 0.05 USDT/BLC
Fundraising Goal : 3.500.000 USDT
Total Tokens Total Supply : 150,000,000 -100
Available Token Seed Sale : 50.000.000 BLC
Available Token Private Sale : 50.000.000 BLC
Available for UNISWAP LIST : 9.500.000 BLC

Q1 2020
Blockcasino planning
Blockcasino Business Model Study

Q2 2020
Presentation of the business model to online casino game providers
Presentation of the business model to payment providers

Q3 2020
Creation of BlockCasino
Q4 2020
Initial Seed Sale
Initial Private Sale

Q1 2021
Uniswap listing
Start of tecnical and legal development of BlockCasino in Curazao
Marketing system preparation partners

Q2 2021
Launch Casino & Sportbet Beta 1.0
Lauch Platforom Partners Beta 1.0

Q3 2021
BlockCasino Alpha Launch
Personalized Marketing system partners Automated

Author : harum93


Bună tuturor, ce mai faceți? Dacă sunteți interesat să vă alăturați proiectului, MELECOIN ar trebui să citească informații care vă vor ajuta să găsiți informații care vă pot ajuta să vă vedeți viziunea și misiunea.

#MELE #Melecoin #Mining
MELECOIN ar putea fi un expert inovație blockchain în domeniul bancar, speculațiilor și afacerilor pe internet. am acumulat cele mai mici realizări dificile ale arhetipurilor noastre în sectorul monedei electronice, care intenționează să dezlănțuie problemele comerțului electronic, ale administrațiilor bancare și ale întreprinderilor inteligente și să extindă gradul până la cea mai posibilă reducere în crearea unei societăți încorporate și climat de afaceri descentralizat pentru a forma un eșafod de schimburi electronice și schimburi obișnuite, înregistrarea numerarului ca sursă de înlocuire și construirea de sarcini conectate la blockchain.

Jetonul MELECOIN ar putea fi, de asemenea, utilizat intrinsec o tranșă sau recunoașterea deschisă a MELECOIN este adesea utilizată intrinsec o tranșă, deoarece ambele sunt menținute de un lingou de aur înscris comparabil în timpul unei fabrici de prelucrare LBMA.

Jetonul MELECOIN poate fi pus deoparte în timpul unui „portofel” legat de online sau plasat în timpul unui portofel de înregistrare „rece” separat de online.

Jetoanele MELECOIN pot fi răscumpărate la cerere ori de câte ori contra „Gold Bullion” repartizat, situat în timpul unei fabrici de prelucrare LBMA.

Jetoanele MELECOIN sunt susținute de aurul real care este un gard împotriva „formelor monetare fiduciare” care se deteriorează odată cu extinderea și controalele și orientările legate de bani.

Jetoanele MELECOIN sunt o securitate impermeabilă la vulnerabilitățile prudente și monetare probabile și, de asemenea, de urgență, susținute de aurul real, așa cum se înregistrează cronici, arată că aurul real evidențiază un jurnal demonstrat în istorie ca o fortăreață blândă de valoare.

Backgroud de Melecoin
MELECOIN Investment Limited (Număr înregistrat: 3242) organizația este situată în Riyadh, teritoriul Arabiei Saudite, și s-a alăturat în decembrie 2015 MELECOIN Investments a fost descoperită din motivul precis pentru a permite persoanelor care încearcă să se asigure despre banii lor (fiat cash ) cu aur propriu-zis și se poate deplasa între aurul real și constantă de exploatare în timpul unui sistem biologic protejat, „blockchain”. (MELECOIN Token System a fost destinat din acest motiv) MELECOIN Investment a fost un specialist financiar timpuriu pe piața Bitcoin și a luat în considerare instabilitatea ridicată și natura nesigură a punerii resurselor în monedele digitale.

Domnul MELECOIN a înțeles atunci că un cadru crypto (blockchain) susținut de lingouri de aur pe o scenă protejată ar permite oamenilor să dețină strategia sigură, sigură și competentă pentru a sprijini împotriva instabilului.

Obiectivele Melecoinului
Fundația activităților în mai multe regiuni de descentralizare, aproape ca oferta de lucruri și în acest fel, oferta administrațiilor și, prin urmare, domeniul jocurilor și domeniul industriei turismului și a diferitelor regiuni conectate la tehnologia Blockchain.

Gestionarea metodelor pentru cadrele în rate Numerar și convertirea acestora în bani codați.
oferim aranjamente în schimbarea banilor către administrații, mărfuri și bani.

Limităm sincronizarea cu progresele și aspectul pentru răspunsuri corecte pentru realizarea unui grad de echilibru și fructificare a întreprinderilor în care izvorul de creștere a numerarului pentru clienți ar putea fi un cadru de stabilitate a etapei în aplicațiile noastre, administrațiile electronice și propunerile atrăgătoare ale mărfurilor.

Platforma MELECOIN

Platforma de comerț electronic
Este o platformă construită pe sistemul de tranzacții inteligente care leagă toate mijloacele comerciale de contracte, obligațiuni, active, bunuri și servicii de ținta Blockchain Technology, o mantră logaritmică care va rezolva multe probleme legate de comerțul electronic și tradițional.

Platforma bancară
Este o etapă electronică pentru schimbul de numerar și deschiderea canalelor de diverse neguri, stocarea și mutarea, mutarea și, în consecință, executarea schimburilor bancare utilizând tehnologia cadru blockchain.

Platforma imobiliara
Ceea ce înseamnă să tranzacționați măsuri de lucru la birou - cum ar fi să marcați o tranzacție trecătoare sau să cumpărați un acord sau să aplicați în avans - cu un permis computerizat. acest lucru ar putea permite clienților să trimită un acord licențiat, amestecat și consimțit să intervaleze de către client către băncile selectate în cadrul tehnologiei sistemului Blockchain.

Platformă minieră
Mineritul este una dintre sarcinile benefice supreme. De asemenea, pentru a sprijini extragerea de numerar, standardele monetare benefice primare sunt exploatate de încredere, conform prevederilor pieței.

Platforma Programului de loialitate
Este o etapă care funcționează între dealer și, în acest sens, clientul pentru a micșora numeroasele cheltuieli pentru a anima premiile clientului și înseamnă a recunoaște încrederea între adunări.

Platforma de jocuri
Cu atât mai mult nu vă pierdeți timpul și, în consecință, utilizarea abuzivă a banilor, această etapă cu cadrul Blockchain a fost creată pentru a distribui beneficii jucătorilor, astfel încât să faceți o armonie între designerii de jocuri și jucători.

Tehnologia Melecoin
Pentru a executa primul cadru operațional de încredere și ușor și pentru a separa Token-ul MELECOIN de token-urile rămase disponibile pentru a fi utilizate, MELECOIN a încheiat un Acord confidențial pentru a utiliza o inovație de programare restrictivă cu un număr unic în interiorul unui astfel de cod QR (pentru fiecare verificare) card) care este examinat și înscris în blockchain-urile Bitcoin și Ethereum accesibil Token-ul MELECOIN precis pe care îl susține, conectat la numărul cronic al fiecărei bare de lingouri de aur.

Designul Ethereum este utilizat în interiorul punctului de vedere prezentat pentru a fi sigur cu privire la resursa anume. Fundația MELECOIN IT împuternicește digitalizarea aurului propriu-zis într-un simbol și un acord științific public privind blockchain-ul Ethereum descentralizat. acesta este adesea locul în care acordul inteligent MELECOIN Ethereum vine energic.

Tokenul MELECOIN este un jeton viabil ERC încorporat manual cu etapele comerciale și diferite acorduri. Ulterior, un deținător de jeton MELECOIN își poate schimba fără prea mult jetoanele la o adresă Ethereum licențiată utilizând capacitatea de schimb a acordului și marcând schimbul cu cheia privată de comparare.

Informații despre jeton
Numele jetonului: Jeton MELECOIN - Jeton MELC

Jeton Ethereum Standard: ERC20
Prima etapă: Început: 01-05-2020 Sfârșit: 31-05-2020
Prima etapă Bonus: 01%
A doua etapă: Început: 01-06-2020 Sfârșit: 30-06-2020
Bonus a doua etapă: 01%
Etapa a treia: Început: 01-07-2020 Sfârșit: 31-07-2020
Bonus a treia etapă: 01%

Faceți clic aici pentru a citi Melecoin RoadMap:

Site web: https://melecoin.net/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MELECurrency
Twitter: https://twitter.com/melecoin
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/melecoin
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/melecoin/
Telegram: https://telegram.me/s/melecoin
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Melecoin
Medium: https://medium.com /@melecoin.net
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/melecoin

Selasa, 22 Desember 2020

Flaming Farm

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, your Flaming Farm should read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission.

What is Flaming Farm
In a small village in a long-standing land, there was a farmer named Flaming Farmer, he woke up and saw that the crops were burning, everyone in the village soon realized, and saw life ending because the village depended heavily on crops, given the situation, Flaming Farmer he remembered a legend from ancient times, where grandparents went through something similar and got a kind of special power to fight the flames or at least keep the agriculture alive, but for that we need to exercise the pact of the god of Agriculture, who commits to help, and whoever gives himself heart and soul thus becomes a true farmer by acquiring the FFARM tokens and adding as a liquidation to Uniswap, the power of the farm will be conceived, and thus we begin a long journey, where the farmers are struggling to keep their livelihood alive, in a way that is profitable and very interesting to me.

The private sale will take place soon with a hardcap of 300 ETH, as we need to gather the maximum power to have the necessary strength, a few days after the private sale ends, a public sale will take place with hardcap of 600 ETH with the listing with the liquidity locked logo after.

Since we are a team, we will need all of you for future updates and future changes, so that we will give rewards to anyone who decides to contribute to our future, any interest in the promotion, send a private message, and let the real war begin!

Why Yield Farming is the Best Option for New Traders
Yield Farming is seen by many as a safer investment versus trading. When you trade crypto, you need to do a ton of research into the market. Additionally, the overall volatility of the sector can make even the best investors seem like newbies. To be a successful trader, you will need to invest a ton of time into understanding the technology behind your investments and the market’s overall temperament.

Unfortunately, most new crypto users don’t have the time or will to take on such a monumental task. This lack of time usually results in losses for new investors who are particularly susceptible to FOMO and other market hype. Yield farming offers a better option for these users for multiple reasons.

Yield farming doesn't require hours of research. Anyone can earn a passive income yield farming. Users who have crypto that is sitting idle can now leverage it into additional profits while avoiding volatility concerns for the most part. In this way, yield farming continues to draw more users from across the industry.

Flaming Swap

We are excited to share another update for FlamingSwap with the community. Its testing has been a huge success. FlamingSwap has several unique features and better rewards

About the Flaming Farm Project Tokens?

FFARM is the essential administration badge of the Flaming Farm environment. This ERC-20 token appreciates full interoperability inside the Ethereum biological system. You can store, send, get, and exchange FFARM tokens on any ERC-20 viable wallet or trade. As of now, the Ethereum environment is the most vigorous on the planet. There are more than 200,000 ERC-tokens in the market right now.

Token Details
40%: 4000 tokens allocated to a 600 eth presale (20 eth per person max cap) (Price - 0.15 eth)
25%: 2500 tokens allocated to a 300 eth private sale (30 eth per person max cap) (Price - 0.12 eth)
25%: 2500 Tokens for Uniswap liquidity & 495 eth
5%: 500 Team Tokens
5%: 500 Token fund for the Project Development

Tokens premined: 10000
Name of Token: FFARM
Token price: 0.12 ETH to 0.15ETH
Secured ways to purchase tokens: Ethereum (ETH)
Total Hardcap: 900 ETH
Private Sale Hardcap: 300 ETH
Pre Sale Hardcap: 600 ETH
Listing price: 0.198 eth with 495 eth liquidity locked!

Burning rate in every transfer: Minimum is 2.5% and will be adjusted as supply increase
Funds Allocation
Private sale reward: 25%
Presale reward: 40%
Initial Uniswap liquidity: 25%
Team: 5%
Project development: 5%
Deployment on mainnet
Token and LP locks
Enable Swap
Website launch
Uniswap listing
Enable Farming


Flaming Farm convention seems to have done their examination. The stage's deflationary convention is the thing that the market is absent right now. Financial specialists need to realize that their venture will stay significant later on, particularly if the liquidity pool develops. Flaming Farm clients get this assurance as a next-level deflationary methodology.

To get more accurate information, please visit the link below:
Website: https://flamingfarm.org/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/FlamingFarm
Telegram : https://www.t.me/flamingfarm
Presale : https://forms.gle/aoFyjVQkGUR7aEGRA
Bounty BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5298037.0

Author : harum93