Sabtu, 26 September 2020


Hallo zusammen, wie geht es euch? Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, sich dem Projekt anzuschließen, sollte Ihr DEC777 Informationen lesen, die Ihnen helfen, Informationen zu finden, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Vision und Mission zu erkennen.

DEC777 ist Decentralized Defi Exchange. Wir unterstützen alle ERC-20-Token und den nächsten Generator ERC-777. Ein neues aktualisiertes Protokoll, das optimal, modern und am meisten erwartet ist.
DEC777 ist auch ein dezentraler Austausch von Defi- und Defi-Token-Protokollen, wobei DEC das Haupttoken des Austauschs ist.
Die meisten Börsen haben Roboter oder technische Teams, die Rückkaufaufträge der Investoren verwenden. Die Realität ist, dass sie eher mit Börsen als mit P2P kaufen und verkaufen
DEC777 kann nicht eingreifen, um den Preis eines Defi-Tokens zu erhöhen. Es ist vollständig transparent und niemand kann Defi auf DEC777 manipulieren.

DEC777 ist die dezentrale Börse, die auf einem 0x-Smart-Vertrag aufbaut und als das transparenteste und zuverlässigste Protokoll für den Austausch / Tausch / die Kreditvergabe gilt. Dabei werden Krypto-Assets oder Währungen gespart. Unser Plan ist es, ein völlig transparentes Umfeld für alle Anleger zu schaffen, in dem alle Anleger ihre digitalen Vermögenswerte ohne Risiko und anonym austauschen oder anlegen können
Die Einführung von DEC777 verspricht die Schaffung eines dezentralen Austauschs, der sich von anderen zentralisierten Börsen völlig unterscheidet. Handelsvolumen und -geschwindigkeit werden eine Brücke für Investoren sein und eine starke Anziehungskraft für Händler, P2P, Kredite und Hebelwirkung schaffen ... ein anderer Blick auf der ganzen Welt. Bei DEC777 gibt es eine Umgebung voller neuer Technologien und der fortschrittlichsten.

DEC777 Dispersionstechnik
Wir haben Dispersionstechniken, die nicht jeder hat. Es hat absolut keine Server an einem festen Ort, alle Daten werden im globalen Raum gespeichert. Sie können diese Daten absolut tief im Boden oder im Weltraum verwenden. Es gibt viele andere Börsen auf der Welt, aber ihre Natur ist immer noch an einem Ort versammelt.

Offenes Interesse an DEC777
Futures-Kontrakte werden am DEC777 P2P gehandelt. Die Zinssätze gehören Gewinnern und Kreditgebern, die nicht DEC777 sind. Alle oben genannten Transaktionen sind auf der Grundlage des DEC Smart-Vertrags zwischen zwei Parteien freiwillig. Das DEC-Token wird zusammen mit anderen Kryptowährungspaaren als Hauptsicherheit für das Darlehen ausgewählt.

Transaktionsgebühr DEC777
Alle Maker / Taker-Transaktionen mit DEC777
sind wirklich frei.
Alle Token können jederzeit und kostenlos abgehoben werden
Die Gebühr für die Auflistung neuer Token wird berechnet und über bezahlt
DEC Token oder kostenlos.

Ökosystem DEC777
DEC-Token ist der Haupt-Token, der an DEC777 gehandelt wird.
DEC777 Defi dezentraler Austausch.
DEC Brieftaschen, Der Ort, an dem die Münzen aufbewahrt werden, Token defi.
DEC Dapp, Verbindungsprotokoll zu Plattformen.
DEC offener Terminkontrakt.
DEC Cloud.
DEC Abstecken.
DEC Support und Investmentfonds.

Welche Unterstützung DEC777
DEC777 unterstützt Warp oder Transfer für Organisationen, die eine Grundlage für ERC777 wünschen. Dies ist völlig kostenlos, auch mit der Idee der Organisation. Jede Person, die sich ausschließlich auf den intelligenten Vertrag von DEC777 verlässt, kann ihr eigenes Token erstellen, ein Startup-Ökosystem, das den Benutzern zugute kommt

Sprache und Service
Derzeit unterstützt DEC777 02 Hauptsprachen: Englisch und Chinesisch. In Zukunft werden mehr Sprachen eingerichtet, wenn der Tätigkeitsbereich erweitert wird.
Support-Service für die Kundenbetreuung Unser Service ist den ganzen Tag über voll, alle Anfragen werden sofort bearbeitet. Wir konzentrieren uns darauf, unsere Kunden zu ihrem besten Vorteil zu unterstützen. Selbst ein paar Sekunden Verspätung für Sie, das ist ärgerlich. Das verstehen wir sehr gut. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit mit Defi beträgt nur 0,01%
Transaktionsvolumen. Es wird viele Auftragsbücher mit Spot, Margin, Derivat, P2p geben. Abstecken. Ausleihe… alle Transaktionen werden sofort ausgeführt. Eine Verzögerung von nur 0,1 Sekunden hat dazu geführt, dass einige Händler ihre Konten ausgebrannt haben. Das ist nicht gut. Wir möchten, dass Sie alle Gewinner sind. Bergleute, Händler, große und kleine Investoren verdienen die beste Handelsplattform, die schnellste. Eine Ressource, die stark genug ist, um Transaktionen abzusichern. DEC777 verfügt über viele Ressourcen im Handel. Das ist der Faktor, der zu einer extrem schnellen Liquidität beiträgt. Die Gruppe der internationalen Händler hat Hunderttausende von Mitgliedern. Solange es gute Unterkunft, gute Rechte und Transparenz gibt, werden sie kommen
Informationen zu Tokens
Beginn: 07. September 2020, 10:30 Uhr (UTC)
Harte Kappe: 5000 ETH
Soft Cap: 21.000 ETH
Token: DEC777
Wechselkurs: 1 ETH = 500 DEZ
Projektprotokoll: ERC777
DEC777 Token-Vertragsadresse: 0x4b21fe3dcbfba42a1e52dc2f2ad332e177f7e1b1

Rabu, 23 September 2020


I invite you to review an interesting project that will lead you to success
Personal data related to millions of accounts are lost or sold by the social networks. Activity in social media applications is traced without consent. Decisions are influenced with the help of automated programs, troll farms and other ways of controlling the masses. These are some of the actions that define most of the social media applications of today.

Under these circumstances, the concept of reputation almost loses its meaning. When reputation becomes nothing but a mere rating which can be falsified and raised artificially, when accounts with certain reputation can be sold, trust in the system crashes. No social media system really aims to solve this problem. Even more so, they don’t aim to create a fair remuneration system for the honest users.

We can add to all this the countless accounts with fake identity or puppet accounts. They all lead to huge profits for the companies controlling the application and through it, whole communities. In the end, the quality of information within the application gets washed out considerably and human values cease to exist.

Add to this countless fake news being served to users every day, and we have the whole picture. Basically out of an urge to not miss anything, people are incapable of filtering/mapping out the real news from the huge amount of information given to them. This makes way to media companies who can publish anything they want, no matter if it’s false or not

Under these circumstances, it is necessary to redraw the concept of reputation based on other principles and fair remuneration of it. It is necessary to design intelligent systems, to filter news with the help of communities. Only this way, the trust in social media applications can return to normal and a social network can truly be useful to the humanity.

Our vision is to help humanity fulfill their desires and dreams to evolve into a better world, aiming for freedom and truth, bringing face to face for the first time the humanity as a whole and the human individualism. We will take into consideration humanism, exact science, evolution as a species but also relationships, emotions and feelings. Our goal is to implement a system with a high degree of freedom of speech and even consciousness. The freedom of disagreement and controversy will lead to reconciliation (as a human consensus) which the system will reward fairly.

During the first stage (Cure the World) The concept of trust will build up between the users of the application and also between users and the xHumanity system. We will make this possible through the use of the Reputation and Find the Fake modules but also through acts of charity.

In the second stage (Fair Economy) The ecosystem will be finalized which will offer the financial utility of the application. The Free Market and Advertise modules but also the exchange integration into the system’s economy will offer users the possibility to earn fairly. This is the stage for xHumanity token integration into the real economy

The last stage (Free Humanity) This includes the integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence). If in the previous stages we have taken care of designing and programming of AA (Autonomous Agents) , this is the stage to create DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) .

Thanks to the technological progress in the near future, humanity could find itself in the situation where people will lose their economic utility thus the economic system won’t value them anymore (on the free market). Even though robots and computers can today replace humans in many sectors, in the near future Artificial Intelligence cannot gain human attributes such as sensation and emotion.

This situation along with the loss of economic utility of humans raises an essential question: What is more important: Intelligence or Consciousness? The answer is quite simple. If intelligence will be integrated in algorithms, consciousness has to belong to humans. Through the sets of algorithms, rules and human values, xHumanity comes to aid people to determine them to keep their most important aspect: self-consciousness. Modern people suffer from the fear of missing out. Even though we have more options than ever,

Private Sale stage (will be distributed in 30 days after exchange listing) - 20%

- First IEO stage - 20%
- Second IEO stage (12 months after the first one) - 30%

- Core Team & Early Advisors (will be distributed on a three-month basis over a two-year period) - 15%

- Community grants, partnerships & bounties - 10%
- Marketing - 5%

ANN Thread:

Author : harum93

Selasa, 22 September 2020

Propertyinfofile aims to significantly change, improve and streamline the whole property management process for the better, permanently

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining a project, you should read information that will help you find information that can help you see your vision and mission.

Impalpable property depicts resources that speak to current or possible worth, however that don't convey characteristic worth themselves, for example, stock and bond authentications. While these things are simply bits of paper, they may speak to huge measures of cash, when stocks are recovered, and bonds arrive at their development. Different kinds of immaterial property, for example, a brand's notoriety, are more indistinct, and can't be implied by a paper record. The Housing Market alludes to the gracefully and interest for houses, ordinarily in a specific nation or district. A key component of the lodging market is the normal house costs and pattern in house costs.

However, properties can all the while be liabilities in certain circumstances. Land is property comprising of land and the structures on it, alongside its characteristic assets, for example, yields, minerals or water; enduring property of this nature; an intrigue vested in this a thing of genuine property, structures or lodging as a rule.

PIF will altering the manner in which individuals source, search, lease and deal with their property portfolio. The PIF stage, utilizing half and half blockchain, means to altogether change, improve and smooth out the entire property the executives procedure to improve things, for all time. By joining blockchain into the PIF stage and procedures, it will make a property the board biological system that is more dexterous, smoothed out and 100% exact in this manner making the lives, homes and workplace of occupants, proprietors and property directors more straightforward, less complex and simpler, empowering all end-client to settle on better decisions with their time and cash. 

Through the presentation and work of our crossover blockchain PIF (property information document), will change the manner in which landowners and the property chief will deal with their work process better and improve their frameworks with better arrangements. PIF is changing how we store information, get to it and use it to improve the endless pattern of property the board and mechanical development.

Blockchain's innate arrangement of trust makes it the perfect innovation for land where straightforwardness is the greatest factor as individuals put away large cash for a property. This is the motivation behind why most ofthe land venture using blockchain for their foundation is more centered around the money related exchange concerning more often than not blockchain as the innovation itself is related with cryptographic forms of money. This is the motivation behind why most ofthe land venture using blockchain for their foundation is more centered around the budgetary exchange concerning more often than not blockchain as the innovation itself is related with digital forms of money.

Finding that ideal inhabitant to lease your property and guaranteeing that the property is left sheltered and in great request is consistently a hazard; will you locate a decent occupant? Will they pay their lease? will the take care of the property and report fixes on an ideal opportunity to forestall any harm, the domino impact of a helpless operator and a helpless inhabitant can be emotional and monetarily harming and afterward there is the absolute loss of control with the abuse and selling on of your information. The PIF stage will help :

Finding a Good occupant
Finding a quality occupant who will treat you and your property with deference, reasonably, genuinely and with pride like it were their own home so you don't wind up losing a great many your own cash on costly post tenure medicinal works or lost rental pay is something that as proprietors and property director we stress over consistently, so all things being equal we take a risk and trust in the best while anticipating the most exceedingly awful. The example of calamity is rehashed again and again, string with inhabitant acknowledge checks and consummation for extensive removals and lacking occupant store subsidizing that scarcely takes care of the expense of the harm to your property.

Credit Checks
You figure you may have discovered the ideal inhabitant with the ideal Credit Check return for an occupant, flawless vehicle installments, immaculate portable installments, impeccable Visas installments. In this way, by all accounts, flawless occupant and they pay their first month's lease and lower store and move in a difficult situation begins.

Rent and Payment
That first month's lease is the main lease installment they make and it can take as long as a year or more to remove them, at the same time they are living without rent in your property and as an additional awful reward, they crush the property on top. Had you had the option to check their lease installment and store and provable property conduct history then you could have settled on an educated choice about the inhabitant before the property was rented to them. 

PIF offers a full free reasonable intervention and question administration as standard and on head of that works are routinely assessed with spot checks to cause them to remain alert to guarantee that our contractual worker is keeping their norm and workmanship high and their costs low.

PIF Coin will be the best option installment choice for the stage and will guarantee that PIF coin clients will have the option to exploit select administrations, items and particular costs. PIF coin will process quicker than other cryptographic forms of money or potentially customary monetary standards yet the stage will have the option to acknowledge installment in digital currency and conventional cash.

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Author : harum93

Minggu, 20 September 2020


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, your YFMoonshot should read information that will help you find information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission.
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is the fusion of conventional banking administration with decentralized advances like blockchain. DeFi may also be called Open Finance due to its overarching organization. It's important to note that the DeFi people group is trying to make options, as opposed to every cash aid available right now. These administrations include things like reserve funds and financial statements, advances, resource exchanges, protection, and more.

YFMoonshot is a new creative phase that is expected to bring support, value and development to holders of YFMS, our foundation's administration token. Our main goal is to provide clients with the ability to create differentiated venture capital portfolios and the ability to capitalize on the best open doors in the space. Our vision is to one day become the glue for * DeFi, as our biological system of use will evolve and design over time.

YF Moonshot (YFMS) is a DeFi agreement that allows customers to place their digital money resources in different pools and receive in return YFMS, our fund's administration token. Clients who hold and place bets on $ YFMS will receive additional time in $ YFMS. Clients can also place stablecoins, including USDT, DAI, TUSD tokens, in various pools available to grow $ YFMS. Additional pools will be included in the future as the stage is developed and created.

YFMoonshot will also execute a consumption specialist in which half of the daily income generated by the client's marked resources will be used to buy ETH and exchange for available YFMS tokens. At this point, these YFMS tokens will be burned to provide further support for the value. This consumption will occur every day at 00:00 UTC.

Moreover, to ensure that YFMS prizes are economically marked and value maintained over a significant period of time, 0.4% of the marking awards will be distributed flexibly at 00:00 UTC every day.

Assuming that on the main day of marking the items, 20,500 x 0.4% = 82 YFMS will be sent out of the vault, but the next day (20,500-82) x 0.4% = ~ 81.67 YFMS will be sent out, etc. YFMS tokens are not listed, 2.5% of tokens will be signed to add value to the token.

Through blockchain technology, as well as through distributed governance, where the entire user community can manage the platform and make their investments in the best possible way through structures and processes that allow everyone to receive a stablecoin in dollars, for example, since DAI, among others, YF Moonshot hosts its investment and credit protocols are decentralized so that everyone can take advantage of the opportunities in the world of cryptography, effectively helping to comprehensively use fiat coins issued by central banks for YF Moonshot, provides opportunities for everyone and is an effective alternative for everyone, therefore YF Moonshot solutions will be developed on the Ethereum platform which has ERC-20 Tokens and structures supported by smart contracts,so that everyone can use and take advantage of the new wave of Defi, which is one of the potential projects of the defi YF Moonshot protocol, which must be alive to satisfy and offer its full potential to everyone, which has ERC-20 tokens and structures supported by smart contracts to everyone could use and take advantage of the new wave of Defi, which is one of the potential projects of the defi YF Moonshot protocol, to be alive, to satisfy and offer its full potential to everyone who has ERC-20 tokens and structures supported by smart contracts for everyone to use and take advantage of the new wave of Defi, which is one of the potential projects of the defi YF Moonshot protocol, to be alive, to satisfy and offer its full potential to everyoneto satisfy and offer their full potential to everyone

Pre-sale and sale

The pre-sale will take place in the premises that originally arrived, first served. The pre-sale will last 7 days, or until the hard top is reached.

Total tokens allocated for pre-sale: 10,000 YFMS. The token deal will last 7 days or until the hardtop is reached. All unsold tokens will be signed. 250 ETH and 1,500 YFMS will be tied to an infinite presale supply if the hard top is reached, or 20% of the full boost if the hard top is not reached. In the event that the fragile top of 150ETH is not reached, customers will have the option to redeem ETH by sending the tokens back to the token deal contract.

All unsold tokens will be burned. Uniswap exchange will start after the close of the pre-sale. Uniswap liquidity will be included by YF Moonshot from the ETH pool. Liquidity will be limited for 1 year and liquidity will gradually increase to help support the value of the $ YFMS.

Author : harum93

Rabu, 16 September 2020


You are interested in joining the project, your Tradetoken must read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission

Token utilities and Decentralized Finance are the latest trends in the crypto industry today, and this is the essence of the Tradetoken Network. We intend to use our abundance of DeFi products to empower businesses, governments and ordinary people on the streets. With our Ecosystem, we aim to encourage fast, secure and reliable transactions eliminating intermediaries thus reducing costs of doing business. Tradetoken will be used as the official currency for our ecosystem. This will be used for payments as well as transaction fees for all Defi products in our ecosystem.

The Tradetoken Network from KLEGLITE RESOURCES is a blockchain project that provides solutions, transparency, and empowerment for its ecosystem users. Since the future of blockchain is Defi, we are positioned to become the world's number 1 one-stop hub for decentralized financial applications that add value for businesses, governments and individuals. KLEGLITE RESOURCES is registered twice under the Corporate Affairs Commission. You can verify us HERE.
TradeToken solution

Blockchain technology is constantly evolving and the potential it carries is frankly limitless. Our main goal is to become a production plant for Defi products for daily use for businesses, governments and individuals with our shared safe ecosystem Tradetoken is used as the main currency for all transactions.

TradeToken Whitelabel Exchange
This is our flagship blockchain product. It’s a powerful whitelabel exchange where you can trade/swap/exchange well over 150 standard cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Eth, Xrp, Doge, Zec, Dash etc. It’s very fast, safe and decentralized. No kyc is needed to do anytransaction here.

Tradetoken Market
Tradetoken Market is a high octane blockchain platform that brings together investors, buyers and sellers, enabling seamless and secure transactions. In the Tradetoken Market, users can enjoy a large number of blockchain products and services that are useful to help them carry out daily transactions. Tradetoken as an official token of the Tradetoken Market will be used as the official currency to empower all products and services in the Ecosystem.
Reliable service
Low cost
Good security
Amazing Defi Application
Fast Speed Transactions
First class support
Blockwire application

This is the first of its kind on the crypto market. It has all the regular features of most wallets like: storage, quick-swap, staking, and P2P, but there is one other major feature that makes it stand out from the rest. We call it TCS which stands for TRANSACTION CONFIRMATION SYSTEM. A transaction confirmation system is a system that helps confirm or approve crypto transactions. This is how TCS works; For example if Mr X sends crypto from his wallet to Mr Y's wallet, the system will send a prompt to Mr Y first reminding him to accept the crypto sent then also another prompt going to Mr X to approve or cancel the transaction. So with this system if you send crypto by mistake, you can easily cancel such a transaction, no need to be afraid of losing crypto by mistake anymore. This is an innovation that does not exist in the crypto world. Blockwire- wallet solves this problem for good.

Token Information
Tradetoken is an Ethereum based token. You can search her out on etherscan with “tradetoken” all small letters or with contract address: 0x996Df3D7e3054A39432e76295Df2D7C8EAB8B4bC
Token name: Trade Token
Symbol Token: to
Total supply: 100,000,000
Token Distribution

Bounty: 3%
Devlompment: 40%
Combustion: 10%
Marketing: 20%
Airdrop: 2%
Team: 25%

Author : harum93