Minggu, 31 Oktober 2021

Solidus - технологическая компания из Великобритании, специализирующаяся на технологии блокчейн и искусственном интеллекте (AI).

#cryptocurrency #solidusaitech #cryptoinvestment #blockchain #investment #cryptocurrencyinvestment #cryptonews #AI

Высокопроизводительные вычисления (HPC) - это суперкомпьютер, содержащий тысячи вычислительных узлов, которые работают вместе, чтобы помочь пользователям выполнять различные задачи быстрее и эффективнее. HPC подобен машине, состоящей из тысяч компьютеров, подключенных к сети, которые координируют свою мощность, чтобы иметь возможность быстрее выполнять задачи.

В наше время, как и сегодня, потребность в высокопроизводительных вычислениях возрастает, это вызвано различными факторами. Для выхода на рынок высокопроизводительных вычислений Solidus была запущена как платформа, на которой будут построены платформы для экологически чистых вычислений с высокой мощностью (HPC) и инфраструктуры как услуги (IaaS) для центров обработки данных, где отдельные лица или предприятия могут получать вычислительные услуги. электричество проще и доступнее.

Solidus не только строит центры обработки данных HPC и Infrastructure-As-A-Service, но также создает вычислительные сети, которые позволяют более эффективно распределять вычислительную мощность между отдельными лицами или организациями. Solidus делает упор на создание платформы, поддерживаемой с помощью технологии искусственного интеллекта, что сделает процесс более эффективным. Технология искусственного интеллекта также может позволить создать более современную экосистему, которая может выполнять различные задачи лучше, чем без использования технологии искусственного интеллекта.

Центр обработки данных HPC

Сегодня большинство организаций и компаний нуждаются в вычислительной мощности для решения своих сложных задач, когда эта высокая мощность компьютера может выполнять свои задачи быстрее. Сегодня существуют различные поставщики услуг, которые предоставляют вычислительные мощности для индивидуальных и бизнес-пользователей, которые пользователи могут легко получить в Интернете. Позже пользователи могут использовать эту вычислительную мощность для различных нужд через интерфейс, предоставленный провайдером. Видя растущий спрос на вычислительные мощности, Solidus превращается в платформу, которая построит один из крупнейших экологичных центров обработки данных HPC в Европе. Solidus предоставляет высокопроизводительный вычислительный центр обработки данных (HPC) и платформу «инфраструктура как услуга» (IaaS), где любой может легко получить доступ и совершить покупку, используя токен AITECH, который является собственным токеном Solidus.

Solidus планирует равномерно распределять прибыль среди всех инвесторов, размещающих свои токены на срок до 2 лет и более. Однако полученная прибыль будет зависеть от собственности каждого инвестора. Держатели токенов AITECH будут максимизировать ценность своих токенов, рискуя фактором эффективности (EF). EF пользователя будет прямо пропорционален количеству поставленных токенов AITECH, умноженному на количество месяцев (м). Ставки будут осуществляться через смарт-контракты. При ставке токены AITECH нельзя обменивать, продавать или использовать каким-либо образом.



Solidus Solidus - это платформа, предназначенная для создания экологически безопасных и эффективных центров обработки данных HPC. Благодаря функциям, предлагаемым Solidus, он позволяет пользователям получать более эффективные и быстрые вычислительные мощности с помощью токенов AITECH. Solidus - правильное решение, особенно для компаний, работающих над сложными проектами искусственного интеллекта, требующими высокой вычислительной мощности. Но это еще не все, у Solidus есть еще несколько возможностей:

Корпоративное блокчейн-решение: решение, предлагаемое Solidus, позволяющее организациям государственного сектора получить правильное блокчейн-решение для своей организации. Solidus создает операционную систему блокчейн, которая предоставляет различные функции блокчейна, которые необходимы организациям, такие как смарт-контракты, решения для управления активами и т. Д.

Безопасность: безопасность является главным приоритетом технологической платформы, поэтому Solidus стремится предоставлять пользователям услуги высокой безопасности, которые защищают все пользовательские данные и не допускают взлома или других проблем.

AI Tech: будущее за энтузиастами электролиза, поэтому в ответ на это Solidus разработала проект, позволяющий создать платформу, которая предоставляет различные функции, такие как центр обработки данных AI GPU и другие.


Платформа Solidus позволяет пользователям получать вычислительные мощности более доступными и легкими, используя токены AITECH. Токен AITECH - это токен, который соединит Solidus с пользователями и имеет различные функции, такие как оплата или инвестирование. С токеном AITECH пользователи могут быстрее и проще получать вычислительную мощность, пользователи не выбирают продукт, который соответствует их потребностям, и могут платить за него напрямую с помощью своего токена AITECH. Это самый простой и безопасный способ получить вычислительную мощность с помощью криптовалюты.

Имя токена: AITECH
Тикер-токен: AITECH
Юрисдикция: xxx
Принимаемая валюта: USDT, ETH
Право на участие: при условии KYC и AML
Этапы продажи токенов: три
Продано токенов: 4 миллиарда
Общий объем: 10 миллиардов
Десятичный: 18
Тип токена: Ethereum, ERC-20
Дата начала публичной продажи: 01-12-2021
Дата окончания публичной продажи: 31-01-2022
Цена публичной продажи: 1 AITECH = 0,012738

Распределение токенов
Личные продажи: 8%
Предпродажа: 12%
Публичные продажи: 20%
Маркетинг: 12%
Ликвидность и ставки: 15%
Вовлечение сообщества экосистемы и привлечение пользователей: 8%
Резерв: 4%
Команда: 18%
Советник: 2%

Распределение бюджета
24000 графических процессоров
Шкафы 1000 HPC
Дом трансформаторов и трансформаторов
Платформа IaaS
Эксплуатационные расходы
Прочие расходы на инфраструктуру
Стоимость развития центра обработки данных


Вычисления высокой мощности - это услуга, которая необходима сегодняшним организациям и предприятиям для более эффективного и быстрого выполнения различных задач. С помощью высокопроизводительных вычислений организации и предприятия могут достигать своих целей быстрее и лучше. И Solidus здесь в качестве платформы, нацеленной на создание экологически безопасного центра обработки данных с высокой мощностью вычислений (HPC) и платформы инфраструктуры как услуги (IAAS), где отдельные лица могут получить более доступные и более доступные вычислительные мощности. легкий. . Solidus построит эффективный и экологически чистый центр обработки данных HPC и IaaS, где пользователи смогут получать услуги, используя свои токены AITECH. Solidus - правильное решение для организаций или предприятий, которым требуется высокая вычислительная мощность для различных задач. С Солидусом,

Для получения более подробной информации;
Веб-сайт: http://solidus.myconecion.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AITECHio
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Solidus-Ai-Tech-100121909056613
Linkedin: https: // www. linkedin.com/groups/12558138/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aitechtoken/
ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ Telegram: https://t.me/solidusaitech
Группа чата Telegram: https://t.me/solidusaichat

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2021


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project < Pitch Finance > you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

About Pitch Finance
PITCH FINANCE is an organic arrangement of things planned for presale dispatching. Collect, plan, partner, accumulate and trade a wide scope of assets, tokens and NFTs across various blockchains.

A non-fungible token is a remarkable and non-tradable unit of data set aside on an automated record. NFTs can be used to address viably reproducible things, for instance, photos, accounts, sound, and various types of cutting edge reports as striking things, and use blockchain development to develop a checked and public proof of ownership. NFTs are tokens that we can use to address liability regarding things. They let us tokenise things like craftsmanship, collectibles, even land. They can simply have every authority owner thus and they’re gotten by the Ethereum blockchain — it’s not possible for anyone to modify the record of ownership or copy/stick one more NFT into the real world.

Pitch Finance Ecosystem

Pitch Finance platfom is open to any kind of people to paticipate in decentralized economy. Mint your own token, make presale, trade OTC. Pitch Finance things are available across different blockchains for more play, more prominent possibility, more potential. First multi-chain NFT business focus. to make, buy, sell, trade, and exchange any NFT on any blockchain, all from a single spot.

PitchFinance Mission

Pitch not really settled to update, improve and increment the worth of the middle undertakings of Defi Apps and Projects.


Components you can get in case you get along with PitchFinance

NFT Market Place
Multiple Blockchain
Why you should choose PitchFinance ?

First multi-chain NFT business focus. to make, buy, sell, trade, and exchange any NFT on any blockchain, all from a singular spot.

Pitch Finance things are available across different blockchains for more play, more noteworthy possibility, more potential.

The stage is secured, basic, and strong since it has been analyzed
Token Detail

PFT is Pitch Finance Utility token. Live Pitch Finance the current expense is IDR 0.014124 IDR with a 24-hour trading volume of not available. We update our PFT expenses for IDR ceaselessly. Pitch Finance is down .32 at this point. CoinMarketCap’s current rating is #6762, with a market cap of not open. Flowing inventory isn’t available and max. supply 100,000,000,000,000 PFT coins.

Name: PITCH Finance
Picture: PFT
Token Blockchain: BEP-20
Supply: 100 000
Contract Address : 0x8806a68bc665baaefae1f716da42a2443c15bb2f

Author : harum93
BSC Wallet : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7

Rabu, 27 Oktober 2021

IX Swap is the main step to provide AMM limits and liquidity capacity with respect to the STO/TSO industry

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, < IX Swap > you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

#polygon #crypto #wixs #ixswap

IX Swap is the liquidity solution for all STO/TSO exchanges globally, bridging the gap between CeFi and DeFi.IX Swap is the last piece of infrastructure needed to breathe life to the STO/TSO industry.

The platform will be the first DeFi platform to facilitate the trading of security tokens through licensed custodians and security brokers which will provide actual ownership and claim over these real world assets.

IX Swap Mission

IX Swap Mission will bring in a new wave of liquidity to STO trading and solve a key industry problem using a decentralized protocol

IX Swap’s use blockchain technology to build liquidity solutions and infrastructure for the security token ecosystem, providing trading and global access to this untapped asset class.

Features you can get if you join IX Swap :

First Security Token/TSO liquidity pools: STO/TSO token holders will be able to legally mine liquidity for the first time ever

Platform: First DeFi market making solution purpose built for STO and Tokenized Stocks

Borrowing & Lending: Take advantage of your idle assets to earn passive income

Licensed partner: IX Swap has forged partnerships with licensed intermediaries to deal with the nuances of securities

Unlock the value of your idle STO: Earn through liquidity mining and staking of your STO/TSO

Why you should chosee IX Swap :

First Security Token/TSO liquidity pools

STO/TSO token holders will be able to legally mine liquidity for the first time ever


First DeFi market making solution purpose built for STO and Tokenized Stocks

Borrowing & Lending

Take advantage of your idle assets to earn passive income

Licensed Partners

IX Swap has forged partnerships with licensed intermediaries to deal with the nuances of securities

Low Fees

Significantly reduced fees compared to the 1–2% banks charge for private asset investments

Unlock the Value of your Idle STOs

Earn through liquidity mining and staking of your STO/TSO

#polygon #crypto #wixs #ixswap


By doing this, IX Swap is efficiently bridging the gap between centralized finance and DeFi. It also brings the many benefits of STOs to projects of all types, such as launching IPOs and compliance. STOs also help to raise funds, break free from overreliance on illiquid assets such as venture capital and private equity, and enter new markets.

Author : harum93
POLYGON Wallet : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7

Universal Social Finance | QINDO

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, Qindo you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

#Qindo #web4 #hyperfluidYield #decentralisedSocialism #utilityDriven #disinflation #mediaSocialism

SmartContract in a blockchain cash are another method of decentralizing master in a socialist structure; through understanding, we could aggregately join financial methodology into our cash. An essentially more moderate way of managing annal the Decentralized Socialism would be the Qindo Social Finance proposed by Qindo Network. These are ways we can iteratively foster the versions of socialism that bombarded before to displace the kind of private endeavor that is tumbling now.

Qindo instrument relies upon a participatory propelling structure for the relational association, a permissionless and boundless tokenized like system that rewards customers and the neighborhood disinflationary Proof of Social utility estimation

The Qindo stage offers the organizations of NFTs and FTs to every customer so concerning customers to benefit from the stage by appearing or setting their critical assets in the stage and moreover the Qindo fills in as a promoter of the computerized types of cash and this is seen on the viewpoint where customers can obtain and trade cryptographic types of cash for future yields.

Regardless, with your NFTs and FTs every customer can build simple income and tradable future yields and this is of the clarification that the Qindo is an incredibly stand-out task which will be a beneficiary to every customer that runs over it and moreover to the crypto world simply considering the way that it progresses the computerized types of cash also.

Our fundamental objective is to build a comprehensive social free endeavor without charge as a sensible elective plan to get cash. In actuality as far as we might be concerned where everything and each being on the web is a significant asset, our change of DeFi and DAO will go past Anon Social Finance and social use-occurrences, taking everything into account, and improvements.

Advantages Joined Qindo
The Qindo stage is one phenomenal endeavor that has an uncommon arrangements and that makes it to be not exactly equivalent to other stage and which is on the point where it maintains the NFTs and FTs to every customer income driven making in the stage which is a broad cash stage and the really decentralized socialism thought.

Proof of-Social-Utility

Connect with a web 3 provider and a web 2 authenticator.
Link a NFT to your own social thing situated by our web searcher (we will start with Instagram API) to transform into a Qindoer and ricochet into web 4 with your super NFT image.

Use/devour $QINDO to give enjoys anyway many time as allowed by the computation.
Earn $QINDO from $QINDO used by others.

Claim $QINDO gained for having used them for levels and as shown by their scores.
Unlink and trade your NFT with its future individual yield through the Qindo interface.

The computation building scores relies upon the differenciation between $QINDO used by the owner of the NFT associated with a thing (A) and tokens used by others for this thing (B) and on a reflexive solidary reward system with relative difficulty being utilized

Positive reflection (burn&rebase) part
$QINDO grants for holders are made by devouring token used/burned-through and resize circumnavigating supply associated with $QINDO property. This rebase framework isn’t cost driven anyway supply-driven.

Negative reflection (mint&rebase) instrument
The representative stock associated with $QINDO assets is resized by levels likers $QINDO rewards attested for printing. This rebase instrument isn’t cost driven anyway supply-driven

Credit and secure as at no other time
Use NFTs to manufacture non-custodial protection and p2p get any fungible tokens at all own conditions or trade cases or certifications.

Use NFT Fund Balancer essential as noncustodial protection you need to get
Add ACTIF to choose your Loan To Value (LTV) and pick your financing cost to attract banks
A bank recognize the proposition through Qindo interface by stowed away a NFT with a case
You get without term and liquidation danger

Borrow solicitations and commitments are continued in Qindo’s interface and tradable
Borrowers and banks will really need to gather pools.

Social power yields
If any asset can endeavor to attract it If it’s filled in as an approval less propelling impact, If you can handle its apportionment and utility, If it’s done in a decentralized way, Then you made a persistent money with intrinsec regard and endless restored demand.


Q4/21: $QINDO fair launch
Q1/22: Semi-Fungible Balancer
Q2/22: Liquid Sovereign Collateral
Q3/22: Community Promoting Power


Qindo mechanism is based on a participatory promoting system for the social network, a permissionless and unlimited tokenized like system that rewards users and the community following disinflationary Proof of Social utility algorithm.

Read More

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2021

Crypto Dogs Club — Marketplace NFT, Platform unique and transparent!

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project CryptoDogs Club you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

The non-fungible token is a protocol that allows digital content to be secured in blockchain technology and allows digital content to be traded on a marketplace that supports the NFT protocol. The NFT protocol allows content creators to expand their market and sell their digital content more easily and quickly. And not only that, the NFT protocol can also be adopted by game and entertainment platforms to be able to secure all items on their platform and allow users to be able to store digital items in their digital wallets.

The NFT Protocol has been increasingly adopted by many platforms and individuals globally this is all because of the features offered by the NFT Protocol. Due to the increasing adoption of the NFT protocol, the Crypto Dogs Club was launched to become an NFT marketplace that offers 10,000 Unique CryptoDogs to users globally. Crypto Dogs Club is a BSC-based NFT marketplace that allows users to trade faster, more efficiently, securely and at lower costs.

NFT Marketplace

Currently, there are many NFT marketplaces circulating in the crypto market. Most of these platforms offer users the various features they need to trade their NFT tokens. Through this NFT marketplace, users, especially content creators, can expand their market and sell their launched NFT tokens more quickly and easily. Here also users who are traders or collectors of NFT tokens can get NFT tokens according to their preferences. Because of this, Crypto Dogs Club was launched to be able to enliven the NFT market by becoming an NFT marketplace that offers 10,000 Unique CryptoDogs to users around the world. The unique CryptoDogs offered by the Crypto Dogs Club is a collection consisting of one thousand mostly programmatically generated dogs where each dog is unique and different from one another. Users can get these CryptoDogs starting from 0.3 BNB.

Crypto Dogs Club was launched on BSC because it is a popular chain used by many platforms today. With the BSC platform, it is possible for Crypto Dogs Club to offer users an NFT marketplace with lower fees, faster and more secure transactions.

Crypto Dogs Club Features

Crypto Dogs Club is an NFT marketplace launched on BSC for users globally. The features offered by Crypto Dogs Club enable users to be able to get 10,000 Unique CryptoDogs from various levels starting from 0.3 BNB. Later these unique CryptoDogs can be collected by users or traded on a marketplace that supports the NFT protocol at a higher price. But that's not all, there are several other features of Crypto Dogs Clu:

ERC-721 Tokens: CryptoDogs tokens are stored as an ERC-721 protocol on the BSC blockchain and hosted on IPFS which users can view in their wallets or marketplaces that support the NFT protocol.

Rarity Levels: there are about 50 LEGENDARY dogs that are unique, 250 dogs are considered to be EPIC, 750 dogs are RARE and the rest are UNCOMMON and COMMON. The better the rarity level of the dogs owned by the user, the higher the value.

Marketplace: a marketplace provided to users to facilitate various user needs such as offering Dogs for sale, placing a bid for a Dog, Buying a Dog and accepting a bid for a Dog.

To conclude

Currently, the NFT protocol is trending among crypto users, collectors, and digital content creators globally. In the future, this sector will even grow along with the increasing adoption of the NFT protocol. And Crypto Dogs Club is here as an NFT marketplace that offers users 10,000 Unique CryptoDogs of various levels that they can have easily and securely. CryptoDogs offered by the Crypto Dogs Club is programmatically generated dogs that are unique to one another. These are ERC-721 tokens on the BSC blockchain and hosted on IPFS which users can store in their digital wallets or marketplaces that support the NFT protocol. Later users can get CryptoDogs for their collection or users can also sell them at a higher price on the NFT marketplace.

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2021


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project ISSUAA you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

#crypto #issuaa #cryptocurrency #token #blockchain #money #CryptoNews #cryptocurrencies #ethereum #DeFi #yieldfarming #polygon #matic #beastmode #tokenomics #assetmanagement #ETH

ISSUAA is a next-generation DeFi protocol for trading derivatives of real-world and crypto-assets on the blockchain, is now live on Polygon. It enables creation, minting and trading of synthetic assets reflecting the price of underlying real world assets such as stocks and commodities or indices. provides unique and highly attractive tokenomics for investors and liquidity providers.


Besides activating in a low-fee environment, ISSUAA said their key focus is on capital efficiency maximization. Accordingly, they have revealed a next-generation version of a synthetic assets protocol that is superior to Synthetix and Mirror.

Their competitive edge, the team explains, lies in the elimination of the need to overcollaterize when providing liquidity in the ISSUAA AMMs liquidity pools. Moreover, the system also mitigates against impermanent loss when providing liquidity for long and short pools of the same underlying asset at the same time.

As a result of this approach, the protocol can offer low-risk yield farming. At the same time, liquidity providers stand to receive a share of the 0.25 percent trading fees charged on every trade in the ISSUAA marketplace.

In addition to a trading fee capture mechanism distributed to liquidity providers, ISSUAA is also distributing its ISSUAA Protocol Token (IPT) governance tokens to active liquidity providers every week.


The team declared that Polygon was chosen as the launching pad of choice for ISSUAA in order to release a low-cost, high reward yield farming and synthetics trading protocol. At the same time, the protocol aims to build a vibrant, global community as ISSUAA is set out to carve a decent market share in the fast-growing and competitive DeFi scene.

ISSUAA prioritizes decentralization, adhering to the guiding principles of the blockchain as they roll out a synthetic, “ISSUAA Assets”, trading platform. However, the team is setting out ISSUAA as a community-driven and -governed on-chain DAO, offering derivatives of real-world and crypto-assets like stocks, precious metals, indices, commodities, and more.

As a decentralized platform, ISSUAA provides access to the DeFi marketplace through a single non-custodial wallet like MetaMask.


DeFi is an umbrella term describing all financial activities which have been decentralized, operating on public ledgers. While Ethereum remains the home of DeFi, the launch of an alternative, scalable platform with EVM-interoperability has seen dApps shift base in search of low fees and high-speed transactions.

The low scalability in Ethereum has seen Gas –transaction fees– spike to unsustainable levels fast-tracking the migration to competing platforms.

Polygon is an interoperable and highly scalable EVM-compatible sidechain purposefully set to scale Ethereum. This way, it creates a symbiotic relationship with the pioneer protocols, benefiting its ecosystem as a result.

As of early October 2021, Polygon is one of the most active smart contracting networks. Its coin, MATIC, occupies a slot in the top-20.


Next Gen.AMM Model

First decentralized finance derivatives liquidity protocol without need for over-collateralization empowers attractive returns at moderate risk for investors providing liquidity.

Capital Efficiency

Every single USD stable coin to be paid in by investors/LPs for minting of assets and liquidity providing in asset pools is “working” and generating returns for investors/LPs.

Superior Tokenomics

Reward of active investors/LPs not only with transaction fees but especially with newly minted and weekly granted ISSUAA protocol tokens (IPT).

Global Access

Barrier free access for everybody to investing, minting, providing liquidity and trading of synthetic ISSUAA assets on chain.

#crypto #issuaa #cryptocurrency #token #blockchain #money #CryptoNews #cryptocurrencies #ethereum #DeFi #yieldfarming #polygon #matic #beastmode #tokenomics #assetmanagement #ETH

Author : harum93
USDT tokens will be delivered to your Ethereum address on Polygon. Indicate your Ethereum address on Polygon : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2021


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, bUKH you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

#bUKH #himegamiprotocol #cryptobukh #KGR #bUKHbounty #cryptocurrency #DeFi #bounty #token #aladdincenter #shinobiwallet

As the cryptocurrency market continues to mature, crypto projects also continue to develop further driving the evolution of the market. So far, we have looked at cryptocurrency projects with a fixed supply of native tokens. The main goal here is to create scarcity and push crypto prices higher.

In the blockchain industry, there are so many cryptocurrency platforms that have their own features and have their own origins from the sole purpose of making transactions and much more, solving the current dispensation problem in traditional banking systems.


However, the bUKH platform is not only here to solve the traditional banking system but is also here to be a solution for every user who has difficulty on several other platforms and also considers the security of every user who is a bUKH channel. platforms.

Below I will explain or detail the uniqueness of the bUKH platform and where it came from.

What is BUKH?

It is a platform built in blockchain industry built to serve, solve end to end user problems like token purchase, token sale and many more deploy DeFi system and have great features following Himegami protocol which has the best services, letter b means “ bond” which means BUKH is a container that functions as a cooperative bond that has a wallet as a shinobi wallet.


The Himegami protocol originates from Japan where bUKH operates within the Himegami protocol which has tokens as KGR, which is the first decentralized system used by Japan to manage stable tokens.

As the cryptocurrency market continues to mature, crypto projects also continue to develop further driving the evolution of the market. So far, we have looked at cryptocurrency projects with a fixed supply of native tokens. The main goal here is to create scarcity and push crypto prices higher.

Now, we believe it is time to create an elastic supply of decentralized digital currency. KGR is one of the dynamic and fully decentralized elastic supply protocols that aims to meet the liquidity needs of the wider crypto market, and more importantly, to solve the problem of market manipulation.

The KGR cryptocurrency achieves a better balance of supply and demand because it perfectly correlates the price of a synthetic asset with the price of its underlying asset. The KGR token is essentially an elastic cryptocurrency with a price target of 1 Japanese Yen adjusted for inflation. The price of KGR can be higher or lower than 1 Yen, but supply is always adjusted to meet the target of 1 Japanese Yen (¥). If high demand pushes the price higher above 1 Yen, Himegami protocol will add more supply creating selling pressure and rebase action. To distribute KGR tokens to token holders, the system will be able to issue 100,000 tokens per rebase then sell them on public exchanges following the first-come-first-serve rules. Unsold tokens on that day will be burned. This method is implemented in smart contracts.

Himegami rebase system is applied every 1385 minutes for supply rebase. The rebase function is a new concept for the crypto market and is basically related to smooth supply for decentralized elastic supply tokens like KGR.

As the KGR token expands and contracts based on demand and supply, the rebase mechanism ensures that the ownership percentage for users remains the same.

We envision the Himegami protocol to be a hedging asset for all crypto worlds as well as the growing Decentralized finance (DeFi) sector. KGR stability can help DeFi investors to reduce their dependence on several centralized stablecoins. It can serve as a hedge asset, DeFi collateral, and a stable medium of exchange for the entire crypto space.

We position KGR as a useful crypto token and collateral asset for Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Its unique qualities such as decentralized, profitable, self-regulating and more stable assets, make it important for DeFi. In the future, KGR may have several different applications and could be used to complement other DeFi projects such as Tezos, Polkadot, Cardano and others.

Furthermore, programmatic rebasing protocols aim to solve the problem of massive fluctuations in liquidity and volatility by making them more predictable and beneficial for everyone involved. This allows us to position Himegami not only in the current crypto ecosystem, but also create a number of new applications for it in the future private DeFi ecosystem that many people have never even thought of.

The token name is sUKHI.
Its symbol is sUKH.
The total number of issuances is 500,000,000 BUKH.
The UKH token allows users to receive dividends from the sale of the Shinobi wallet.

bUKH tokens:
The token name is BUKHI.
Its symbol is BUKH.
The maximum issuance amount is 500,000,000 sUKH.

Official KGR Launch

On December 27th at 9:00 a.m. UST, Uniswap KGR trades go live.
We made our first and only KGR offer that is fully open to the public and 100% unlocked On December 26th and we hit the maximum limit of $5,000,000 in 3 minutes.

In summary, the platform is a unique one which as at 15th January 2021, the initial release of the number of KGR was 170 million KGR which 1% of the total supply of KGR will be release through the smart contract medium for each rebase.
I assure every user or merchants to hop on to this great platform simply because it is having a great future prospects with it’s features that is listed in this article and for more features please do visit the website below.

#bUKH #himegamiprotocol #cryptobukh #KGR #bUKHbounty #cryptocurrency #DeFi #bounty #token #aladdincenter #shinobiwallet

For more detailed information:
Website: https://himegamiprotocol.org/
White Paper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_7HWMxg7txliig-DFtiRiZH-z4KrWD3K/view
Twitter: https://twitter.com/himegami_pro
Telegram: https://t.me/himegamiprotocol
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/himegami_official/?utm_medium=copy_link
Media: https://himegamiprotocol.medium.com/poa

Author : harum93
bUKH address: ( Shinobi Wallet ) : 0x7b69469e4eb0CD333c0F2B16416C87915f98487c

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2021

Digital Arms is an NFT trading platform targeting firearms, gaming, and hunting enthusiasts

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, Digital Arms you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

There is a current opening in the firearm, gaming, and hunting adventures in that there is no way for the purchase, ownership and trade of cutting edge weapons and additional items. Digital Arms have recognized the hunting and gaming organizations as high advancement districts that may give beneficial market results.

The things that Digital Arms intend to make are absolutely stand-out and have never been attempted. Digital Arms will convey firearm NFTs in various plans, which will be made to be interoperable with any game. Game architects may embed a particular justification behind the NFTs at their reasonability and Digital Arms will offer game creators an opportunity to sell NFTs on their establishment, giving them a pay piece of the profits.

The Digital ARMS Ecosystem
Digital Arms has encouraged a natural framework for hunting and weapon enthusiasts dependent on Blockchain Technology. Digital Arms will give an organic framework to the hunting and firearm neighborhood, engage them to soak in a NFT experience they’re energetic about.

The organic framework offers numerous components, organizations and things including :
Firearm-related Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Produced using the genuine PC helped plan (CAD).

Global NFT allowing advantages
A high level business community that will work with the trading of NFTs and other automated assets.
The Hunter Token ($HNTR) works with the entire Digital Arms organic framework.
Digital Arms select dealer organizations and experiences like hunting Safaris.

Digital Arms’ element thing will at first include the high level diversion of veritable weapon related NFTs. Each NFT will have an extraordinary identifier that will allow different pieces of programming, for instance, PC games and metaverses, to examine the data and recreate the weapon inside their electronic environment.

Profoundly, the association will collect and convey firearm Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) that will have explicit capacities. For example, having the choice to add various enhancements like optical sights, high breaking point magazines, holds, silencers, and being reskinned in different shades or conceivably designs, etc

Digital Arms NFTs will be sparse, collectable, and will be interoperable with PC games. Digital Arms will in like manner convey The Digital Armory, which is a business place where individuals can get, sell and trade the NFTs which they own. The stage will allow customers to purchase critical weapon NFTs which will be meager and collectable. Moreover, the association will work with industry pioneers to give further utility to our NFTs through affiliations like airdrops on explicit NFTs or in-game useability.

For select conveyances, Digital Arms will team up with internationally dependable weapon brands on the appearance of NFTs, worked from the genuine PC upheld plan (CAD) used to create the firearm. Affiliations will fuse those collecting weapons for the military, similarly as firearms for a-list shooting and hunting.

The hunting climate will give a single booking library to worldwide coordinated Safari Hunts, where each merchant can be helpfully found by our customers. Our customers will really need to use their $HNTR tokens with the brokers and the vendors will get higher receptiveness and possibly a more broad display of customers.

A non-fungible token is a class of cutting edge asset that exists on the web, has extraordinary properties, and is supervised in an electronic record, i.e., a Blockchain. These high level assets become critical because of qualities like their lack: Each NFT serialized and is contributed with a statement of validness.

The Hunter Token ($HNTR) will be the middle method of exchange that works with the entire Digital Arms organic framework. Tracker Token ($HNTR) is an advanced cash token dependent on the Binance Smart Chain (BEP20). The representative will be used all through the Digital Arms stage, to purchase and sell NFTs, similarly as to get to other stage features.

Using Binance Smart Chain as the blockchain of choice makes the token interoperable with existing Ethereum wallets, but with lower trade costs than the Ethereum Main Chain. The most outrageous number of tokens that can anytime be delivered is set at 1 billion.

#DigitalArmsNFT $HNTR

Author : harum93
BEP20/BSC Wallet address : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, FINANCIO you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

#Financio #Financiofinance #Farming #Exchange #BSC #Crypto

FINANCIO is a large-scale initiative dedicated to supporting economies where technology is not commonplace or technical backwardness restricts development. FINANCIO is based on the Binance Smart Chain.

FINANCIO is a cryptocurrency and reward-based marketplace powered by decentralised smart contracts. FINANCIO will promote a financial revolution by utilising blockchain technology, which will leave everyone more financially and socially engaged, empowered, and able to gain maximum rewards by engaging in numerous ways.

FINANCIO's mission is to provide security, transparency, large cash deposit and withdrawal limitations, and improved chances. In a nutshell, FINANCIO is a solution-based ecosystem in a single package.


Financio is a gigantic extension drive gave to supporting economies where advancement isn’t normal or particular backwardness limits improvement. Financio relies upon the Binance Smart Chain.

Financio is an advanced money and prize based business community constrained by decentralized sharp arrangements. Financio will propel a money related change by utilizing blockchain advancement, which will leave everyone even more fiscally and socially associated with, empowered, and prepared to get most noteworthy prizes by partaking in different ways.

Financio relies upon the Binance Smart Chain. Our clients should realize that the Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) is a blockchain network attempted to execute sharp arrangement based applications, which is where the Financio Coin will run. BEP works in a joint exertion with Binance’s local Binance Chain (BC), allowing customers to benefit from the best arrangement: BC’s gigantic trade throughput and BEP’s splendid understanding capacity.

BEP gets designated PoS together with proof of-authority (PoA) to achieve network understanding and defend blockchain security. PoA is eminent for its ability to thwart 51% of assaults and suffering Byzantine attacks. Validators are picked to substitute affirming association trades, and they are blamed for making blocks in a PoA way that contemplates their stake and reputation in the association. To transform into a validator, a customer should stake BNB.

Financio assists the customers with getting an honor in advanced monetary standards through Staking, developing, or crypto exchange. Also, Financio moreover enables people to gain through liquidity, IFO, Lotteries, and Collectables 


Financio targets giving one more token to the customers by allowing sorting out some way to make new, extraordinary, and helping decisions. This white paper is here to help them in their huge money related decision. Financio has a mission to work with its buyers and customers through making Defi plans. These game plans will help people with making incredible benefit and get grants in advanced cash. Besides, Financio progresses exemplary customers through Staking, developing, crypto exchange through liquidity, IFO, Lotteries, and Collectibles. Financio will moreover give some other possible crypto advancing other options and token burning-through cycles to people.


By saving the Lift token for a surprisingly long time, Financio will develop one more organic framework to bring more people into cutting edge assets, allowing them to create a computerized income through redistribution/reflection while holding their assurance, security, authority, and autonomy. Also, with the Lift cash automated asset, we need to set up an economy reliant upon extraordinary monetary laws and a fiery and solid decentralized reason.


Financio has a generally speaking organic arrangement of people and musings that offers the important speed, speed, and course, to help the world’s best pioneers in bringing the possible destiny of Lotteries, Staking, Farming, and Crypto Exchange immaculately.


Farming and Staking High APY and speedy pools.

At whatever point you have LP tokens, you can stake them in our crypto pools. Staker will gain FIN token as compensation inactively with gather chance in any time.

Crypto exchange humble and easy to use.

Automated market maker (AMM) exchange that engages two tokens to be exchanged on the Binance Smart Chain. It’s unassuming, speedy and secure.

Financio relies upon the Binance Smart Chain. Our buyers should realize that the Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) is a blockchain network attempted to execute keen understanding based applications, which is where the Financio Coin will run. BEP functions collectively with Binance’s local Binance Chain (BC), allowing customers to benefit from the best arrangement: BC’s tremendous trade throughput and BEP’s canny agreement capacity.

BEP solidifies assigned PoS with check of-authority (PoA) to achieve network arrangement and protect blockchain security. PoA is eminent for its ability to thwart 51% of assaults and suffering Byzantine attacks. Validators are picked to substitute affirming association trades, and they are blamed for making blocks in a PoA way that ponders their stake and reputation in the association. To transform into a validator, a customer should stake BNB.


Tokens for sale : 4 mln
Price : 0.04 USD/1 FIN
Stage ends : 30 September 2021
Payment methods : BNB, BTC, ETH, USDT
Bonus tokens : 10


We need advanced types of cash to be a piece of everyone’s portfolio. We foresee an overall population where wealthbuilding methodologies that were at that point simply available to the rich are made open to everyone, restoring people’s order over our financial associations. Financio assists the customers with obtaining a prize in advanced monetary forms through Staking, developing, or crypto exchange. Moreover, Financio in like manner engages people to obtain through liquidity, IFO, Lotteries, and Collectables.


Financio is a decentralized exchange that is running on Binance Smart Chain, with a lot of features that will let you earn high, passive crypto reward.

#Financio #Financiofinance #Farming #Exchange #BSC #Crypto


Website : http://www.financio.io/
Whitepaper : https://www.financio.io/Whitepaper.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/FinancioToken
Telegram Channel : https://t.me/FinancioTokenChannel
Twitter : https://twitter.com/FinancioToken

Author : harum93
BSC wallet address : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2021


Всем привет, как дела? Если вы заинтересованы в участии в проекте KinGlory, вам следует прочитать информацию, которая поможет вам получить информацию, которая поможет вам увидеть свое видение и миссию.

Блокчейн действительно по большей части меняется в группировке частей и регионов человеческого развития, связанных с деньгами и в социальном плане. Каждая грандиозная трансформация модели доверия приводит к огромным изменениям в основе мира, действительно как встреча наций, сменяющих религии, объединение ассоциаций, сменяющих нации, и на данный момент объединение блокчейнов, меняющих ассоциации в мире, мысль о децентрализации. of blockchain меняет способ производства ресурсов, который объединяет человеческие ресурсы, блокчейн в частном порядке, собирает, упрощает, обеспечивает, администрирует, контролирует, реализует и потребляет.

Конфигурация KinGlory позволяет, как правило, разъединять невероятные внутренние блоки и поддерживать быстрое, по сути, непрерывное обновление структуры. Механизм фокусировки, такой как виртуальная машина и консенсус, показывают обновления и обновления, например, состояние торговли блокчейном, собирающее обновления от дерева Меркла до обязательств Kate, RSA Accumulators и т

. Д. Социальный класс Kinglory создает целую структуру, связанную с деньгами, которая рассредоточена и открыта для всех . Вы можете использовать KGC в качестве обеспечения, чтобы выпустить и выпустить замечательные жетоны авансовых денег на Kinglory. Кроме того, вы можете получать, кредитовать и получать проценты по KGC и другим токенам,
поддерживаемым KGC.

Что уникального в КГК?

На Kinglory есть различные продвинутые типы наличных и множество различных жетонов, но есть несколько вещей, которые может делать основной KGC.

KGC заполняет и получает Kinglory

KGC - это дух Kinglory. Прямо при отправке KGC или использовании приложения Kinglory вы заплатите небольшую сумму в KGC за использование ассоциации Kinglory. Эта стоимость является источником вдохновения для экскаватора, который может измерить и фактически взглянуть на то, что вы пытаетесь сделать.

Майнеры следят за рекордсменами Kinglory.

Они проверяют и показывают, что никто не обманывает. Земледельцы, выполняющие эту работу, также получают скромную компенсацию в виде KGC в последнее время.

Почему стейблкоины?
Стейблкойны - это криптографические типы наличных без нестабильности. У них много сравнительных полномочий, как у КГК, в любом случае их стоимость надежна, больше похожа на стандартные денежные средства. Таким образом, вы приближаетесь к стабильным деньгам, которые можно использовать на Kinglory. Как стейблкоины набирают силу:

Стейблкоины продаются по всему миру и могут быть отправлены через Интернет. Их несложно получить или отправить, если у вас есть учетная запись Kinglory. Интерес к стейблкоинам высок, поэтому вы можете получить проценты за зачисление своих. Убедитесь, что вы осведомлены о рисках, прежде чем продвигаться вперед. Стейблкойны можно заменить на KGC и другие токены Kinglory. Множество децентрализованных приложений полагаются на стейблкоины. Стейблкоины получают с помощью криптографии. Никто не может сфабриковать сделки для вашей выгоды.

Добыча полезных ископаемых

Работа экскаваторов обеспечивает безопасность Kinglory и освобождает ее от консолидированного контроля. К концу дня KGC поддерживает Kinglory. КГК будет более критично относиться к проверке. Именно тогда, когда вы делаете ставку на свой KGC, у вас будет выбор помочь с получением Kinglory и получить награды. В этой структуре риск потерять свои атаки KGC.

Децентрализованные приложения (D-Apps) остаются в фокусе условий блокчейна KinGlory. KinGlory не планируется для достижения чистого прогрессивного прогресса только для улучшения опыта, улучшение KinGlory предназначено для приложений конечных клиентов и улучшения окружения. KinGlory D-App в качестве вспомогательной инфраструктуры является основным импульсом для D-приложений, соединяясь с конечными клиентами, создающими, разрабатывающими и использующими сложные D-приложения для исследования будущего децентрализованного автоматизированного мира.

Методика KinGlory заключается в том, чтобы представить миру структуру D-App Store и естественную структуру, два важных заказа D-приложений - это бизнес-оркестровка Enterprise и Customer, организованная для клиентов (конечных клиентов), положения объединяют «Fitting and Play D-Apps» , «Часть как помощь», «Криптовалюта как помощь», «Управление активами как помощь». Кроме того, KinGlory будет создавать механические демонстрации и варианты использования, аналогичные организационной структуре D-Apps, для использования промежуточного программного обеспечения KinGlory Blockchain и секретных улучшений, структуры, которые сделают магазин KG D-App действительно выдающимся в мире.

Финансовый рынок работает и встроен в ассоциацию, в которую входят разные люди, которые должны быть известны друг другу и проверены в определенной связи либо со стороны действующей стороны, либо регулирующего органа, либо присоединяются к курсам действий, которые обычно являются уполномоченной ассоциацией, чтобы очертить рынок с помощью продолжаются торги над ассоциацией. Рекорды остаются в курсе об использовании DLT или блокчейнов, которые здесь продвигают. Магазин D-App. Приложение D-Bank предоставляет различные финансовые услуги.

сделать ставку на свою ставку KGC Сделайте ставку на KGC, чтобы превратить ее в валидатор Kinglory. Штампинг

- это общедоступная информация, полезная для естественной структуры Kinglory. Вы можете все время помогать с организацией и получать гранты. Проверка

- это демонстрация откладывания 32 KGC, чтобы спровоцировать программирование валидатора. Как валидатор, вы будете отвечать за обработку данных, планирование сделок и добавление новых квадратов в цепочку блоков. Это обеспечит безопасность Kinglory для всех и позволит вам постоянно получать новые KGC. Эта коммуникация, известная как проверка ставки, вводится Beacon Chain.

Призы присуждаются за упражнения, которые помогают ассоциации проявить понимание. Вы получите гранты за объединение сделок в еще одну ячейку или настоящую проверку, сделанную другими валидаторами, потому что это то, что обеспечивает безопасную работу цепочки.

Независимо от того, каким образом вы можете получить оплату за работу, которая помогает ассоциации, вы можете потерять KGC из-за опасных упражнений, разлучения и отказа от поддержки.

Вам потребуется 32 KGC для преобразования в полноценный валидатор или некоторый KGC для присоединения к пулу проверки. Кроме того, вам потребуется запустить клиент KGC или основной сети. Панель запуска проведет вас через ассоциации и необходимое снаряжение. Опять же, вы можете использовать серверный API.

#KGC #kinglory #kgcprotocol #kgcblockchain #kgcfoundation #cryptocurrency #nehabounty

ISSUAA — Truly Decentralized Finance Protocol Reviews

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project ISSUAA you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

#crypto #issuaa #cryptocurrency #token #blockchain #money #CryptoNews #cryptocurrencies #ethereum #DeFi #yieldfarming #polygon #matic #beastmode #tokenomics #assetmanagement #ETH

But before going any further, I want to tell you first about Cryptoqurrency or Blockchain Technology. Cryptocurrency was originally known as a payment system that allows people to be able to make transactions quickly, without third parties, transparently, securely, and anonymously. Satoshi who is the creator of Bitcoin, makes Bitcoin beat the centralized financial system that is prone to manipulation and controlled by one party. With the growth and development of the Crypto or blockchain ecosystem, a number of alternative investment options have emerged, and have proven to be more efficient and profitable investment tools than traditional financial returns. Innovative projects are consistently emerging in the crypto industry with high return investments and continuous trends, such as ISUAA . is one of the projects that will attract large market investments. So, don’t waste this golden opportunity.


ISSUA the next generation DeFi protocol for derivatives of real world assets on blockchain. with ISSUA enables the creation, printing and trading of synthetic assets (ISSUAA assets) that reflect the prices of the underlying real-world assets and provide a unique and highly attractive token for investors and liquidity providers, organized as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and driven by the community governed exclusively through a voting procedure by the holder of the ISSUAA Protocol Token (IPT).


Minting and burning of derivative assets, which tracks the value of real world financial assets and crypto assets such as indices, stocks, commodities or crypto currencies.

Trading and liquidity providing of these assets on the ISSUAA marketplace.

Governance: Vote on asset prices, DAO grants and the creation of new derivatives


Minting auxiliary fabricated assets on ISSUAA anticipates that one should store stable coins fixed to the USD. Monetary benefactors get token consolidates, each including one long and one short token. The long token is appended to the improvement of the essential asset and creates with it. The short token conflictingly mirrors the central asset’s worth. Accordingly, no additional plan is expected to expect the risk of a worth change. ISSUAA is expected to reliably have adequate security set up. Taking into account that ISSUAA liquidity providers can offer liquidity to both the long and the short token on a comparative essential asset, they can restrict the expense chances related to the fundamental asset esteem instabilities.


The minting process of new derivative ISSUAA Assets is managed by the assetFactory smart contract.

To mint new assets, the “mintassets” function needs to be called, which requires two parameters:

The amount of USD stable coins that will be coverted into new assets
The symbol of the asset that is supposed to be minted.

The amount of new asset tokens to be received is calculated by dividing the amount of USD stable coins by the upper limit, which is defined for each asset.

The user will always receive an identical amount of long and short tokens. The value of these tokens is defined as following:

Long tokens: the value of the underlying asset.

Short tokens: the defined upper limit minus the value of the underlying asset.

The value of 1 long token plus 1 short token thus equals the defined upper limit parameter. Therefore, no over-collateralisation is needed for the ISSUAA protocol, which makes it highly capital efficient.

The only condition, under which the intrinsic value of 1 long token plus 1 short token would not equal the upper limit is the scenario, in which the price of the asset increases to a value higher than the upper limit. In this scenario, the asset will be frozen. This means that the asset can no longer be minted and that long tokens can be burned for the upper limit price.


First decentralized finance derivatives liquidity protocol without need for over-collateralization empowers attractive returns at moderate risk for investors providing liquidity.

Barrier free access for everybody to investing, minting, providing liquidity and trading of synthetic ISSUAA assets on chain.

Reward of active investors/LPs not only with transaction fees but especially with newly minted and weekly granted

ISSUAA protocol tokens (IPT).

Every single USD stable coin to be paid in by investors/LPs for minting of assets and liquidity providing in asset pools is “working” and generating returns for investors/LPs.

All principal clever contract presently in use via ISSUAA:

IPT Token






The ISSUAA show is totally decentralized and set up as a DAO. The system is worked around a selective organization token, the Issuaa Protocol Token or IPT. The best load of IPT will amount to 100,000,000 tokens. Thereof, the vast majority of IPTs will be given as compensations to monetary supporters for giving liquidity and projecting a polling form in the ISSUAA DAO organization studies. The issuance speed of IPT starts with 1.8m tokens every week and lessens by 3% consistently, thusly working with that early liquidity providers are remunerated higher while ensuring that the most outrageous load of 100 million IPT tokens will not be outperformed.

Other than its ability as an organization token, the IPT token is clearly associated with the costs which are delivered on the plattform: 0.05% of each trade coordinated on the ISSUAA business focus work to the IPT, making the IPT a value bearing, pay associated organization token with top level all things considered tokenomics for monetary benefactors.

Author : harum93
USDT tokens will be delivered to your Ethereum address on Polygon. Indicate your Ethereum address on Polygon : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7