Rabu, 31 Maret 2021

Passive Income Bot

みなさん、こんにちは。お元気ですか? プロジェクトへの参加に興味がある場合は、Passive Income Botが、ビジョンと使命を理解するのに役立つ情報を取得するのに役立つ情報を読む必要があります。

#PassiveIncomeBot #PIB #btc #bnb


























Crypto TradingBotを使用する前に探すべきこと






1 ETH = 2,000スタートトークン
300 000:UNISWAP流動性
1 000 000:プレセールサプライ
200 000:トークンマーケティング
200 000:チームトークン
1 700 000開始:総供給






Q1 – 2022


Q2 – 2021

PIB Uniswap TradingBot詳細


Q4 – 2021


#PassiveIncomeBot #PIB #btc #bnb
PIB Auto bot Tradesに参加する:https://t.me/pibotchannel
Uniswapトレーディングボット:https ://t.me/pibtools/34

#PassiveIncomeBot #PIB #btc #bnb


PIB Auto bot Tradesに参加する:https://t.me/pibotchannel

Selasa, 30 Maret 2021

Mocktail Swap

Hallo zusammen, wie geht es euch? Wenn Sie an einem Projekt teilnehmen möchten, muss Ihr Mocktail Swap Informationen lesen, die Ihnen helfen, Informationen zu erhalten, die Ihnen helfen können, Ihre Vision und Mission zu erkennen.

#MocktailFinance #MocktailSwap #MOK #blockchain #cryptocurrency #technology #bitcoin #money #crypto #Binance #BNB #cryptocurrencies #fintech.

Dezentrale Börsen (DEXes) sind seit einigen Jahren in der Kryptoindustrie präsent, aber sie sahen nie genug Verkehr, um eine echte Bedrohung für zentralisierte Plattformen darzustellen.

DEXes hatten einen angemessenen Anteil an Themen wie regulatorische Unsicherheiten, geringe Liquidität, längere Wartezeiten und dergleichen. All dies wirkte sich gegen sie aus, da sie einfach nicht genug zu bieten hatten, um mehr Verkehr anzuziehen. Das einzige, was sie für sie tun mussten, war Dezentralisierung und ein höheres Maß an Anonymität. Da Kryptotransaktionen jedoch größtenteils nachverfolgbar waren, war dies für die Mehrheit der Benutzer nicht attraktiv.

Dies änderte sich mit dem Aufstieg von DeFi im Jahr 2020 und DEXes gewinnen endlich die Aufmerksamkeit, die sie sich seit einigen Jahren gewünscht haben. Mit verschiedenen Bankdienstleistungen, die jetzt dezentral und ohne Vermittler angeboten werden, erregten DeFi-Projekte große Aufmerksamkeit.

Jetzt entsteht eine neue Generation von DEXes - eine, die darauf abzielt, denjenigen, die bereit sind, Mitglied zu werden, viele DeFi-Dienste anzubieten. Infolgedessen können sie viel mehr Liquidität, mehr Münzen und andere Vorteile bieten, die in Verbindung mit dem Element der Dezentralisierung endlich neue Benutzer gewinnen und sich als echte Konkurrenten für dezentrale Börsen herausstellen. Ein gutes Beispiel dafür ist MocktailSwap.

Was ist Mocktail Swap?

MocktailSwap ist die dezentrale Swap-Lösung für Binance Smart Chain. Wir bieten eine Plattform zur Schaffung eines vollständig gesicherten und schnellen dezentralen Token-Swaping-Systems.
Stabile Positionierung Ihres Vermögens mit geringem bis keinem unbeständigen Verlust
Automatisierte, maximal optimierte Ausbeute
Vollständige Dezentralisierung
Eine vollständig auf Governance basierende MOK-Token-Wirtschaft

MocktailSwap Eigenschaften:

Die Börse ist ein automatisierter Market Maker („AMM“), mit dem zwei Token in der Binance Smart Chain ausgetauscht werden können.

Darüber hinaus können Sie MOCK mit Ertragsfarmen verdienen, MOCK mit Staking verdienen und noch mehr Token verdienen.

Warum Binance Smart Chain?
Warum sollten wir ganz einfach ein langsameres Auto fahren wollen, dessen Betrieb mehr kostet? Bei uns dreht sich alles um Gamification, daher möchten wir die Rückkopplungsschleife beim Verdienen, Abstecken und erneuten Verdienen maximieren: Die überlegene Geschwindigkeit von BSC und die viel (viel, viel) niedrigeren Transaktionsgebühren ermöglichen es uns, dies zu tun.
Obwohl BSC derzeit möglicherweise nicht über die Akzeptanz verfügt, die Ethereum derzeit bietet, glauben wir an die Fähigkeit und den Antrieb von Binance, dies in absehbarer Zukunft zu erreichen.

MocktailSwap Roadmap

Februar 2021
Ankündigung von Mocktail Finance
Forschung & Entwicklung

März 2021
Alpha & Beta-Start

April 2021
Token Launch (Privatverkauf)
Aggressive Marketingkampagne

MocktailSwap Exchange
Token-Swaps auf MocktailSwap sind eine einfache Möglichkeit, einen BEP-20-Token über automatisierte Liquiditätspools gegen einen anderen zu tauschen.
Die der Börse zur Verfügung gestellte Liquidität stammt von Liquiditätsanbietern („LPs“), die ihre Token in „Pools“ einsetzen. Im Gegenzug erhalten sie FLIP-Token (MocktailSwap Liquidity Provider), die auch eingesetzt werden können, um MOK-Token in der „Farm“ zu verdienen.
Wenn Sie an der Börse einen Token-Swap (Handel) durchführen, zahlen Sie eine Handelsgebühr von 0,2%, die sich wie folgt aufteilt:
0,17% - Rückgabe an Liquiditätspools in Form einer Gebührenprämie für Liquiditätsanbieter.
0,03% - Wird an das MocktailSwap Development Treasury gesendet.

Erste Token-Verteilung

Erste Token-Verteilung :
5% Team
7,5% Kopfgeld- und Marketingkampagne
12,5% Ökosystem
75% Privatverkauf

Verteilung von Mining-Token:
25% Streik
37,5% Brennen
37,5% Landwirtschaft

Um weitere Informationen zu erhalten, besuchen Sie bitte den folgenden Link:
Website: https://www.mocktail.finance/
MocktailSwap-Website: https://www.mocktailswap.finance/
Telegramm: https://t.me/MocktailSwap
Whitepaper: https://docs.mocktailswap.finance/

Autor: harum93
Ihre Binance Smart Chain-Brieftaschenadresse: 0x4208898e7DED0f3585d586308b394e32259B77f3


#MGB #MagicBalancer #crypto #blockchain

MAGIC BALANCER IST ein DEFI-Token, das allen aktiven Benutzern durch den Smart Protocol-Vertrag enorme Belohnungen bietet.

MGB-Token sind so konzipiert, dass sie nachhaltig sind und ihren Wert maximieren, indem sie die Benutzer wirklich entleeren und dazu ermutigen, dies aktiv zu tun, indem sie außergewöhnliche Belohnungen anbieten. Jede Belohnung, die von MGB-Token verteilt wird, schadet niemals dem Gesamtangebot. Dies bedeutet, dass das Wachstum von MGB-Token in keiner Weise behindert wird.

Jedes Magic Balancer-Protokoll ist zu 100% nicht vertrauenswürdig und erfordert keine menschliche Interaktion, um es am Laufen zu halten. Dies stellt sicher, dass alle Magic Balancer-Protokolle für immer ausgeführt werden können und niemals durch Eingriffe von Menschen geschlossen werden. Es bedeutet auch, dass Sie als Token-Inhaber aus keinem Grund auf einen Menschen vertrauen müssen.

Das einzige, was Sie dem Kryptoraum vertrauen können, ist Code. Er lügt nie und wenn er einmal verwendet wird, kann er niemals seine Methoden ändern. Das beste Projekt in Crypto ist das, das ein 100% vertrauenswürdiges Protokoll bereitstellt und diese Tatsache mit vollständiger Codetransparenz beweist. Dies ist, was Magic Balancer zu bieten hat. Dies ist unsere Grundüberzeugung und der einzige Weg, wie wir ein Protokoll veröffentlichen können.

Die einzigartige Funktion von MGB-Smart-Verträgen ermöglicht bestimmte Adressen wie Uniswap-Pools oder Exchange Wallets
blockiert, um aufgeladen zu werden. Der Gebührenprozentsatz, den Sie verdienen, wird anhand des MGB-Prozentsatzes berechnet, den Sie zwischen den Inhabern haben.

Es gibt kein Team oder eine zentrale Partei, die aufgeladen werden muss. Es gibt keine Schnittstelle für die Beantragung von Gebühren. Keine Aktion erforderlich
auf Ihrer Seite genommen zusätzlich zu MGB in der Brieftasche, die Sie steuern.

#MGB #MagicBalancer #crypto #blockchain


Mit dem Ethereum ist der Gaspreis zu der Zeit sehr hoch. Wir möchten einen Weg bieten, um sie mit Fähigkeiten zu bekämpfen
Handel auf der BSC-Blockchain. Niedrige Transaktionsgebühren.

Wir möchten allen MGB-Inhabern die Möglichkeit geben, ein zweites, nutzbares Ökosystem aufzubauen, unabhängig von den Engpässen und Gebühren, die manchmal bei der Verwendung des Blockchian Ethereum auftraten.


Nein, es gibt keinen grundlegenden Unterschied zwischen den beiden Ketten, aber es gibt geringfügige Wertänderungen (z. B. Aufruffunktion
Belohnung% 1 für BSC)

Da jede Blockchain ein eigenes Ökosystem hat, haben beide Ketten ein Eigenleben. Dies bedeutet, dass der Preis in der BSC in der ETH-Blockchain möglicherweise nicht immer gleich ist.

Ja, wir planen die Einführung einer eigenen MGB-Token-Bridge, mit der Sie Ihren BEP20-MGB gegen ERC20-MGB austauschen können und umgekehrt. Aber bis dies erledigt ist, können Sie nicht die gesamte Kette handeln.

Ändern Sie einfach das Netzwerk in Ihrer Metamask oder verwenden Sie die BSC-Brieftasche, um unsere Site zu verbinden. Für unsere aktuelle BSC entwickelte sich das gleiche wie Magic Balancer für das Ethereum-Netzwerk.

Ja, die von uns verwendeten BSC-Börsen werden vom Entwicklungsteam nach Maß angefertigt. Der beste Ort, um unsere Zollkennzahlen zu verwalten und die beste Sicherheit zu bieten. Es gibt auch eine eingebaute LP-Sperre im Swap, sodass Sie sicher sein können, dass alle LPs jeweils 90 Tage lang gesperrt sind. Der aktuelle Swap ist in seiner Fähigkeit, Trades mit Token mit speziellen Metriken abzuwickeln, sehr eingeschränkt. Daher müssen wir unseren eigenen Swap entwickeln, der zu unserem Mechanismus passt.

Wir verbessern auch die Rückkaufstruktur mit unseren eigenen Swaps, da wir die Rückkauffunktion so codiert haben, dass sie die Menge an MGB von LP fair entfernen können, wodurch Sie viele Schritte im Rückkaufprozess sparen. nachdem wir den Preis hinzufügen können

Vorschläge zu Snapshot Das MGB-Token stammt aus der Community und ist ein flexibles Community-basiertes Projekt. MGB ist eine Governance-Token-Community, und zukünftige Community-Governance kann nur durch eine MGB-Abstimmung erreicht werden.

Fügen Sie den Entwurf des Vorschlags in unseren Telegrammgruppen-Chat ein.
Führen Sie nach eingehender Diskussion eine Off-Chain-Umfrage durch.
Veröffentlichen Sie den Vorschlag im Governance-Forum und überarbeiten Sie seinen Inhalt.
Erstellen Sie Governance- und Kampagnenverträge.

Um Stimmen in der MGB-Community zu erhalten, beträgt die Abstimmungsfrist für jeden Vorschlag 3 Tage. Wenn das Quorum 20% erreicht und das Unterstützungsniveau am Ende 66% erreicht
Abstimmung gilt der Vorschlag als angenommen.

Ab März. 2. um 19:00 UTC. Keine Whitelist erforderlich. live gehalten
magicbalancer.org, um teilzunehmen, verbinden Sie einfach Ihre Metamask, geben Sie den Betrag der ETH ein, den Sie senden möchten, und klicken Sie auf Kaufen. MGB-Token werden sofort über unseren Vorverkaufsvertrag zurückgegeben. Metamask verwenden Sie vorzugsweise keine Exchange-Konten.

Keine min, maximaler Kauf von 3 ETH-30BNB.
10% Empfehlungspreis wird sofort über einen Vorverkaufsvertrag verteilt. Klicken Sie im Abschnitt Vorverkauf auf die Schaltfläche REFERRAL, und kopieren Sie den Link zur Dateiverweisung (erforderlich, um eine Verbindung mit der Brieftasche herzustellen).

Für weitere Informationen über MAGIC BALANCER klicken Sie auf den unten stehenden Link

Magic Balancing Community
Offizielle Seite: http://magicbalancer.org/
Whitepaper: https://github.com/MagicBalancer/Whitepaper/blob/main/whitepaperv1.pdf
Telegramm: https://t.me/magicbalancer
Github: https://github.com/magicbalancer
Medien: https://wizarddefi.medium.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/magicbalancer
Foto: https://vote.magicbalancer.org
Governance: https://vote.magicbalancer.org

Senin, 29 Maret 2021

Magic Balancer

Ciao a tutti come state? Se sei interessato a partecipare a un progetto, il tuo Magic Balancer dovrebbe leggere le informazioni che ti aiuteranno a trovare informazioni che possono aiutarti a vedere la tua visione e missione.

#MGB #MagicBalancer #crypto #blockchain
La finanza decentralizzata è l'argomento di discussione per il carattere innovativo dei suoi servizi che sono inclusivi (tutti possono ottenere lo stesso servizio, senza transazioni minime), open source (trasparenti, tutti possono contribuire), non custodiali (i fornitori di servizi non immagazzinano dati e non ha accesso ai fondi dei clienti) e non ha un intermediario perché è regolato da un contratto intelligente in modo da risparmiare molti costi e ha uno spazio molto flessibile nella determinazione dei tassi di interesse sia per i finanziatori che per i finanziatori.

E oggi vorrei invitarvi a conoscere una delle piattaforme di token di governance.
Sì, è un Magic Balancer , com'è
la piattaforma?
Scopriamolo ….

Cos'è Magic Balancer?
Magic Balancer è un token DEFI di governance deflazionistica che fornisce ricompense eccezionali agli utenti attivi attraverso protocolli di contratti intelligenti, integrando perfettamente i premi delle transazioni con le funzionalità di ribilanciamento della liquidità.

Il token MGB è progettato per essere sostenibile e massimizzare il suo valore essendo veramente deflazionistico e incoraggiando gli utenti a essere attivi offrendo ricompense eccezionali. Ogni gettone premio assegnato da MGB non compromette mai l'offerta complessiva, il che significa che la crescita del gettone MGB non sarà mai difficile. Ogni protocollo Magic Balancer è costruito per essere diffidente al 100% e non richiede l'intervento umano per funzionare. Ciò garantisce che tutti i protocolli di Magic Balancer possano essere eseguiti per sempre e non verranno mai disabilitati dall'intervento umano. Ciò significa anche che tu, come detentore di token, non dovrai mai fidarti di nessuno per nessun motivo. L'unica cosa di cui ti puoi fidare nello spazio crittografico è il codice, non mente mai,

I migliori progetti crittografici sono quelli che forniscono protocolli inaffidabili al 100% e dimostrano questo fatto con la completa trasparenza del codice. Questo è esattamente ciò che offre Magic Balancer, questa è la nostra convinzione fondamentale e l'unico modo per rilasciare i protocolli.

Magic Balancer assicura che il suo costo per ricarica sia in costante aumento di valore. Ciò viene fatto rimuovendo temporaneamente parte della liquidità dalla coppia MGB / ETH, acquistando sul mercato MGB con ETH e quindi bruciando tutto il rimanente MGB. In sostanza, l'equilibrio della coppia Uniswap MGB / ETH viene ripristinato e il valore dell'MGB è aumentato rispetto a ETH.

Il token MGB proviene dalla comunità ed è un progetto flessibile guidato dalla comunità e la futura governance della comunità può essere raggiunta solo attraverso il voto.

Funzionalità di Magic Balancer
Ogni ribilanciamento del prezzo del token $ MGB può aumentare fino a% 2. Questo può accadere ogni ora fino a 24 volte al giorno! Dopo 1 settimana la prevendita termina il valore di 1 $ MGB di $ 4000 per questo meccanismo.

L'exchange è un market maker automatizzato ("AMM") che consente lo scambio di due token su Binance Smart Chain ed Ethereum Mainnet.
ETH ~ BSC Bridge
Meccanismo che consente lo scambio di token tra catene incrociate senza alcuna perdita temporanea.

#MGB #MagicBalancer #crypto #blockchain
Roadmap di Magic Balancer:

Primo trimestre del 2021
Sviluppo di tokenomics e funzioni
Sviluppo del contratto, front-site e dAPP.
Scrivere carta bianca

Lancio di MGB a Uniswap e Pankeswap.
Avvia un'influente campagna di marketing
Campagna per lo sviluppo della comunità e la generosità del partenariato

Secondo trimestre 2021
Bridge ETH ~ BSC
Affidabile partnership di progetto

Terzo trimestre 2021
Lancio di MagicSwap
Creazione di un DAO MGB per la gestione
Trasferimento di proprietà in base a un contratto di gestione

Q4 2021
Preparare una roadmap per il 2022

Il token $ MGB

La meccanica KEY di $ MGB garantisce che il suo prezzo uniswap sia in costante aumento di valore (supponendo che le pressioni del mercato siano neutre). Ciò viene fatto rimuovendo temporaneamente una parte della liquidità dalla coppia $ MGB / ETH, acquistando sul mercato $ MGB con l'ETH, quindi bruciando la totalità dei restanti $ MGB. Sostanzialmente ribilanciare la coppia Uniswap $ MGB / ETH e aumentare il valore di $ MGB rispetto a ETH.

Questo token è progettato specificamente per essere integrato nell'ecosistema del Negromante.
Il token $ MGB è estremamente semplice e ha solo due funzioni.
Funzione A
1% aggiunto alla liquidità su vendite, acquisti e txn ~ Questo ci consente di avere costantemente liquidità per eseguire la Funzione B.
Premi LP
~ Ogni volta che viene chiamata la funzione due, tutti i $ MGB della funzione uno vengono distribuiti ai fornitori di LP.
~ Tutto quello che devi fare per ottenere questi premi è fornire liquidità.

Una volta rilasciato MagicSwap
Tutte le tasse vanno a un indirizzo per essere successivamente aggiunte a $ MGB / rETH in MagicSwap
Funzione B

Liquidity Buy and Burn La
funzione diventa disponibile una volta ogni ora e può essere chiamata da chiunque.
Il chiamante della funzione riceverà il 5% del $ MGB per l'incentivo a spendere il gas. (% 1 per BSC)

Quando viene chiamata la funzione:
Viene rimosso il 2% della liquidità
La liquidità viene quindi suddivisa in ETH e $ MGB
Il mercato ETH acquista $ MGB
Il 95% dell'MGB viene quindi bruciato
5% di MGB inviato al chiamante della funzione (per incentivare la spesa gas dell'utente, per BSC% 1)


Tokenomics per la catena ETH
300.000 MGB - Rifornimento totale https://etherscan.io/token/0xf4f3d6a60765bf705b27716f50fccba5f0ea0ca1
150.000 MGB - Prevendita
85.000 MGB - Liquidità iniziale
35.000 MGB - Marketing, promozioni e coinvolgimento della comunità.
30.000 MGB - Token di squadra
Prevendita - 1 ETH = 999 $ MGB ($ 1,9 )
Acquisto massimo prevendita = 3 ETH ($ 5,700 )
Quotazione iniziale - 1 ETH = 799 $ MGB ($ 2,38 ) ~% 25 in più rispetto alla prevendita
Prevendita Hardcap = 30 ETH ($ 57.000 )
70% ETH (21 ETH - $ 39.900 ) fornito per la liquidità.
Il 20% ETH (6 ETH - $ 11.400 ) fornisce sviluppo futuro, partnership, marketing, costruzione di comunità, quotazione cex e team in espansione.
Ricompense per referral prevendita del 10% ETH (3 ETH - $ 5,700 *).

Tokenomics per BSC
300.000 MGB - Fornitura totale https://bscscan.com/token/0xf78839b9e972cf15014843a7ca5ebf1e321a284c
150.000 MGB - Prevendita
85.000 MGB - Liquidità iniziale
35.000 MGB - Marketing, promozioni e coinvolgimento della comunità.
30.000 MGB - Token di squadra
Prevendita - 1 BNB = 99 $ MGB ($ 2,5 )
Prevendita Max Buy = 30 BNB ($ 7.500 ) ~ Nessun importo minimo
Quotazione iniziale - 1 BNB = 79 $ MGB ($ 3,16 ) ~% 25 in più rispetto alla prevendita
Prevendita Hardcap = 300 BNB ($ 75.000 )
70% BNB (210BNB - $ 52.500 ) fornito per la liquidità.
Il 20% di BNB (60 BNB - $ 15.000 ) fornisce sviluppo futuro, partnership, marketing, costruzione di comunità, quotazione cex e team in espansione.
10% di BNB (30 BNB - $ 7.500 *) premi per segnalazioni prevendita.

Magic Balancer Community
Official Website : http://magicbalancer.org/
Whitepaper : https://github.com/MagicBalancer/Whitepaper/blob/main/whitepaperv1.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/magicbalancer
Github : https://github.com/magicbalancer
Medium : https://wizarddefi.medium.com/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/magicbalancer
Snapshot : https://vote.magicbalancer.org


Ciao a tutti come state? Se sei interessato a partecipare al progetto, il tuo BEATBIND dovrebbe leggere le informazioni che ti aiuteranno a ottenere informazioni che possono aiutarti a vedere la tua visione e missione.

E se le centinaia di migliaia di artisti dell'industria musicale - che sono particolarmente a corto di soldi quando non possono andare in tour, come in questo momento durante la pandemia di Covid-19 - non dovessero aspettare un tempo paralizzante per ottenere i loro diritti d'autore, ma piuttosto potrebbe ricevere denaro in streaming istantaneamente? Ampliare l'esperimento mentale: cosa succederebbe se ci fosse una "sovranità del merchandising", in modo che l'artista ricevesse un taglio ogni volta che una felpa con cappuccio o un'opera d'arte di marca veniva rivenduta, o un sistema per garantire stipendi accurati per i musicisti?

Tutte queste cose sono possibili, secondo gli appassionati di criptovaluta della musica, un gruppo crescente di imprenditori ossessionati dalla tecnologia che vogliono applicare la tecnologia di blockchain e bitcoin al business globale multimiliardario di vendita di album. I sostenitori di Crypto vogliono progettare un nuovo sistema finanziario per la musica in grado di supportare flussi di entrate in tempo reale e, in definitiva, trasferire molto più potere al singolo artista. Il fan medio della musica può essere facilmente scoraggiato da queste conversazioni: la criptovaluta è, beh, criptica e gli articoli sull'argomento tendono ad essere pieni di gergo noto e lunghe divagazioni. Quindi Rolling Stone ha esplorato il panorama e, con l'aiuto di esperti come Zach Katz, Shara Senderoff, Adam Alpert e RAC, ti guideremo attraverso la genesi, le potenziali applicazioni,


“Vediamo i nostri clienti come invitati a una festa e noi siamo i padroni di casa. Il nostro lavoro ogni giorno è migliorare un po 'ogni aspetto importante dell'esperienza del cliente ". - Jeff Bezos, fondatore di Amazon


"L'umanità ha avuto la rivoluzione agricola, la rivoluzione industriale e ora questa terza, la rivoluzione dell'informazione". ―Masayoshi Son, CEO di SoftBank, la seconda persona più ricca del Giappone

Organizzare un evento di qualsiasi dimensione rimane un processo lento e manuale, con costi elevati e barriere di connessione

Artisti o luoghi di qualità sono difficili da raggiungere La mancanza di connessioni limita gli artisti in ascesa e le nuove sedi Le
agenzie e gli intermediari sono lenti, inflessibili e costosi


Piattaforma a 4 fasi

Gli artisti sono associati a luoghi e organizzatori.

Supponiamo che tu sia un DJ e desideri il miglior affare per un'esibizione del venerdì sera. Lascia che i luoghi competano per te! Mostra il tuo portfolio, scegli quando sei disponibile per uno spettacolo e lascia che gli organizzatori di eventi si superino a vicenda man mano che ottieni offerte sempre migliori.

La piattaforma BeatBind avvantaggia tutte le parti nel settore degli eventi musicali:

Gruppi musicali: lascia che i locali e gli organizzatori facciano offerte su di te, aumentando le tue entrate
Organizzatori di eventi: lascia che i musicisti facciano offerte sulla tua opportunità, in modo da ridurre le spese e ottenere i migliori
proprietari di locali - esternalizza l'organizzazione dell'evento ai manager più appassionati

Come troviamo esattamente il prezzo giusto che massimizzi le entrate e non lasci i posti vuoti? Le aste sono la soluzione economica a questo problema. "
Eric Budish, Economist @ University of Chicago


Il nostro sistema di biglietteria superiore supporta l'acquisto di biglietti per gli eventi attualmente in corso, consentendo un afflusso iniziale di capitale agli organizzatori
Questa forma di crowdfunding senza interruzioni offre ai luoghi più piccoli i mezzi per portare grandi star

Tutti i soldi vengono rimborsati ai fan se l'evento non si concretizza


Non ci sono statistiche. Facciamo solo pubblicità e speriamo che arrivino. "―Anonimo del settore
Fornisce proiezioni dei ricavi e altre euristiche che aiutano tutti gli utenti della piattaforma a decidere chi assumere, dove eseguire, ecc. decisioni in qualsiasi parte del processo di organizzazione di eventi musicali. Ciò ridurrà notevolmente i rischi e stimolerà ancora di più la crescita. Riteniamo che questo sia solo il passo che il settore deve compiere per uscire dall'oscurità causata dalla mancanza di dati e migliorare decisioni.


Il token di utilità dell'ecosistema BeatBind. La visione finale di BBND è quella di essere un mezzo di scambio universale per l'industria degli eventi musicali. La blockchain di Ethereum fornisce tutta la privacy, la sicurezza e il decentramento che un tale token merita. BBND sarà negoziato su borse pubbliche, ma gli utenti della piattaforma BeatBind sono protetti dalla volatilità dei prezzi durante l'uso quotidiano. L'elenco completo dei casi d'uso della BBND è descritto nel white paper
Pre IEO - Start
Jan 15, 2021

Sconto pre-vendita del
40% al prezzo di lancio IEO di 0,05 USD

Per IEO - Fine
15 marzo 2021

Prezzo pre - IEO
0,03 USD

paper del primo trimestre del 2021

Seme e investimenti / p>
Sede e costituzione

Avvio dello sviluppo della piattaforma
Vendita di token privati ​​nel secondo trimestre del 2021

BeatBind Community Building

Piattaforma Private Alpha
Vendita di token pubblici nel secondo trimestre del 2021

Lancio IEO

Espansione del team nel terzo trimestre del 2021
Avvio della sperimentazione delle funzionalità
Beta pubblica della piattaforma Q4 2021

Test pubblico della piattaforma
Inizio dello sviluppo di app mobili e biglietti per il primo trimestre 2022+

Adozione anticipata della piattaforma
Rapporti trimestrali sullo stato della comunità


Il progetto sta diventando sempre più popolare ogni giorno. C'è un'alta probabilità che il progetto diventi un leader di mercato con il grande lavoro di squadra. L'idea è sicuramente vantaggiosa per tutti.

Questo è un ottimo progetto e il suo team sta lavorando molto duramente su questo progetto in modo che questo progetto ci dia un ottimo profitto.

Noi che sosteniamo questo progetto faremo sicuramente per ricevere molti benefici dall'ecosistema. Siamo con il progetto all'inizio, quindi conosciamo la struttura e possiamo diffondere la voce e invitare le persone a unirsi a questo fantastico progetto.


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, your BEATBIND should read information that will help you get information that can help you see your vision and mission.

#crypto #beatbind #bbnd #trade #invest #ethereum
Einen schönen Tag noch! Ich schreibe weiterhin jeden Tag mit Ihnen über neue Entwicklungen. Ich bin wieder in Ihrer Gegenwart, um neue Nachrichten zu teilen. Hallo, meine Leser von Technologie-Followern. Unser Leben wird nach der Erfindung des Internets niemals mehr dasselbe sein. Die Erfindung des Internets führte weiter zu einer eigenen Währung. Die Geburt von Bitcoin und der darauf folgende Sturm intelligenter Verträge führen weiterhin zur Entwicklung neuer Technologien. Wir prüfen weiterhin neue Projekte und Plattformen insgesamt. Wir wählen weiterhin das Beste aus Tausenden brillanter Ideen aus und verfügen über das notwendige Wissen dafür. Das Projekt, das ich Ihnen in diesem Artikel vorstellen möchte, ist Beatbind (BBND).

#crypto #beatbind #bbnd #trade #invest #ethereum
Diese Phase wird auch von DigitalFlyer angeboten und bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Kunden mit der Fachorganisation oder dem Produkt ihrer Wahl zu verbinden. Im Gegensatz zu anderen fortgeschrittenen Phasen der Werbung für ein Unternehmen oder Produkt wird DigitalFlyer zusätzlich zu Business-to-Business (B2C) auf Null gesetzt, genau wie Business-to-Business (B2B). Um den Kunden den Austausch zu erleichtern, ist DigitalFlyer außerdem von Community Business Token zertifiziert oder als CBT abgekürzt. Dies ist eine digitale Währung, mit der Einzelpersonen alles effektiver und sicherer betreiben können.

#crypto #beatbind #bbnd #trade #invest #ethereum
DigitalFlyer Südafrika
Bevor wir uns näher mit CBT befassen, ist es besser, DigitalFlyer zu treffen, eine Phase, in der Community Business Icons vorgestellt werden. DigitalFlyer ist eine Bühne, auf der Sie Organisationen in ganz Südafrika entdecken können. Vom Handwerker bis zur Produktion können Sie es auf DigitalFlyer erkunden. DigitalFlyer ist die Antwort für diejenigen, die schnell und nahtlos das Geschäft oder Management erkunden möchten, das Sie benötigen. Oder auf der anderen Seite Organisationen, die darauf hoffen, ihr Management voranzutreiben.

Um auf die innovativen Wendungen der Ereignisse zu reagieren und gleichzeitig den Kundenaustausch anzuregen, führte DigitalFlyer das Community Business Token ein, eine einfache und stabile Austauschphase für Organisationen und Kunden. CBT wird es dann als austauschbare Münze für Produkte und Startups bei DigitalFlyer ausfüllen. Ethereum ERC-20-basiertes CBT, das anderen Kryptowährungen entspricht, die in der Transaktionsphase ausgetauscht werden können. Infolgedessen sollte der Austausch zwischen Unternehmen oder mit ihren Kunden über das CBRT viel sicherer und schneller sein.

Community Business Token-Funktion
Mithilfe der Community Business Token-Unterstützung für DigitalFlyer können Unternehmen ihren Austausch zu geringeren Kosten und Gebühren von Monat zu Monat ohne zusätzliche Mitgliedsbeiträge abschließen. CBT bietet eine einfache und stabile Austauschplattform für Organisationen und Kunden. DigitalFlyer ist neben CBT nicht nur ein traditionelles professionelles Referenz- oder Handelszentrum, sondern auch eine kreative und zuverlässige Plattform. Die Highlights von CBT sind:

Gemeinschaftsprojekte: Die CBRT-Subvention ist eine Phase, die die Entwicklung von Gemeinschaftsprojekten wie Privatunterricht für Kinder, Gemeinschaftsschutz, Gemeinwohl und Pionierkompetenz unterstützt.

Geschäfts- und Werbephase: CBT ist nicht nur ein Plan, sondern eine Initiative, die jetzt läuft, einen Rahmen hat und später erstellt wird.

Zurück vom Wort GO: Die Referenzbelohnungsstruktur von CBT ermöglicht es Kunden, Einzelpersonen zu implizieren und CBT-Token von ihren Referenzen zu erhalten.

Wie kürzlich klargestellt, ist CBT ein von DigitalFlyer angebotenes Token. Das CBT wird dann in Raten ausgefüllt und unterstützt die Aufgaben von DigitalFlyer. Das auf Ethereum ERC-20 basierende CBT unterliegt einer Bestandsbeschränkung von 70 Milliarden Token. Sie können CBT-Token über ein symbolisches Deal-Programm erhalten, das die CBT-Phase anstrebt. Nachfolgend sind die Feinheiten des CBT-Tokens aufgeführt:

Name der Münze: Community Business Token
Währungstoken: CBRT
Pre-ICO-Verkaufsbonus: 40%
ICO CBT-Preis , der zwischen dem 23. Februar 2020 und dem 29. Februar 2020 zuzuteilen ist : 1 CBT = 0,003 USD
Maximale Anzahl von CBT:
Maximal 70 Milliarden Anzahl der zum Verkauf stehenden CBT: 50 Milliarden

Digitale Plattformen wie Google erleichtern Unternehmen die Werbung für ihre Produkte oder Geschäfte. Mithilfe der fortschrittlichen Plattform können Unternehmen mehr Kunden erreichen und ihre Märkte erweitern. Mithilfe von DigitalFlyer haben Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, ihre Produkte und ihr Management zu bewerben, ihren Markt zu erweitern und mehr Kunden mit verschiedenen kreativen DigitalFlyer-Funktionen zu erreichen. Mithilfe von DigitalFlyer können Kunden nach den verschiedenen Organisationen und dem Management suchen, die sie benötigen. Mithilfe von Community Business Token können Unternehmen ihre Einkäufe sicher, schnell, effizient und mit geringen Gebühren abschließen.


● Website: https://www.communitybusinesstoken.com/#homeToken
● Telegrammgruppe: https://t.me/cbtico
● Twitter: https://twitter.com/business_token
● Whitepaper: https: //www.communitybusinesstoken .com / files / Community% 20Business% 20ICO% 20V3.0.pdf
● Facebook-Seite: https://www.facebook.com/communitybusinesscoin/
● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalflyersa/


UnitedCrowd provides you with a digital financing tool modified to your needs. Our online platform enables you to acquire investors worldwide, attract customers and expand your community. We lead your company into the digital future – legally secure, individual, and affecting the public.

When you plan for the project and decide to bring it to community the first query that comes to mind is from where you get the funding. At this stage, most of the projects fail. In order to attract a potential investor, your product should be unique and different from the competitors. Even you perform outstandingly in terms of your concept and project main problem is where you will present your concept to finding the potential investor.

Here the UnitedCrowd platform performs the action, it helps for attracting investors in a new project. Here you will find huge opportunities for the development of your project ideas by attracting initial crowdfunding for your project from potential investors.

UnitedCrowd is an official platform registered in Germany, so you don’t need to worry about wasting time using its services, and here you will get maximum security when making transactions. UnitedCrowd works only with qualified and trusted investors and will help you find the right one, in fact, takes all the work of financing your project.

Why is UnitedCrowd unique?
Financing platform

We offer our clients and their investors a tailored investment backend.
Legal framework

We operate under German law to offer you and your investors the best possible security.
Partner network

Get access to our network of external investors and consultants.
Investor community

Receive promotion and engagement from the UnitedCrowd community
UnitedCrowd Platform Features
Web-based platform solution

Manage your campaign easily via browser or app. This will allow you to access your investments and management statistics around the clock.
Individualizable layout

We design the front-end layout according to your ideas and adapt it to your corporate design. In the backend, widgets offer customizable statistics.
Digital contracts

Smart contracts provide the highest level of security and transparency and execute coded conditions on the blockchain.
Professional hosting

The online platform is hosted and maintained by UnitedCrowd in a high-security center.
Document management

Marketing materials, legal documents, instructions and guidelines are made available to your investors via our platform.
Secure sales transaction

Your investors are checked with KYC and AML, the token sale is automated and an escrow service serves as collateral.

UnitedCrowd offers programmable tokens. A high-level depiction of the characteristics created for our clients will have the option of being equipped with various limitations of the robot which lately have to be done right. For example, values starting with one component can usually move to the following if certain conditions are met without requiring any work.

Tokens can be passed on to the blockchain without a middle model and for all intents and purposes dynamically. Buyers and sellers can quickly and clearly trade together without delegation, for example, middlemen, distributors, general bookkeepers, etc. Both players save time, but also cost for individual centers. In addition, associations secure important opportunities because they can clearly organize their offerings to target markets.


Tokenization is an automated solution for digitizing values, including all rights and obligations contained in these values, by issuing a token that is registered in a distributed ledger technology (DLT) infrastructure. The resulting tokens represent the digitized form of these values, which can be transmitted via the blockchain.


Review of the issuer
Before UnitedCrowd creates a digital financial product, we check the issuer against fixed parameters that are queried and evaluated. These include, for example, due diligence, governance and security of the company, but also the management, which, among other things, goes through a standard check and a background check on the integrity and reputation risk.
Choice of financing type

If the requirements are met and we are convinced of the sustainability of the project, the decision on the type of financing follows in a second step. With the Tokenization Framework, different values can be digitized with all rights and obligations contained in them. Depending on the requirements and goals of a company, those variants have differing suitability.
Tokens can be issue in the following classification
Asset Token (financial assets)

Both liquid and illiquid assets can be represented as tokenized securities by Asset Token. In this way, they can be converted into digital and proportionate fractional ownership (partnership) and made accessible to an international market. The spectrum encompasses everything from cash, cash equivalents, savings accounts, real estate, precious metals or art objects to intangible assets such as patents, copyrights or trademark rights.
Equity token (shares)

Equity tokens can represent shares in a company and voting rights, as well as shares in funds.
Debt Token (claiming rights)

Tokens represent a debt claim for repayment of the invested amount with or without interest. The range includes forms of bonds, loans and bonds.
Utility token (services and usage rights)

Utility tokens represent usage rights and can be used, for example, to grant access to a network as a community token or to receive the goods or services offered by the issuer of the token.
UnitedCrowd Multi Wallet

The free multi-wallet for your digital assets! Safe custody, effective trading, and fast transfer. Maximum protection and intuitive operation – even as an app.

Features of Multi Wallet
Blockchain-based: Intuitive usability via mobile apps
Naming system: Use real names for your wallet addresses
Token tracker: All relevant parameters in real-time with transaction history
Token explorer: Receive information for token and wallets
Fungibility: Trade your tokens via atomic swaps
Custody: Export your private key easily
Security: Maximum security through 2-factor authentication
Mobile apps: Manage your portfolio on the go




The team is planning for this project for a long time and they are well prepared for the circumstances also they have well big names on board for investments this will increase the sustainability of new idea coming on board for business opportunities which will help the business ecology

We are with the project at the beginning so we know the structure and we can spread the voice and invite people to join this amazing project.


● Website: https://unitedcrowd.com/
● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnitedCrowd/
● Twitter: https://twitter.com/unitedcrowd_com
● Telegram: https://t.me/UnitedCrowd
● Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/unitedcrowd/
● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unitedcrowd_com/
● Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/UnitedCrowd
● Medium: https://medium.com/@unitedcrowd

Author : harum93
Your ETH wallet : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7

Minggu, 28 Maret 2021


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, your GOLDCOIN should read information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission.

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The concept of ‘digital gold’ is not new. In the 1990s, E-Gold emerged as the world’s first virtual currency backed by physical gold. Millions took advantage of the service at its peak before E-Gold eventually shut down.

Today, there is a wide range of cryptocurrency projects looking to capitalize on a digital gold rush by issuing gold-backed coins. Many wonder why they should invest in a gold-backed cryptocurrency when there is an array of alternative coins in the virtual currency world.

Well, gold-backed cryptos like GoldCoinweb.com are attractive for a few reasons.

Gold has long been seen as a legitimate and trusted store of value. Coins backed by a physical product like gold can serve as a stable investment that remains unaffected by volatility in the cryptocurrency world and across traditional fiat markets.

Even if the gold-backed cryptocurrency starts to decline in price, it will never dip below the spot value of gold. There is even a chance popular coins could eclipse the spot price of the gold underpinning them.

The world of gold-backed cryptocurrencies continues to evolve as many stablecoin projects develop and mature.

How About Cryptocurrency For Now?

Cryptocurrency was originally known as a payment system that allows people to be able to make transactions quickly, without third parties, in a transparent, secure and anonymous manner. Satoshi, who was the creator of Bitcoin, the first popular cryptocurrency, made Bitcoin beat a centralized financial system that was prone to manipulation and was controlled by one party.

With the growth and development of the Crypto / blockchain ecosystem, a number of alternative investment options have emerged, and have proven to be more efficient and profitable investment tools than traditional financial returns. Innovative projects consistently emerge in the crypto industry with high returns and sustainable trends, such as the DEFI Program. currently there is a new investment trend besides ICO, IEO, ITO etc.

If you don’t know what is Defi ?? DeFi is an innovation that was born to ensure that all financial services can be realized on the blockchain network in a decentralized, transparent and reliable way, without intermediaries such as decentralized financial banks, payment service providers, or no third parties. And this time I want to tell you about the Defi project, such as the Goldcoin Project.

Goldcoin has various unique features, a reliable team, great partners, and of course this will attract big market investment because Goldcoin is truly one of the promising projects. so let’s just discuss about this project.

GoldCoin (GLC) is a peer to peer cryptocurrency which was created by an anonymous person in 2013. Goldcoin like Bitcoin has no single company or individual owner. It is decentralized and open source and belongs to the world.

Since its creation, several cryptocurrency enthusiasts and programmers who believe in promoting economic freedom have got involved in its development. Thanks to these principles and a focus on game-changing usability features, like two-minute confirmation speeds and instant 0-Conf transactions, GoldCoin is fundamentally changing how cryptocurrency and economies operate.

GoldCoin capitalizes on the lessons taught by other cryptocurrencies, and it’s likely to inspire new developments in the days and years to come. What really makes it stand out, however, is its feature-focused development cycle.

GoldCoin leverages the power of on-chain scaling and large 2MB blocks to grow with demand without straying from Satoshi Nakamoto’s innovative vision. As a multi-pool resistant value store that retargets difficulty in each block.

It’s a proven system where awards are based on math alone. Thanks to its SegWit-free design, the ledger is truly verifiable and safe. Even better, it’s powered by an innovative 51 percent defense algorithm and devoted community working together.

According to the project’s whitepaper, the GoldCoin team launched in 2013 due to “civilization’s intimate connection with the precious metal [gold], seeing it serve as a store of value, fully-functional currency and the most coveted asset to last throughout the centuries by all cultures of this planet.”

The team believes investors have the “best of both worlds” with GoldCoin – access to 99.9% physical gold with the ability to use the precious metal as a functional currency. Each GoldCoin is worth 1/1000 of an ounce of gold that is fully redeemable for the physical product.

While our competitors are focused on micro transactions and payments, our focus is on enhancing the value-storage side of the equation. They have built a practical physical gold replacement that can be used by everyone today as a digital commodity. Goldcoin truly is the gold standard of digital currency, a safe haven for value in a turbulent world.

Highly Affordable

As mentioned, the fractionalized nature of Gold Coin means that you can buy incredibly small quantities that would not typically be possible to purchase in real gold. Buying just one ounce of gold is usually challenging, but that single ounce of physical gold is the equivalent of 1,000 Gold Coins.

This pricing structure and the ties to physical gold mean that Gold Coin’s price depends on that of the precious metal. When you divide the price of a single ounce of gold by 1,000 to get the price of just one cryptocoin, it is easy to see how this cryptocurrency can make buying and owning gold more accessible.
To show just how accessible it is, at the time of writing, a single Gold Coin was just $0.1619.

Liquidity for Purchase
To increase accessibility, the project also acts as a liquidity provider. Higher liquidity helps ensure that you get the best prices from the market, regardless of the size of your purchase. In other words, the liquidity helps keep costs down.

Low-Effort Entry

In addition to being a more affordable method of owning gold, Gold Coin requires less effort. You do not have to spend time and energy filling out paperwork to buy gold then find a secure location to store it. The gold is physically stored in the project’s vault, but you still own it.

The Goldcoin blockchain runs on the proof of work (POW) consensus which is an algorithm used by the most popular cryptocurrency networks like Bitcoin and Litecoin Till today GLC has gone through several advancements in technology since then which are far more advanced than Bitcoin such as:
2 Min block interval (Bitcoin has 10 min block interval)
32 MB block size (Bitcoin has 2 MB block size)
On-chain scaling
Network capacity is 1120 TPS (transactions per second) Bitcoin is 7 TPS
Instant transactions
51% Defense System https://www.goldcoinweb.com/cherry-services/51-defense-system/ Meaning of 51% attack: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/1/51-attack.asp

Inflation Rate and Comparisons

GoldCoin’s inflation rate ensures that the market will not become saturated with newly mined coins and that coin distribution will be balanced across future generations. More than 80 percent of all bitcoins have been mined, while only 50 percent of all goldcoins have been mined.

GoldCoin’s inflation rate is slow and consistent as compared to others:

GoldCoin is the first fractionalized gold-backed asset that is available for purchase directly with a national currency.

This feature, combined with the project’s clear roadmap, attention to security, and strong technological foundation, appears to give GoldCoin a strong future in the gold-backed cryptocurrency world.

Useful links to the project:
Website: https://www.goldcoinproject.org/
Telegram: https://t.me/goldcointalk
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/goldcoin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goldcoinpage/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/goldcoin
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/goldcoin

Author : harum93
GLC Address : E32t8GoeH2QSK6RNJU3uYDriLrjPTovAtN

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2021


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, your Nergame should read information that will help you find information that can help you see your vision and mission.

Warm greetings to all of us with me, tuyanto and whose name entertainment is indeed one of the TYPES that have been loved by many people around the world, and until now the development of the entertainment world along with the advancement of digital technology has given birth to a new ecosystem that can be facilitated in an e-commerce platform.
This platform will be a meeting place and collaboration for all entertainment industry players, and this platform is the first e-commerce entertainment, which combines the world of digital technology and the entertainment industry worldwide. And to take a deeper look at the platform for the entertainment world, let’s take a look at this amazing project below:

In 2020’s lightning-paced media landscape, and in response to current untapped technological opportunities, it’s imperative to innovate. The giants of today, and indeed yesterday, have all brought something unique to the table – from Facebook’s often-touted “7 circle of separation”, to Instagram’s feed, and now TikTok’s viral video-based success, unicorn status comes from breaking the mold and providing something nobody else has thought of.

Nergame understands the importance of gamification & social reward in deepening and strengthening communities regardless of their location, age, or gender. Not only that, but to forge new connections between them, and to create new links between content creators and content consumers, which have not yet been available on any social media platform.

What’s Nergame?

Nergame is a multimedia platform dedicated to interactive entertainment and focused on today’s public.
The platform’s working is very simple.
Exists 2 types of users, the players, and the viewers.
The players are the users in charge of doing the challenges and stream it live through their mobile phones.
The viewers are the users in charge of seeing these challenges, live but also deferred, and can vote on these challenges.
To see the challenges is enough to download the app and access to given challenges through it, no registration is needed. However, to be able to vote for these challenges, it is required to register on the app and login with any one of the social methods allowed (Google, Facebook, Twitter …), to avoid the fraudulent use of the platform.
To be able to make these actions exists the concept called Events. These events have a determined period and contain a certain number of challenges that are changing to every event. These events have a specific thematic focused on the type of challenge that the players should deal with.
To be able to participate in these events, the players should subscribe by paying the given NERC quantity.
During the challenge time, the viewers can sponsor a player paying a certain NERC quantity, this grants the privilege to the viewer to interact with the player through the chat during his live streaming.
When the event finishes, a period of 3 days is given where the viewers can see the deferred challenges made by the players and emit their votes.
When this visualization period finishes, the event is closed and gives a ranking as a result of all the players’ scores, where the three best players obtain their rewards.

Nergame Concept :
As we have commented before, the challenges are totally different for every event and are changing the thematic of it, also the difficulty is affected.
Every challenge has a time limit that shouldn’t be exhausted because in this case, the scores of this challenge will be 0 for this player.
Also exist a series of rules to follow on the challenge, but is the viewer’s responsibility to decide if these rules are respected and can be expressed on the viewer’s vote.
The players and the viewers can suggest new challenges that can be introduced or not. This responsibility remains on the Nergame platform.
When the challenge visualization finishes, also on live and deferred, the platform allows the users, only if it’s registered, to emit a vote for this challenge to this player.
Once the vote is emitted, it cannot be changed and should have a direct repercussion on the final scores assigned.
It’s necessary to see the complete challenge, from init to end, before emitting the vote, allowing once visualized completely, access again to see the best moments or to emit the vote if it didn’t the first time.
The scores are assigned automatically using the challenge duration in seconds, being proportional to the vote quantity given by the viewers. If the challenge duration is short, the scores are high. An example is shown of a challenge of 30 minutes:
900 seconds of streaming * (25 positive votes / 50 total votes) = 250 scores.
The scores ranking by each player can be seen on each event, and also the detailed scores on every challenge.
Also exists a global ranking where anyone can see the general scores get by all the players promoting effort and competitiveness.
The reward system can be distributed by this way:

20% of NERC get by the event is the benefit of the platform.
5% is destined to burn.
The 75% remaining is split between the 3 players with the best scores for this event. The split is by the next way:
37,5% to the player with the highest scores.
22,5% to the second player with the highest scores.
15% to the third player with the highest scores.

Nergame Features
Live streamings
For the MVP version, the technologies that we used to publish video and audio with low latency are RTMP for the record and HLS for the visualization also for live and deferred streamings. This combination of technologies allows us to create a horizontally scalable system in a simple way but allowing his use between infinite devices.
In the future improvement of the platform will be RTMP distributed by relay servers, allowing us to receive higher traffic. This will force us to provide new solutions for the scalability problems of this protocol that we will try to resolve using a CDN for the visualization part and an event-driven architecture.
The latency between both protocols is very similar, reaching the 12 maximum seconds of delay between the streaming and the visualization to the viewers.
Challenge recording
All the live streamings are recorded through the platform and are stored in MP4 format with H264 video codec and AAC audio codec. These records can be published after on the Nergame’s channel on Youtube and can be seen inside the platform.

The Nercoin Economy

NERC is a token used as change media for the event participation inside the Nergame platform. As with the other ERC20 tokens, all the interactions with NERC are inside the Ethereum blockchain. This blockchain and its wallets are widely used these days and its use is very simple.

For the initial ICO of NERC and also the second one we will use a token called Nercoin created in WAVES network given the low comissions of this network. Once both ICOs are finished we will create a smart contract to change the NERC assets from the WAVES token to the ERC20 token in Ethereum netwok.

This token, unlike many others, is deflationary type, since as the events take place on the platform, a certain amount of NERC will be burned, thus increasing their value more and more.

The Total NERC supply is 7.000.000.

The NERC distribution will be the following:

40% Distribution.
25% Development Team.
20% Platform use.
10% Airdrop
5% Rewards

Nergame Roadmap

The roadmap established for the Nergame platform is the next:
1st quarter of 2021 -> Improvement of the live streaming quality on the platform.
02-04-2021 -> Launch of the ICO Nercoin NERC cryptocurrency.
2nd quarter of 2021 -> Launch of the Beta platform with the MVP version available for IOS and Android devices.
2nd quarter of 2021 -> Launch of the stable version including the sponsor functionalities and the direct interaction between players and viewers through the chat on the live streamings.
3rd quarter of 2021 -> Add the interaction of the other platforms like Twitch, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp, or Telegram.
4th quarter of 2021 -> Implement an alternative camera system for the challenges using different devices.
1st quarter of 2022 -> Launch of the first Nergame challenge professional competition.
3rd quarter of 2022 -> Add a self betting system between players and viewers.

More information :

Website : https://www.nergame.app/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/nergame
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/nergame/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/nergame/
Medium : https://nergame.medium.com/
Telegram : https://t.me/nergame

Author : harum93
WAVES address wallet : 3PNSfAW6t4u3DbfJsRZujj1gud2K7XnFeJK

Adonx - Exchange project built on Cryptonote Technology with cheap and fast peer-to-peer transactions

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, your ADONX should read information that will help you find information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission.

Adonx. One of the Payment Systems for the new digital economy.
To provide a simple, fast, innovative, sophisticated, secure yet powerful crypto exchange, escrow & payment platform.
Most crypto startups and small traders suffer from high registration fees and trading fees. The Adonx platform aims to list all eligible projects at very low listing fees and provide traders with a near zero cost frading experience.

Adonx. One Privilege
Making crypto trading and trading unconditional and better for everyone by providing an outstanding platform for consumers and businesses, Making it universal, easy, accessible and useful.

The more crypto solutions that developers create, the more there is a need for a platform that guarantees the security of the project. Adonx is a cryptocurrency platform designed to give new cryptocurrency projects a home to carry out secured exchanges, use as escrows and a payment platform.
There are many cryptocurrency projects popping up every now and again. These projects are sometimes hindered from being featured on ‘big exchange platforms’ because of the high listing fees that these platforms charge. Many of these new projects need a platform that understands their struggle and is ready to give them a secured home for the projects and tokens.


The proliferation of cryptocurrency projects has made it imperative that platforms such as Adonx, platforms dedicated to giving new cryptocurrency projects farther reach and security come into the mix.

Some of the major benefits of ADONX include:

Highly Secured: The security protocols put in place by the developers of ADONX makes the platform a safe haven for new cryptocurrency projects. The platform is built on a multi-tier security architecture, ensuring that every process of the user’s journey on the platform is secured. There are secured sockets layers and data encryption protocols used on different layers. Some of the security measures put in place include 2Factor Authentication, OTP, strong passwords and pin-based authorization.
User can get different wallets: Options for a wide variety of crypto wallets exist for users. Users can have different wallets –all secured and safe – on the platform. With these different wallets, coin and token exchanges is easy and fast. Cryptographic keys and alphanumeric wallet address are two ways ADONX ensures uniqueness in wallet address. A user can also get a vanity address. A vanity address is a personalized wallet address that a user can create for themselves. This address will have a special set of alpha or numeric characters that the user wants.

Alias Account: Do you want to deposit tokens or coins in your account but you are far from your phone or don’t want to log into your account? The alias account is designed to help users transfer coin and tokens to their account from a different phone without logging into their accounts. One amazing thing about the alias account is that users can configure the security on the account. It could be public or private security.

Supports Airdrops
Token swaps: With Adonx, when a cryptocurrency project on the platform is changing its dev platform and coin, Adonx permits easy and smooth token swap. Like what happened with Ethereum, from ETH to ETH2.0.
The exchange allows for Market Orders and

Limit Orders: Market orders are when a user buys or sells tokens at the market price. While Limit order is when the user sets the price that he/she wants to buy or sell coins on the platform.

Escrow service: The platform serves as escrow service between buyers and sellers, cutting out the need for a third party.

Has three Listing Options: The listing fees that many exchanges collect scare new cryptocurrency-based projects away. With Adonx, project developers have three listing options:

Free Listing: If the project is amazing and has a good number of users in its community, it can be listed for free on the playform

Paid Listing: New projects will need to meet certain Adonx criteria to get listed. There is a small fee to be paid.

Voting: Community members on Adonx can vote for new projects, and the one with the highest vote gets listed.


The platform also has a token, ADONX, that users can use to make transactions on the platform as well as use to pay for listings on the platform.
There are only 21 million ADONX tokens minted. And the distribution of the coins is:
55% for token sale
10% uniswap liquidity pool
20% team and operations
5% bounties and airdrops
10% reserve funds

CONCLUSION: The many solutions that the ADONX platform provides makes it a sure success. Mobile wallets, consumable REST API, web-based client solutions are some of the other awesome features that users will get on ADONX.

GITHUB : https://github.com/adon-net/
DISCORD : https://discord.gg/UrTctGD
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/adon_coin
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/network_adon
REDDIT : https://www.reddit.com/u/adon-net
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/adon.network/