Sabtu, 26 Februari 2022


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, your EGO Token should read information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

#Paysenger #Ego #Blockchain #Ecosystem #ICO #Presale and

The paradox of our time: there is too much information, but it has become more difficult to find something really valuable. Our attention needs a filter that will weed out superficial information, but will leave important content and valuable contacts.

Paysenger is a universal solution for paid communication. The service helps you to communicate directly with experts, celebrities and owners of unique knowledge. Paysenger allows opinion leaders to monetize their attention in a new way, while investors are offered to invest in a token named EGO.

Moreover, Paysenger will attract millions of internet users to NFT technology who want direct communication with the popular people.

Money and attention of newcomers will flood the NFT market. Consequently, all participants of the crypto world will benefit: both investors and entrepreneurs.

EGO Token

Netizens need to be nearer to the substance maker, accept their approval, and feel that the consideration they get is novel. Thus, there is a need to foster second-age online social administrations. Such administrations would work with admittance to the powerhouse’s consideration by breaking the customary chain of middleman-manager-star correspondence.

In pretty much every interpersonal organization, there is either immediate informing or remarking. However, the fight for a powerhouse’s consideration is more not kidding than the fight for a customary individual’s consideration, and the force to be reckoned with’s capacity to acknowledge a solicitation and react by and by is restricted by time, among different variables. As the crowd develops, this distance” increments because of HR and the difficulty of focusing on all or if nothing else a critical part of adherents. It is more hard for the crowd to get criticism and “take in a state of harmony” with the subject of their advantage. For powerhouses, then again, it is more diligently to get pertinent input on their substance and worthwhile business offers.


Paysenger is a help that adapts correspondence. In our current reality where the quantity of associations between individuals is developing however the volume of consideration continues as before, Paysenger makes another correspondence ethic. With Paysenger, it becomes simpler to interface with a media character or look for the counsel of a specialist. Everything necessary is to give for the beneficiary’s consideration with fiat or EGO tokens. Media content got accordingly messages can be changed over into NFTs and put away as a component of your assortment or sold on the inward commercial center for EGO.


The objective of Paysenger is to empower immediate, dependable, and commonly helpful correspondence among powerhouses and the local area and furnish the local area with a solid channel to contact the ideal individual and get an assistance, and the capacity to adapt and focus on their consideration regarding a powerhouse. The client can speak with an individual of interest in a helpful configuration: demand a visit, a gathering, or a basic video welcoming. All of this is accessible on Paysenger.

The plan of business

The help working model is as per the following :

Forces to be reckoned with offer their administrations and gather demands.
Clients go to powerhouses with a particular solicitation like conference, salutation, tweet, drawing, and so on and offer a particular prize.

The client holds the installment for the assistance.
The assistance is performed by the powerhouse, in the wake of affirming the culmination, he gets installment.


Paysenger gets a commission for administrations delivered. Contingent upon the help and installment design: from 0 to 25% of the expense.

The consequence of the help can be changed over into NFT for which a commission is likewise taken by the assistance as EGO tokens.

An Internal NFT Marketplace is arranged. A commission will likewise be taken from tasks in it.

The EGO Token

Inner self is an inside installment instrument of Paysenger. Notwithstanding the select capacity to trade NFTs, alongside the standard installment techniques, clients will actually want to acknowledge installments in EGO. The benefit that EGO gives is the diminished commission of the stage (up to no commission by any means). The token can be traded for fiat straightforwardly on the stage through the incorporated crypto-fiat exchanger at the current swapping scale of the token.


The greatest stock of EGO tokens will be 1 billion. The principle pointers at the cost and supply of tokens are introduced in the table.

Max supply (EGO) : 1 000 000 000,00
Inner self cost at IDO : $0,075
Complete market cap at IDO : $75 000 000,000
Token stock at TGE : 2,00%
Token stock at TGE : 20 000 000,00
Market cap at TGE : $1 500 000,000


Paysenger will carry out the mechanics of token marking, which will give admittance to various rights and rewards for clients and powerhouses.
Burning tokens

To guarantee a fair dispersion of the stage’s pay among all symbolic holders, a symbolic consuming technician will be carried out: Buyback and Burns:

100 percent of the NFT mining commission will be scorched.

50 percent of all inward commissions paid to EGO (NFT commercial center, administrations) will be scorched.




We have introduced three directions within the single EGO|Paysenger ecosystem.

1. Paysenger is a service for monetization of communication with experts, academics, influencers and opinion leaders. The solution for paid communication covers the real need of the audience and experts.

2. Internal NFT marketplace. The valuable and unique content will be created into Paysenger. By converting exclusive and valuable content into NFT, we will ensure the value of the NFT tokens and give a new start to the whole market.

3. EGO cryptocurrency is an internal payment method of Paysenger and the NFT marketplace. The value of the EGO token will be provided by the Paysenger service.

Author : harum93
bsc address : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7

A New Revolution for International Transactions

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project Bric Coin you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

Dieser Bereich der Wirtschaft eines Landes verbindet Agrarindustrie, offizielle Organisationen, Fischerei, Bergbau, Steinbrüche und die Gewinnung von Mineralien. Es könnte in zwei Pläne aufgeteilt werden: erworbene Industrie, einschließlich der Schaffung von unraffinierten Substanzen, die durch menschliches Eingreifen in die Schöpfungskorrespondenz erreicht werden könnten; und Rohstoffindustrie, einschließlich der Verbesserung sinnloser Rohölteile, die nicht durch Fortschritt erweitert werden können. Industrie, Zusammenkunft wichtiger Unternehmen oder Vereinigungen, die Artikel, Verbände oder Arten von Entgelten herstellen oder liefern. Aus finanzieller Sicht werden Erfahrungen im Allgemeinen als wesentlich, optional, tertiär und quartär eingestuft; Hilfsbemühungen werden auch als bedeutend und leicht bezeichnet.

Problem im Geschäft

- Ticketgröße des Anfordernden

- Geringstes Ausmaß an LC/SBLC

- Durch und durch Dauer des Austauschs

- Vervielfältigung von LC/SBLC

- Hohe Transaktionsgebühren

- Stetigkeit des Parias (Agent/Bank)

- Unglaublicher Dokumentationsprozess

- Glaubwürdigkeit des Instruments (LC/SBLC)

In Anbetracht der oben genannten Herausforderungen sind Austausch, Importe und andere Dinge im Großen und Ganzen unsinnig erstaunlich geworden. Nationen können keine idealen finanziellen Umstände weitergeben, die wenig Psyche auf normalerweise außergewöhnliche kreative Arbeitsumgebungen auszahlen.


BRIC Global Ltd ist eine im Vereinigten Königreich ansässige allgemeine Vereinigungszugehörigkeit auf einer sehr einfachen Ebene im Hinblick auf den allgemeinen Austausch, Importe und Dinge in einer Versammlung von Nationen. Bei einem Blick auf die Bargeldwirtschaft der Welt erwartet die Blockchain offensichtlich einen grundlegenden Anteil an ihrem Aufblühen und erreicht zuverlässig eine unbestreitbare Qualität. BRIC beinhaltet diese ständig fortschreitende Verbesserung, um die aktuellen Aussichten im Großen und Ganzen beim Tauschen, Erhalten und Handeln zu steigern.

Wir haben uns sofort für die BRIC-Nationen (Brasilien, Russland, Indien und China) entschieden, da wir wahrscheinlich wissen, dass dies die bevölkerungsreichsten Nationen sind und wir wirklich einen enormen Markt brauchen, um vom Platz gestellt zu werden. Allerdings werden 20 % des weltweiten Imports/Transports von diesen vier Nationen erledigt. Anschließend beginnen wir mit unseren Verbänden für diese Nationen und werden die Nationen in unserem Umriss ständig erweitern.

Die meisten Beziehungen aus den BRIC-Staaten bewegen sich nicht in Richtung der westlichen bargeldbezogenen Welt und sollten daher die Finanzierung ihrer strategischen Ansätze in ihren eigenen Ländern kontrollieren. Ausnahmsweise eingeschränkt wird dies durch die fehlende generelle Förderung der monetären Beziehungen in den einzelnen BRIC-Staaten. BRIC COIN nutzt genau diese Alleinstellungsstärke, dieses Bedürfnis, um eine Free-Cash-bezogene Beziehung mit Betonung auf das Akkreditivgeschäft zu pflegen, die die Anforderungen der eigentlich angedeuteten Beziehung in den BRIC-Staaten eindeutig erfüllt. BRIC COIN bietet die vollständige Abwicklung des Austauschs von Gegenständen zwischen den BRIC-Staaten aus einer bestimmten Quelle und insbesondere die Finanzierung dieses Austauschs. Später wird der BRIC COIN ebenso wie herkömmliches Geld ausfüllen. Mit den Vorteilen:

• Evakuierung von Handelsgebühren

• Evakuierung vieler Abschaltpunkte der Compliance

• Schutz des Geldwertes

• Wertsteigerung des Bargeldes Einfachere Finanzierung von Importen und Sachen

Für dieses Bild wurde kein Alt-Text bereitgestellt


BRIC Coin ist der TRC20-Token, der durch die gesamte Geldrückerstattung unter den BRIC-Staaten (Brasilien, Russland, Indien und China) mitgehalten wird. Die Bedeutung wird für Cross-Cutoff-Austausch zwischen BRIC verwendet. BRIC Coin Mission bietet Verkäufern und Exporteuren aus BRIC-Ländern in ähnlicher Weise eine leicht zu integrierende Bühne für die allgemeine Abwicklung. Damit BRIC Coin Vision die vertrauenswürdigste Plattform für Bargeld auf der ganzen Welt für allgemeine Umtauschvorgänge, Importe und andere Dinge ist.

BRIC Coin wird von Blockchain – die als unglaublich sicher und zuverlässig bekannt ist – Schritt gehalten, die die Öffnung füllt und die Schwierigkeiten verwirft. BRIC Coin ist ein Token, das auf dem regulären Tron-Blockchain-System erstellt wurde und es uns ermöglicht, Arbeitsumgebungen für die Nutzung von Treuhandkonten mit grundsätzlich keiner Präsenz von Außenstehenden bereitzustellen. BRIC Coin ist der TRC20-Token, der durch die Gesamtabwicklung von Auslandsbörsen mitgehalten wird.


Die BRIC-App-Phase dient dem allgemeinen Austausch zwischen den Kunden insgesamt.

• Senden, empfangen und handeln Sie BRIC-Münzen

• Thing Listing mit vollem Lagerbestand

• Handeln Sie Ihr Ding auf der ganzen Welt

• Im Allgemeinen Payments Gateway: Kreditkarten, EMoney, BRIC Coin

Author : harum93

Kamis, 24 Februari 2022

Understanding the Need for Turbo

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project Need for Turbo you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

#NeedForTurbo #NFTC #Metaverse #PlayToEarn

Every project thrives on adequate planning and understanding to be successful. The words 'token' and 'economics' makes up Tokenomics. Tokens are forms of cryptocurrency used to represent a particular function or asset and exist on their Blockchain network. Tokens are designed via an ICO; Initial Coin Offering and is useful for making investments, purchases, carrying out transactions for storing value. Cryptocurrency tokens are used oftentimes to generate funds or resources for crowd raising. The term Economics is a study on goods and services which focuses on their creation, distribution, as well as consumption.

The economics of a token is therefore tokenomics; the features, design, distribution, supply, demand of a token that attracts individuals and investors to it. The Need for Turbo game is a platform on Blockchain technology whose token is in two levels.

Utility Tokenomics Phase?

In this phase, the crypto coin; the NFTC otherwise known as Need for Turbo Coin will be the only token used for utilities applicable for the racing game. After commissions get deducted for Need for Turbo,its coin is released to the public on CeFi platforms (centralized finance). The phase referred to as Building; the Initial tokenomics step in Turbo game whereby funds are received. Hence, no special NFTC allocation to the team members is set because they are shared during presale instead. Prior to the gaming launch, Need for Turbo Coin sum available was undefined due to the absence of a soft or hard cap including unlimited presale, the sum of USD recieved while sale was ongoing on chains describes the number of tokens to mint which is also included as liquidity.
When a user partakes during presale, they purchase NFTC at a reduced price of 10% without charges.


The Need for Turbo race has a well planned tokenomics that gives users and investors understanding of the potentials embedded in the project. With this information provided, one can easily tell if a project is worth investing into or not and the success rate. Need for Turbo game combines blockchain technology using the Binance and Ethereum networks including Metaverse features.

Projects Information


Author : harum93
bsc address : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7

11Minutes is a Blockchain Based Play2earn Platform for Users Globally

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, 11Minutes you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission


There are now many crypto based gaming platforms that offer play and earn features for their players. Users will be able to play and make money more easily and safely using their digital wallet. This method is considered an effective solution for players because there is no need to register or KYC to start playing. Users can directly connect their wallets and they can enjoy the games provided by the platform. Users can play and earn money easily from their various devices. This will of course benefit players globally, most of whom now want a gaming platform that rewards them.

Eleven Minutes is a game that is known almost all over the world in various ways. It can be played on the street, field, etc. Any free space can serve as an App for smartphone enthusiasts. It is a popular game that is familiar to a large population of the world with so many players to get rewards. Thousands of Gamers mistakenly believe that they can make money from 11Minutes just by betting on matches, and is a passive income NFT.

What is 11Minutes?

11Minutes is the first play2earn game series on Blockchain. You can play new games in each session and win life-changing prizes. 11Minutes Platform (ELVN Coin) is a cryptocurrency Asset that will invade the world in 2022, lunch based on Binance Smart Chain NFT Game which is growing in popularity by the day, with the aim of being used by entrepreneurs, gaming sessions and start-ups for utility purposes .

The Eleven Minutes Game platform was created to serve the largest community in the world – NFT gaming. More than 100,000 people worldwide are enthusiastically supporting ELVN by purchasing and using it. ELVN Coin has strong utility, limited supply, and strong value pillars that support it.

Blockchain Based Play2earn Platform

11Minutes was launched as a platform that allows players to play and earn money easily and safely. Players will be able to play more easily on an innovatively designed platform by an experienced team. The method offered by 11Minutes is an innovative way because users only need to connect their wallet and they can enjoy the games provided by 11Minutes, no registration or KYC required, users can use the games directly from their various devices.

It is a gaming platform designed using blockchain technology. That means the games offered by 11Minutes are completely safe and free from manipulation. Users will be able to use the various features available and play freely without interference from other parties. And especially since it is launched using blockchain technology, users can play for a low fee. Users only need to pay 45 USD for less than 0.1 USD to start playing at 11Minutes. It is more affordable compared to similar gaming platforms which usually require players to pay higher.

11Minutes also plans to allow the NFT protocol to be integrated into this platform. By integrating the NFT protocol, users will be able to play more safely and innovatively. Users can store various game items in the form of NFT tokens in their digital wallets. That way, users can arrange their items or characters more freely and as desired.

Also users who want to maximize their income can participate in the liquidity program launched by 11Minutes. Users can earn passive income by participating in providing liquidity. In this way, users will be able to get additional rewards besides the games they are playing.


11Minutes is the first decentralized crypto blockchain game to hit with a million hit token sale campaign. It is an NFT platform where users can buy, sell and trade NFT for this game. 11Minutes crypto game gives users access to the gaming platform and NFT. It allows the creation of custom tokens in a simple, convenient and flexible way.

The 11Minutes platform is an Ethereum DApp that allows users to earn real money by playing games. There are several ways to win, including trading in-game digital assets, betting on other players in PvP mode, or earning passive income at 11Minutes Bank.

Decentralized Crypto Blockchain based gaming platform. Metaverse 11Minutes will have cryptocurrency, digital assets, NFT, and the ability to create games in this blockchain ecosystem.

11Minutes Game is a decentralized, incognito, secure and transparent cryptocurrency that uses Polygon blockchain technology to provide users with instant and hassle-free payments. Our mission is to create an ecosystem that allows our users to trade assets freely, develop DApps based on the platform using Smart Contracts, pay for goods and accommodation in an efficient way without having to worry about any kind of fraud. A new frontier in technological evolution, Shark of wall street decentralized crypto blockchain is a decentralized blockchain platform that allows you to generate your own coins/tokens and ICOs. The platform also penalizes you for buying, selling, trading, exchanging cryptocurrencies (crypto tokens) and digital assets in a secure environment built on smart contract functionality.

Token Details

ELVN is designed to be a token that will provide stability and rewards to holders, as well as a token that will be used for payments on the platform. The advantage of owning ELVN tokens is that users can use these tokens for staking or providing liquidity for passive income. Users can manage all their ELVN tokens via a blockchain wallet or any wallet that supports the BEP-20 protocol.


11Minutes is made up of professionals and experts in their fields who have years of experience in game development and the global crypto market. The team is collaborating on developing online games that global crypto users can enjoy easily and safely. With this collaboration, users can enjoy better games with a powerful architecture that allows them to play and earn money more easily and safely. It is hoped that with this best architecture it will avoid users from various problems and also provide users with the best platform to play and make money.


11Minutes Platform is a unique global gaming platform built using multiple smart contract systems, bringing together all parts of the gaming industry ecosystem where all players, developers, merchants and gaming communities can get fair, transparent and fair rewards that they get in ELVN Tokens which can be easily exchanged on the open market. The ecosystem built around the gaming process can be broadcast using the 11Minutes Streaming platform, ELVN Coin as well as being a marketplace for the gaming platform and also as a platform for trading in-game items. The 11Minutes platform Developer Market gets a share of the transaction fees and bets. In this case ELVN Coin withdraws funds to create this game on the 11Minutes crowdfunding platform, a part of its revenue is also distributed among investors.


Author : harum93
BSC Wallet : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7

RBX - Revolutionary Cross-Chain DEX, A Cross-Chain Bridge, And Staking Solutions

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, your RBX should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

#rbx #binance #crypto #nft
We are gradually pivoting to a technological era where computing power is the fuel of modern technology. Computer processing power is needed to fuel the ever growing and rising aspects of emerging technology. Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, cloud computing and blockchain technology, just to mention a few. It has become a commodity as demand for it keeps on growing. RBX Coin will be revolutionary product to a perfect for all trader skill levels, whether your new to the game or an experienced veteran, RBXchange will enhance your trading experience while you grow your investment.

As we all know that the emergence of blockchain technology has changed the world faster and stronger, in fact almost every industry in the world applies the most advanced technology, namely by using Blockchain Technology. The emergence of blockchain has connected the financial industry in a more seamless and modern way, on the one hand Cryptocurrency has grown significantly in recent years. These developments make cryptocurrency better and can be applied to more complex swap cases. Especially with the RBXchange project, a transparent, unique, RBXchange platform-based project and of course this project will change the world of Cryptoqurrency to be beautiful and will bring huge profits to its users and investors.

Cryptocurrency was originally known as a payment system that allows people to be able to make transactions quickly, without third parties, in a transparent, secure and anonymous manner. Satoshi, who is the creator of Bitcoin, made Bitcoin defeat a centralized financial system that is prone to manipulation and is controlled by one party. With the growth and development of the Crypto or blockchain ecosystem, a number of alternative investment options have emerged, and have proven to be more efficient and profitable investment tools than traditional financial returns. Innovative projects consistently appear in the crypto industry with high return investments and continuous trends, such as RBXchange is one project that will attract large market investments.

RBXchange DeFi Exchange Platform Mission: is to open the cryptocurrency farming to everyone with a variety of interesting invests. As a trustworthy company, we encourage Ethereum Network adoption and offer a safe and easy way to take part in the future of financial markets. Bridgeing of RBX (and clients) across all supported chains on Ethereum Network, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon (Matic) platform is all engrafted with a set of unique features which makes its outstanding for its users and crypto-currency (digital) traders etc

RBXchange will develop Multiple Chain Exchanges

Uniswap іѕ а platform thаt аllоwѕ users tо access vаrіоuѕ DeFi features ѕuсh аѕ а stake, swap, etc. However, Uniswap оnlу supports thе Ethereum network, іf уоu wаnt tо dо vаrіоuѕ DeFi activities оn thе Binance Smart Chain network, thеn уоu hаvе tо access а platform lіkе Pancakeswap. Unlіkе thе twо platforms, RBX Coin supports bоth thе Ethereum Network, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon (Matic) through bridging. Users саn access RBX Coin wіth оnе wallet оn оnе exchange wіth three networks. Bесаuѕе RBXchange realizes thе role аnd size оf thе Ethereum market іn thе blockchain world, аnd wе couldn't operate thе exchange platform wіthоut it. Therefore, bу adopting Binance Smart Chain, RBXchange саn solve problems thаt exist оn thе Ethereum network, ѕuсh аѕ fees, security, etc.

The Future Aim of RBX Platform

RBXchange: Cross-chain decentralized exchange & liquidity management solution that let's you trade any token across 18+ EVM chains. Uncensored. Unrestricted.

P2P Fiat On/Off Ramp: Buy & sell crypto using 20+ different payment apps, such as Cash App, PayPal, or Venmo. All without the complexities of KYC.

Rocket Drop: DeFi Staking & Farming platform allowing the creation of reward systems in virtually any imaginable permutation. Open to all vetted projects.

OTC Assist: Automated escrow interface allowing two or more parties to trustlessly conduct Over-the-Counter (OTC) trades of virtually any digital asset.

RBXchange: Launch Digital asset offering platform built to eliminate unscrupulous projects. Baked-in token locks, vesting schedules, automated vetting, & more.

Multi-Cross Chain Bridge: Bridge RBX & other assets to virtually any public EVM chain. Effortlessly convert assets between blockchains, including BTC, XMR, ETH, & BNB.

RBX Coin іѕ аn exchange platform thаt supports three difference networks, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon (matic) chain whісh аllоwѕ users tо trade wіth оnе wallet оn three networks. RBXchange іѕ designed tо mаkе іt easier fоr users tо access vаrіоuѕ DeFi features, supports privacy, аnd hаѕ lоwеr fees thаn conventional exchanges as it stated below,

Thе Ethereum Network іѕ thе largest decentralized network іn thе world оf blockchain, wе саnnоt operate аn exchange platform wіthоut thіѕ network. However, wіth RBXchange, users саn trade оn bоth thе Ethereum network аnd thе Binance Smart Chain. Users саn easily access vаrіоuѕ DeFi features wіth а user-friendly interface, supports privacy, аnd costs lоwеr thаn conventional exchanges.

In Conclusion

RBXchange platform is made up of highly intelligent, motivated and experienced professionals in all areas of financial activities. In order to realize the staking features mentioned above the staking mechanic has been embedded into the ERC-20 and BEP-20 protocol. The algorithm works by regularly inflating the total token supply according to a mathematical logic implemented into the smart contract. Account balances are defined by their individual share of the total supply thus guaranteeing a non-dilutive allocation of tokens. This way the relative staking profit is and remains equal for all accounts independent of size and user related parameters like staking duration, choice of staking pool.

If you need update, please follow at:

Author : harum93
BSC Wallet : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7

Rabu, 23 Februari 2022


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project SAFUU you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

Dесеntrаlіzеd Fіnаnсе (DеFі) аnd nоtісіng thаt dіgіtаl сurrеnсу оvеrаll іѕ ореnіng uр аddіtіоnаl орроrtunіtіеѕ асrоѕѕ thе еntіrе mоnеtаrу іnduѕtrу. DеFі hаѕ сrеаtеd а ruсkuѕ аmоng thе ѕаvvіеѕt оf fіnаnсіаl bасkеrѕ, wіth mоѕt соnсurrіng thаt іt hаѕ рrеѕеntеd рrоbаblу thе mоѕt еxtrаvаgаnt ореn dооrѕ іn аn uрѕеt оf ѕоrtѕ аnd thаt dіgіtаl mоnеу hаѕ mаdе mоrе mоgulѕ thrоughоut thе mоѕt rесеnt tеn уеаrѕ thаn аnу оthеr tіmе ѕееn рrеvіоuѕlу. Sаfuu gіvеѕ а dесеntrаlіzеd mоnеtаrу rеѕоurсе whісh rеwаrdѕ сlіеntѕ wіth а fеаѕіblе fіxеd ассumulаtіng fundѕ mоdеl thrоugh utіlіzаtіоn оf іtѕ оnе оf а kіnd rеѕtrісtіvе SAP соnvеntіоn.

SAFUU Autо-Stаkіng

Thе SAP Autо-Stаkе hіghlіght іѕ а bаѕіс уеt ѕtаtе оf thе аrt wоrk саllеd Buу-Hоld-Eаrn, thаt gіvеѕ а dеfіnіtіvе uѕаbіlіtу fоr $SAFUU hоldеrѕ.

Purсhаѕе Hоld-Eаrn - Bу еѕѕеntіаllу рurсhаѕіng аnd hоldіng $SAFUU tоkеn іn уоur wаllеt, уоu рrосurе rеbаѕе аwаrdѕ аѕ rеvеnuе іnѕtаllmеntѕ ѕtrаіghtfоrwаrdlу іntо уоur wаllеt. Yоur tоkеnѕ wіll buіld lіkе сlосkwоrk.

Utіlіzіng а Pоѕіtіvе Rеbаѕе еquаtіоn, Sаfuu mаkеѕ іt wоrkаblе fоr tоkеn сіrсulаtіоn tо bе раіd ѕtrаіghtfоrwаrdlу соrrеѕроndіng tо thе аgе rеbаѕе rеwаrdѕ, wоrth 0.02355% lіkе сlосkwоrk аgе tіmе оf thе аggrеgаtе ѕum оf $SAFUU tоkеnѕ hеld іn уоur wаllеt. Thе rеbаѕе rеwаrdѕ аrе аррrорrіаtеd оn еvеrу EPOCH (15 mоmеnt rеbаѕе реrіоd) tо аll $SAFUU hоldеrѕ. Thіѕ rеаllу іntеndѕ thаt wіthоut mоvіng thеіr tоkеnѕ frоm thеіr wаllеt, Sаfuu hоldеrѕ gеt а уеаrlу ѕеlf multірlуіng dіvіdеndѕ оf 382,945.41% fоr Yеаr 1.

Sаfuu Inѕurаnсе Fund

SIF іѕ thе аbbrеvіаtіоn fоr thе Sаfuu Inѕurаnсе Fund whісh іѕ а dіffеrеnt wаllеt іn Sаfuu'ѕ SAP frаmеwоrk. Thе SIF utіlіzеѕ а саlсulаtіоn thаt bасkѕ thе Rеbаѕе Rеwаrdѕ аnd іѕ uрhеld bу а ріесе оf thе trаdе еxсhаngіng еxреnѕеѕ thаt gаthеr thе SIF wаllеt. In ѕtrаіghtfоrwаrd tеrmѕ, thе ѕtаkіng rеwаrdѕ (rеbаѕе rеwаrdѕ) whісh аrе сіrсulаtеd аt rеgulаr іntеrvаlѕ аt а расе оf 0.02355% аrе uрhеld bу thе SIF bоundаrу, ѕubѕеquеntlу guаrаntееіng а hіgh аnd ѕtаblе fіnаnсіng соѕt tо $SAFUU tоkеn hоldеrѕ.

5% оf аll еxсhаngіng еxреnѕеѕ аrе рut аwау іn thе Sаfuu Inѕurаnсе Fund whісh mаіntаіnѕ аnd bасk thе ѕtаkіng rеwаrdѕ gіvеn bу thе роѕіtіvе rеbаѕе. SIF Kеерѕ hоldеrѕ рrоtесtеd bу :

Stауіng аwау frоm ѕtrеаk сrаѕh thrоugh vаluе dереndаbіlіtу
Aссоmрlіѕhіng lоngtеrm ѕuрроrtаbіlіtу аnd futurе dеvеlорmеnt оf thе Sаfuu Prоtосоl
Extrаоrdіnаrіlу dесrеаѕіng drаwbасk hаzаrd


Wаlk fіrѕt, 8PM UTC tіmе wіll bе thе Prе-lаunсh оn PіnkSаlе whеrе еvеrуbоdу wіll hаvе thе сhаnсе tо рurсhаѕе $SAFUU tоkеnѕ. It wіll bе оn а thе еаrlу bіrd gеtѕ thе wоrm рrеmіѕе аnd іn thе еvеnt thаt оur ѕеnd оff wіll bе іn аnу wау ѕіmіlаr tо whаt wе hаvе ѕееn іn dіffеrеnt соnvеntіоnѕ, іt wіll іn аll lіkеlіhооd ѕеll оut іnѕіdе а соuрlе оf mоmеntѕ. BNB wіll bе thе bеѕt wау tо рurсhаѕе $SAFUU tоkеnѕ ѕо уоu ѕhоuld hаvе BNB рrераrеd іn уоur MеtаMаѕk wаllеt аt ѕеаѕоn оf Prе-Lаunсh.


Stаrtіng Suррlу - 325,000
Mаx Suррlу - 125,000,000,000
Aссеѕѕіblе tо Purсhаѕе оn PіnkSаlе Prе-Lаunсh - 200,000
Stауіng Tоkеn Brеаkdоwn - 100,000 wіll bе utіlіzеd fоr PаnсаkеSwар tо mаtсh hаlf lіquіdіtу аnd 25,000 wіll bе utіlіzеd fоr аdvеrtіѕіng іnс; Aіrdrор аnd Bоuntу Cаmраіgn.

PіnkSаlе Prе-Lаunсh
PіnkSаlе Prе-Lаunсh Prісе - 1 BNB = 24.66 $SAFUU ($15.00 реr $SAFUU)*
*Currеnt соѕt 31-JAN-2022
Dеlісаtе Cар - 100,000 Tоkеnѕ
Hаrd Cар - 200,000 Tоkеnѕ

APY Intеrеѕt Yіеld

Gіvіng оur undеrtаkіng HаrdCар іѕ rеасhеd оn Dау 1. Thеоrеtісаllу іn thе еvеnt thаt wе dоn't gеt аll fіnаnсіng fоr 7 dауѕ fоr іnѕtаnсе, thе APY wоuld nоt bеgіn untіl аftеr thіѕ tіmе. Wе wаnt tо еnѕurе thаt ALL fіnаnсіаl bасkеrѕ hаvе аѕѕеrtеd thеіr tоkеnѕ оn PіnkSаlе ѕо thеіr $SAFUU tоkеnѕ аrе ѕіttіng іn thеіr оwn wаllеt аnd thuѕlу wіll gеt thе APY іntеrеѕt rеwаrdѕ. Whеnеvеr wе hаvе ѕtаrtеd thе Sаfuu Prоtосоl tо bеgіn thе APY сусlе, іt саn't bе ѕtорреd оr hаltеd whісh іѕ thе mаgnіfісеnсе оf Sаfuu, ѕо іn аll rеаѕоnаblеnеѕѕ wе wіll undоubtеdlу ѕtаnd bу 24 hоurѕ tо gіvе еvеrуbоdу рlеntіful орроrtunіtу tо guаrаntее thеіr tоkеnѕ.  All Sаfuu hоldеrѕ аrе rеwаrdеd wіth аutоmаtіс соmроund іntеrеѕt whісh іѕ раіd еvеrу 15 mіnutеѕ. 

Thе Sаfuu Tеаm іѕ іnсludеd рrоfоundlу rеgаrdеd gаthеrіng оf 5 blосkсhаіn/ѕtrеngth/dAрр/wеb dеѕіgnеrѕ, 3 аdvеrtіѕіng mаѕtеr'ѕ, аnd оur рорulаr CEO Brуаn Lеgеnd. Wе hаvе mаnу соntасtѕ іn thе сrурtоѕрhеrе реrmіttіng uѕ tо hаndіlу аrrіvе аt fоrсеѕ tо bе rесkоnеd wіth аnd gаіn аn еdgе vеrѕuѕ оur rіvаlѕ. It іѕ аddіtіоnаllу еѕѕеntіаl tо tаkе nоtе оf thаt wе wіll bе hоріng tо grоw оur grоuр ѕіzе аftеr wе hаvе gоttеn fruіtful ѕubѕіdіzіng frоm оur іmреndіng рrе-ѕеnd оff whісh wіll реrmіt uѕ tо quісklу еxtеnd thе Sаfuu brаnd.

Offісіаl Lіnkѕ

Website :
Whitepaper :
Twitter :
Reddit :
Telegram :
Medium :
GitHub :

Author : harum93
BEP20 Address : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7

Selasa, 22 Februari 2022

Crypt-ON platform keuangan BERBASIS blockchain

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, Crypt-ON you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

#Crypt_ON #TGE
We have talked with you a lot and for a long time about various implementations of blockchain projects. But you know what? We always speak of them as a solution that is able to improve the existing areas of real business, while attracting us either as clients or as investors. What if we shift the emphasis a bit?

What do you say about the project that the community will manage? Make decisions at key moments, choose motion and development vectors? As it seems to me, this is an extremely interesting and fresh concept, capable of attracting the attention of a considerable number of crypto-enthusiasts around the world.

What is Crypt-ON ?

Crypt-ON is a financial platform that combines various methods of p2p payments (including credit micro loans), but based on the blockchain and cryptocurrencies . In fact, we have already passed all this, but I would not focus your attention on an ordinary project, which Crypt-ON is not exactly like.

Crypt-ON is the place to make secure financial transactions. They can look for how to invest money for a short time, while other people will look for short-term loans, etc. We’ll talk about all the services later in our article.

But the main thing that needs to be highlighted is that all these transactions will be transparent and safe, because they use blockchain and smart contracts.

Problem and Solution from Crypt-ON

Its a well known fact that humanity has attempted to manage budgetary relations through contracts and contracts previously. In a few spots it was an effective occasion, in spots it was not exceptionally.

For this situation, managed and incorporated organizations, for example, banks or open budgetary establishments, have dependably delighted in incredible certainty. Be that as it may, today we are prepared to change conventions. Advanced monetary standards have indicated us as of late that cash can be decentralized.

Indeed, to ensure budgetary dissolvability, despite everything you need to utilize top-level banks (for instance, to give chance protection against gold and outside cash stores), yet at the customer level this need has just vanished.

Blockchain and smart contracts gave us the essential arrangement of instruments when it is greatly troublesome for fraudsters to approach the client's extortion, and regardless of whether this occurs, they can be followed, ceased, and conceivable dangers can be secured.

Crypt-ON will utilize these advancements minus all potential limitations. By constructing the budgetary platform in light of the definitely known and safe devices, Crypt-ON will establish the framework for another idea of the customer money related market.

Every exchange directed on the platform won't just be recorded, yet additionally furnished with an exceptional "trust token", which is discharged by Crypt-ON. What's more, the dimension of trust in the members in the exchange will be shaped. Also, this dimension will be changed into a visual rating, which at that point will turn into the premise of your sheltered exchange toward any path! I believe that it is advantageous to harp on this and to single out the fundamental exercises of the Crypt-ON platform.

Main terms of the project:

DAO (decentralized autonomous organization). This is a form of community organization / platform that operates at the expense of the rules laid down in the smart contracts, and decisions are made by its members. Records of all transactions and DAO policy rules are stored in the blockchain system.

P2p-loans - a type of loan in which the transfer of funds is carried out without the participation of a bank or another third party, and the creditor is a specific individual. From English "peer-to-peer" (equal to equal), or "person-to-person" (from person to person).

Stablecoin is an external digital token that protects against the high volatility inherent in cryptocurrencies. An external token such as a Maker platform token or LibreCash will be selected for use in the project, the stability of which is ensured by emission / remission on the blockchain instead of guarantees in fiat currency (which does not have a value link to a traditional asset).

Reputation (Trust token) is a digital token operations records containing the user / participant platform of the operations records in the form of a trust rating. In particular, subject to the terms of the contract - in the form of a rating upgrade, in case of a delay in the execution of a contract - in the form of a downgrade, in the event of non-fulfillment - in the form of a “Attention! ((Alert!) ". The entry in the user's token is made automatically in the blockchain system and cannot be changed or canceled. In fact, this is a Crypt-ON user reputation, encrypted in the token for ease of handling and transparency of the recording.

Escrow (the term is used by analogy and does not involve the involvement of a professional market participant) - based solely on the consent of all parties to the transaction, the participation of an independent intermediary / authorized person, expressed in depositing the transaction price with it, with the condition of its subsequent transfer to the interested person All participants in the transaction fully complied with the terms of the contract.

Competitive Advantages

At the principal organize, the Crypt-ON stage will give clients 4 administrations:
Conducting completely safe exchanges in digital money with the assistance of an autonomous judge (Escrow benefit). In the meantime protection exchanges will be utilized!

Service for the choice of microloans . Any member in the framework can take an interest in p2p crediting, and in any job. This is the place a free and straightforward rating framework proves to be useful, which will make it conceivable to limit the danger of falling on a problematic borrower.
Service to look for some kind of employment and representatives . It will be a sort of independent trade that will work through keen contracts. This totally kills the installment non-installment of compensation or inability to finish the errand.

Service for the nearby trade of cryptographic money . Enables you to locate the best trade offers dependent on your area. You never again need to utilize remote administrations that protect their dangers, including expanded loan fees. It is conceivable that the trade in your locale will be substantially more productive.

Indeed, all the satisfaction or non-satisfaction of keen contracts will influence the notoriety of the framework members. In the event that a member has any issues, he can generally swing to autonomous mediation, as per the consequences of which a choice will be made - to whom to expand the rating and to bring down it.

Later on, such a framework will permit making a different network of crypto fans who can try their most out of control thoughts and thoughts, shape groups, enlist the fundamental authorities, get credits - this without leaving the PC and the Crypt-ON stage.

Given the chances and simplicity of support, Crypt-ON is wanting to pull in the individuals who don't share the possibility of a digital currency future today.

IPT and TGE Project Token

Token Generation Event or TGE (this is a simple of the ICO, just lawfully allowed in the United States and directed by the SEC) will be held from October 1 of this current year to January 21, 2019.

A sum of 200 million IPT tokens will be discharged. Tomb ON note that their token won't be digital currency in the broadest feeling of the word. This is the purported "utility" token that will be utilized inside the structure of the stage to pay for different capacities. In the meantime, it tends to be bought on the stock trades for customary digital currency or cash.

The SoftCap project is set at a bar of 4 million USD, HardCap is 16 million. In the event that in the offer of tokens SoftCap is come to, however HardCap isn't gathered, at that point every unsold token will be singed.

Token Name: IPT
Standard: ERC20
Total number: 200,000,000 Token
Hard cap at ICO stage: $ 16,000,000
Soft cap at ICO stage:$ 4,000,000

Presently how about we take a gander at how the aggregate number of tokens issued will be dispersed:

77% wanted to be actualized in the structure of TGE;
10% will stay in the exchange protection support;
10% will stay with the undertaking group;
3% designated to abundance.

With respect to the raised assets, the conveyance is as per the following:

half will go to the improvement of the stage;
20% will go to promoting and publicizing;
10% will stay in the hold support;
5% each will be spent on legitimate costs; on the compensation of undertaking specialists, and on the execution of decentralization on the stage.

Project Evaluation

ICOBench this time was not altogether different in the contrast between the profile and master rating. There is 4.4 in the profile , yet the specialists (or rather, while he is separated from everyone else) appraised the venture at 4.5. Additionally, the group and the possibility of the venture put the most extreme 5. I can't help thinking this isn't absurd.

With respect to my conclusion, this time I will attempt to be limited in evaluations. The stage unquestionably has an intriguing vision, yet not the most imaginative item. Indeed, there is still MVP, which as of now talks about the reality of expectations. An exceptionally elegantly composed whitepaper venture, with an emphasis on key focuses. Be that as it may, here the most intriguing will start when TGE is finished, yet on the off chance that it closes effectively or not effectively, it depends, including on you.

For further information about Crypt-ON come to visit :

Website :
Whitepaper :
ANN Thread :
Telegram :
Facebook :
Twitter :
Reddit :
Medium :
Instagram :

Author : harum93
Ethereum wallet adress : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7

Senin, 21 Februari 2022

CoinRadr – The Future Of Secure And Easy To Use Crypto Investing

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project CoinRadr you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

#coinradr #radr #bnb #crypto

The bitcoin market is now worth more than $2 trillion dollars. The tremendous demand for cryptocurrencies is demonstrated by this exponential growth. In the future years, more than $50 trillion in fiat reserves is likely to be invested in various crypto assets.

Many new DeFi products, insurance, NFTs, loans, multi-chain, the metaverse, and many other exciting use cases have sprung up as a result of the influx of fiat funds into cryptocurrencies. The crypto space, on the other hand, is experiencing chaos in its avalanche of activity, and we can only expect unpredictable spikes in these many bursts of data points as technologies, use cases, ecosystems, tokens, and coins evolve on a daily basis. These data points might have a severe influence on both investors and traders if they are not appropriately aggregated.

Bad data management will result in poor decisions, depreciation of value, inability to perform tasks, and investment losses. As these niches evolve into crypto assets, a comprehensive solution to manage these evolving crypto needs is becoming more important. Furthermore, the user’s average cost of managing numerous data points may be prohibitively large. As a result, CoinRadr emerged as an excellent alternative.

Coinradr is a cutting-edge, encrypted coin tracking and trading application that gives you a leg up on the competition in the cryptocurrency market. CoinRadr is the first blockchain-based DeFi solution to provide a complete DeFi experience in one place. CoinRadr includes a lot of great tools that give crypto asset holders a whole new experience and provide them with unique and powerful capabilities.


Earn daily income:

complete certain tasks with apps to earn daily token rewards from app revenue.

High APY Alerts:

Invest in the highest and safest APY from multiple pools on decentralized exchanges to grow your money.

Portfolio analytics: P&L status for individual assets is displayed in a consistent manner.

News Alerts:

Get the latest and latest news from project teams and prominent online media in real time.

Anti Pump & Dump Alert:

unique algorithm for fast detection of pump and dump coins. This prevents loss of investment due to bad or wrong decisions of traders and investors.

Crypto assets analytics:

one-stop menu for quick access to all features. It makes it easy to find a gem project, check coin/token status and get instant feedback to help with investment decisions.

Meme Tokens:

Memes ushered in a new era of acceptance. This category lists the most popular meme currencies based on social activity data as well as their market valuation.

NFTs and Metaverse:

Track the most valuable NFT and Metaverse tokens.

Trading signal:

a team of professionals provides daily and long term indicators for gems/tokens. Trading these signals can increase your funds up to 1000 percent.

Browser Dapps:

connect your offline wallets to decentralized exchanges for immediate access. You can exchange your preferred tokens and make a token swap.

Launchpad :

there is an onboard menu for Incubator Projects, Seed Rounds, Private Sales and Public Rounds. You can invest in the best startups and get a fair return on your money.


they do not miss any of the most popular news on their radar.

CoinRadr Socials: By browsing the social links of famous influencers, you can find out about the hottest debates about cryptocurrencies and popular tokens.

Whale Warning:

when the whales (the largest investors) buy or sell some or all of their assets, you should be aware.

Import and export of analytics data. Using the profile login features, you can easily import your application data. You can create and sync your personal settings in the app. Reports can be exported to various formats.

Exchange synchronization:

CoinRadr also supports the top five exchanges with the same sync speed and uses encrypted data to protect user information. With the built-in security architecture of CoinRadr, this feature is practically guaranteed. This concept also represents a fresh approach to the much-desired security of user data.

Main advantage

Coinradr allows you to stay ahead of the market with its key advantages over other industry competitors:

Messaging Security

Flexible trading

Economic efficiency

Data security

Instant Trading

Compatible with multiple wallets

Synchronization of the best exchanges

Target market

Coinradr was created to serve

handling a large number of clients. No matter who you are and what your main interests are, you will find Coinradr a useful tool in your work. If you are one of the following types of users currently served by Coinradr, consider identifying yourself with Coinradr:

Crypto investors



News Media

Whales Groups

venture capitalist

Centralized exchanges

Decentralized exchanges

Seed investors

Liquidity providers

Market makers

Technical analysts

Crypto Newbies


The $RDR token is the central currency that powers the entire CoinRadr ecosystem. It will be used to encourage staking for long-term DPY rewards. It will use the dApp’s browser to manage all payments.

$RDR tokens will be used to pay for ads in the app. Launchpad listings and incubator subscriptions will be managed by the $RDR token. The $RDR token will be used for all paid premium content subscriptions. App users are rewarded in US dollars for their actions and contributions to the development of the ecosystem. $RDR will be used to power all NFTs and Metaverses in the ecosystem.


Using the CoinRadr app, you will be able to see the cryptocurrency market as a whole from another perspective. It doesn’t matter how much you make in crypto or how many coins you have. It’s all about the efficiency and effectiveness of your efforts as a crypto investor or trader. You will be able to compare the growth rates of different crypto assets, learn about the best individual coins for a particular purpose and understand where these currencies fit into the bigger picture.

Author : harum93
BSC Wallet : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, RingCold you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

Our Earth must change. How we live. How we treat each other. How we compensate for human needs with the climate and all the existence with which we share our earth. Unfortunately, we have forgotten to focus on the harm that has been done to our present circumstances as our general public has evolved. The unevenness that we have created is manifested in the way the environment is changing and in the destruction of our biological systems. This moment is an opportunity to look back, see what we screwed up, and find the best way to share this home we call planet Earth.

Briefly about the project.

What is global warming? Unnatural weather change is a kind of environmental awkwardness on Earth due to the method of raising the normal temperature of the air, ocean and land on the planet. Unnatural weather change is a cycle described by an increase in the temperature of the climate, ocean and land. According to your data, the global normal temperature on the Earth's surface has risen by 0.74 ± 0.18 °C over the past hundred years. According to these lines, note that our earth is getting hotter. What actually causes the earth to heat up? Why is the Earth facing an increase in temperature? All things considered, this is the reason.

Greenhouse effect

Carbon dioxide, or CO2, created by activities on this planet, such as breathing and burning fuels, surrounds the earth. As the levels currently exceed legal limits, CO2 is like glass covering the surface of the world.

Feedback effect

In addition to the nursery influence, the impact of the entry further influences the global temperature change. The input here is an illustration of water scattering.

Varieties of the sun

We should first get to know the sun oriented varieties, the sun based varieties are changes in how much radiant energy is delivered by the sun. Sun varieties are affected by an 11 year sun oriented cycle (red spot cycle) despite other continuous changes.

Working with organizations committed to change, present in some of Earth's most basic environments, we negotiate with non-governmental organizations to serve people and restore nature. Ringcold SA Swiss was formed to help fund NGOs fighting global temperature change. The task has also been given to several non-governmental organizations in Europe to explore different activities to be carried out jointly. In order to achieve quick and effective results, his group decided to raise funds from financial backers from all over the world, as well as create organizations with famous diplomats who advocate similar qualities.

By investing resources in our money, you are doing a dual function: bringing in money, increasing the value of the token, and helping us fund these NGOs. Popular ambassadors will soon be selected to help us and protect our model. RingCold does not plan to be involved in legislative matters and will never give itself up to any ideological group. On the dedicated side, our cash (ERC-20 token) is decentralized and contains 100 million coins, and there will be no expansion or burning in the future. ICO is not organized. 25% of all tokens are held by producers to pay for the demo system, influencers, and NGO gifts. We have launched an NFT Collector's Crusade on the Opensea website. Half of the collected assets will go to support NGOs.


Minggu, 20 Februari 2022

Meta Cash Wallet

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project METACASHWALLET you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

#metacashwallet #nft #crypto #binance
MetaCashWallet (MCW Coin) is a cryptocurrency Assets that will storm the world in the year 2022, Supports on Ethereum ERC-20 and Binance Smart Chain BEP-20 Coins, DeFi that is growing in popularity day by day, with the aim to be used by entrepreneurs, small businesses and start-ups for utility purposes.

MetaCashWallet platform: is made up of highly intelligent, motivated and experienced professionals in all areas of financial activities. The average type of customer ranges from individual, entrepreneurs, business owners, start ups, banks and financial corporations willing to invest their funds in a time like this. MetaCashWallet project is a global Platform, created with the objective of providing members of the ecosystem with the most secure, safest and reliable investment plan with the MCW Token. Users can always make huge and massive profits with a low risk.

MetaCashWallet Project (MCW Coin) decentralized system is a global marketplace for all cryptocurrency assets. it is building a robust and fully compliant platform that offers a broad range of peer-to-peer cryptocurrency-specialized solution. These include a high-frequency trading platform capable of real-time spot trading and margin trading and over the counter trading.

MetaCashWallet Vision

The main goal is to enable users to benefit as much as possible from the new investment opportunities created by decentralized finance with the least amount of constraints possible. Therefore, users combine multiple income streams while maintaining full flexibility of MCW Token use. The betting mechanism built into the MetaCashWallet protocol works without requiring any user action. Users do not need to lock their tokens and do not need to claim their rewards as the staking process is fully automated.

The investor on an incredible Platform brings good returns. Join the MetaCashWallet Platform today and start making your profit. No investment with MetaCashWallet won't turn out to yield positive returns. Trading is a nice business when you trade on an incredible platform like (MCW Coin) and your funds and profits are always safe and secured.

The MetaCashWallet Company has created all the favorable and convenient tools needed for investing, start ups, institutions, and individuals. Investors will also be able to get massive returns on all investment made on the platform. Now there is already a listed on Initial Exchange Offerings (IEO) Dex exchange website of the trading wallet, a desktop version and mobile versions of the MCW Wallet for Android and IOS operating systems, which makes it possible for anyone to become an MetaCashWallet user right now.

The MetaCashWallet project aims to make decentralized financial products available to non-tech-MetaCashWallet Users. MCW Tokens allow gas-free automatic staking rewards:

Multi Beneficiaries: Since the Embedded Staking Protocol allows full availability of token use in other DeFi products, rewards can be "doubled" using MetaCashWallet. In this way, staking rewards work like an additional layer of passive income. will offer MetaCashWallet Holders a different additional income stream.

Comfortable: MetaCashWallet platform are embedded in the standard ERC20 And BEP-20 transfer function and are fully automatic and 100% passive with no user decision or interaction necessary to receive the prize.

Flexible: MetaCashWallet is compatible with Ethereum an Binance based DeFi projects. MCW Coins can be used like all standard ERC-20 & BEP-20 tokens to collect, lend, generate farms, mine and so on, all of this while continuing to generate additional stake tokens to holders.

Fair: The embedded Meta Cash Wallet protocol stakes evenly adjusts all balances according to the embedded offer development curve. No preference of any kind is given to any particular holder. All wallets are treated the same way, regardless of balance, transaction volume or other parameters.

Transparent: Open source Meta Cash Wallet. All program code and contracts are available via Github and can be checked and tested by anyone. Due to the implementation of a single contract, manipulation of the contract logic or the maximum supply is not possible, there is no additional minting of coins.

Stable: With MetaCashWallet, no reward release event at the end of the lock-up period can result in a cyclic dump. Except for market reasons, selling MCW Token has never been easier or more profitable at any given point in time, creating less volatility.

Independent: With Meta Cash Wallet you remain independent because tokens are always liquid while earning rewards (without locks) and can be freely transferred or invested in other DeFi products.

In Conclusion

Meta Cash Wallet platform strives to create and maintain a very safe, secure and flexible as it stated above, at climate that is ideal for invest/trade. In the coming years, Meta Cash Wallet is pursuing a structure for itself as a whole IEO limiting as a phase for advanced cash friendly worldwide while freeing from all climates of damage to individuals, financial managers, new organizations, private courage to contribute, trade , implement and develop by having a setting in the whole market that guides monetary authenticity, candor and development.

Meta Cash Wallet platform has also employed team members with the required experience needed to make each department in the platform drive and generate Profits. They are working always to make MCW Token get more value and attractive and also at the same time help Investors feel comfortable and make cool Profits.


Author : harum93
BSC Wallet : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2022

CoinSale: Stake your NFT Token, Earn more CSF token!

Salutare tuturor, ce mai faci? Dacă sunteți interesat să vă alăturați proiectului Coinsale, ar trebui să citiți informațiile care vă vor ajuta să obțineți informații care vă pot ajuta să vă vedeți viziunea și misiunea.

#coinsale #coinsalefinance #binance #btc

Criptomoneda și-a extins aripile în multe industrii și piețele financiare de mult timp. Blockchain a crescut masiv în popularitate, extinzându-și cazurile de utilizare de la criptomonede la alte sectoare, cum ar fi băncile, sănătatea și imobiliare. Start-up-urile emergente din blockchain au perturbat spațiul investițional în 2017, când au adoptat abordarea simbolului pentru strângerea de fonduri. În loc ca aceste start-up-uri să strângă fonduri prin modelul tradițional de la investitorii instituționali, au emis jetoane și au lansat cărți albe pentru a oferi investitorilor siguranță în proiectele lor.

Creșterea blockchain-ului a inventat tehnici de crowdfunding precum ICO, IEO, IDO și STO ca o nouă metodă de strângere de fonduri de-a lungul timpului. Creșterea cripto-economiei este atât promițătoare, cât și nefericită pentru capitalurile de risc, precum și pentru investitorii de retail din întreaga lume. Promițător pentru că acum au ocazia să investească în active cripto. Cu toate acestea, există provocări Blockchain legate de UI/UX, lipsa KYC, acești VC și investitorii de retail sunt blocați cu strategiile tradiționale de strângere de fonduri. De aceea, dezvăluirea CoinSale.

Ce este CoinSale?

Coinsale este o platformă IDO descentralizată. Coinsale este un partener de soluții puternice pentru proiectele de criptomonede pentru a vinde jetoane, a crește lichiditatea și a ajunge la noi investitori. Coinsale vă permite să investiți în proiecte la evenimentele IDO care vor avea loc pe platforma sa prin mizați propriul token. Această platformă oferă posibilitatea de a investi primul, vei fi unul dintre primii investitori ai proiectelor.

De ce CoinSale?

Servește pentru a rezolva problemele create de multe platforme similare, pentru a minimiza costurile de participare la evenimentele IDO și pentru a ajunge la un public mai mare. În timp ce unele platforme nu vă garantează că investiți în proiecte, chiar dacă mizați propriul token, Coinsale, dimpotrivă, își propune să se asigure că toți participanții participă la evenimentele IDO fără probleme. Nu există absolut niciun sistem de bot pe platforma Coinsale și acest lucru nu este tolerat. Este asigurat că toți investitorii și utilizatorii platformei participă la vânzările IDO fără probleme.

Caracteristicile CoinSale

Proiecte verificate - Investiți în proiecte care au un raport de audit și sunt aprobate de noi.

Multichain - În prezent, va accepta Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain și multe altele!

Stake Program - Am creat programe de staking care sprijină rețelele de lanțuri inteligente Avalanche și Binance

Investiții în stadiu incipient - Cu nivelurile de lansare, obțineți acces la vânzări de semințe și private.

Nivelul de colecție NFT - Obțineți alocare cu colecții speciale
Miza NFT - Mizați-vă jetoanele NFT, câștigați mai multe jetoane CSF!

Cum functioneazã?

Utilizatorii de monede (investitorii) vor putea participa la toate vânzările IDO de pe site-ul web prin mizarea simbolului acestei platforme. Tot ce trebuie să facă este o miză în conformitate cu timpul și condițiile date. În acest fel, veți putea participa fără probleme la toate vânzările IDO viitoare.

Aplicație Coinsale IDO

Proprietarii de proiecte sunt obligați să își prezinte proiectul completând formularul de cerere de pe site pentru a avea un IDO pe platforma Coinsale

Dacă împărtășesc informații importante, cum ar fi conținutul proiectului, informații despre echipă, planuri și bugete cu Coinsale, după evaluarea echipei se va decide dacă proiectul este eligibil sau nu.

Coinsale Finance listează proiecte cu rapoarte de audit și proiecte aprobate de echipa din rețeaua de lanțuri inteligente Avalanche și Binance.

Sistemul de niveluri de CoinSale

Token CSF

Tokenul nativ pentru Coinsale Finance este CSF. CSF va fi folosit pentru a participa la vânzările IDO și de semințe prin miza în funcție de nivel pentru a fi eligibil pentru vânzare. În viitor, CoinSale va lansa un program intern de miză, astfel încât, dacă utilizatorii nu participă la vânzare, aceștia au în continuare șansa de a câștiga unele beneficii din Staking.


Nume jeton: CoinSale
Simbol simbol: $CSF
Aprovizionare maximă totală: 5.000.000 Capitalizare de
piață inițială: ~ 320.000 $
Aprovizionare de lansare: 912.500 CSF

Foaia de parcurs



CoinSale își propune să identifice toate punctele dificile ale accesării platformelor de lansare și participării la IDO-uri pe diferite platforme și rețele care s-au identificat ca; costuri ridicate pentru accesarea platformelor de lansare, alocări reduse pentru nivelurile inferioare, liste albe/înscrieri la loterie, lipsă de timp, cunoștințe și aspecte tehnice ale platformelor și mai ales accesarea platformelor pe rețele necunoscute pentru investitor, perioade de blocare a mizei și o mulțime de altele mai mici problemele cu care se confruntă indivizii. CoinSale rezolvă aceste probleme folosind expertiza echipei și ani de experiență în mediul cripto pentru a face investiții în cele mai bune platforme de lansare la cele mai înalte niveluri și pentru a oferi investitorilor beneficiul de a câștiga dintr-o cotă de profit în succesul fondului.

For More Information Visit:
White Paper:

Victorum vcc-Token

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project Victorum you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

#Victorumcoin #Victorum #payments #banking #BSC #Binance.

The fact that cryptocurrency is still a relatively new invention has provided us with a slew of new possibilities, particularly in the financial sector. According to coingecko, there have been over 12,000 coins and over 500 exchanges listed since the introduction of blockchain technology. Because of this, the ordinary trader is still dissatisfied, even if there are so many different coins and exchanges available.

Statista has now identified the following as the most pressing issues confronting crypto-exchanges:

Transaction fees are too expensive for most people.
The speed with which a transaction can be completed.
Low or no access to funds
The absence of any sort of assistance for clients
Because there aren’t enough compatible cryptocurrencies,
interface that is not convenient for users.
High fees for withdrawing money

On a day-to-day basis, most traders confront these kinds of issues, but they will soon be a thing of the past with VCC.

Victorum (VCC) is a cryptocurrency running on the Binance Smart Chain with many utilisation features. VCC is an all-in-one financial system that allows trading, income generation, cashback, and online payments. Cryptocurrency refers to a form of digital asset that can be saved, traded, transferred, or used as a payment. Cryptocurrencies are non-inflationary because more coins can not be created. Digital coins or tokens are transparent through a public ledger which can be read and tracked by anyone with an internet connection.

The Binance Smart Chain is a secure, decentralised digital financial and payment system using the technology known as the “blockchain.” The system allows users to save, earn, invest, withdraw, transfer, and pay for goods and services anywhere in the world using one platform. The BEP-20 token is designed to provide a flexible format for developers to launch a range of different tokens on the Binance Chain. Cross-chain compatibility allows for easy swapping of BEP2 tokens with their BEP20 equivalents thanks to Wallet extensions.

The Victorum (VCC) will burn a total of 5 billion VCC. This amounts to 50% of the total supply of 10 billion tokens. The burning events will be held every quarter until 5B VCC is finally destroyed. VCC is an attempt to become available through Visa and MasterCard’s global networks to be accepted through their global networks. The Victorum Global Payment System allows personal transactions between different VCC users.

Users will be able to conduct real-life daily transactions using digital currencies within and outside of VCC. Online and Offline VCC Global Payment System. Easy deposit of crypto or fiat currency into your account. Easy worldwide purchases, utility, and service payments using the Victorum token, VCC, VISA, and MasterCard, as well as other supported crypto and fiat currencies. The Victorum Banking and Payment System (VCC) enables individuals and businesses to seamlessly use crypto and fiat currencies.

VCC uses the Binance Smart Chain, which is a completely independent, standalone blockchain that continues even if the main Binance Chain ever goes offline. Cryptocurrencies are start-up companies that fail because they are not accepted globally as units of payment. Victorum cryptocurrency guarantees the availability of VCC tokens 24/7, 365 days a year. VCC Visa/MasterCard will be used worldwide for in-person and online purchases. Software, firmware, and even physical equipment could be at risk from security threats.

Victorum Token security protocols are being created on multifactor authentication models, ensuring no single point of attack is available to hackers. This white paper does not constitute an offer to sell, solicit, or offer to purchase VCC. It is the responsibility of any person wishing to take part in VICTORUM’s private opportunity to buy and sell VCC to inform themselves of and observe all applicable laws and regulations.

Tokenomics of Victorum
Token Name: Victorum
Token Symbol: VCC Victorum
The BEP 20 token type
10,000,000,000 tokens are in circulation.
In the end, 500,000,000 tokens were destroyed.
After the burn, the total supply is 9,500,000,000.
A total of 2,584,321.94850 units are in circulation.

#Victorumcoin #Victorum #payments #banking #BSC #Binance.

Author : harum93
BEP 20 Wallet Address : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7