Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, NiftyPlanet you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission

#bsc #blockchain #niftyplanet #btc
About Nifty Planet project
NiftyPlanet is the world marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and unique digital items that you can actually own. What is NiftyPlanet? Our first NFT Drop successfully launched on June 19th! Stay tuned and subscribe on our social media for more upcoming events and news!
A platform based on blockchain technology, where your unique digital creations are protected, the love and authenticity of your creations is guaranteed.

Welcome to our decentralized international NFT marketplace!
A platform based on blockchain technology, where your unique digital creations are protected, loved, and the authenticity of your creations is guaranteed.
Creators have access to an international Crypto community.Fair income distribution system.
No brokers or middlemen between you and buyers.
Social elevator for young artists, content creators, and musicians.
Look no further. The NiftyPlanet marketplace will give you the opportunity to both join the blockchain revolution and also become a content creator with an international reach.Have you been searching for a place where you can find investors/buyers for your art, music, and other collectable content?
Are you an Artist or Creator?
Stage 1
We will launch our platform starting with special collaborative Drops (exclusive exhibitions). We are currently scouting and taking applications from well-known international artists and creators who would like to join our marketplace during this invitation stage.
Stage 2
Artists and creators will be able to create and sell their own NFTs in the NiftyPlanet marketplace.
Stage 3
We will be fully integrated with other NFT marketplaces and social media platforms and this will allow NiftyPlanet users to trade any NFTs on our platform or on other marketplaces seamlessly.
Fair income distribution system.
There are no brokers or intermediaries between you and the buyer.
The social elevator for young artists, content creators and musicians.
No need to look further. The NiftyPlanet marketplace will give you the opportunity to both join the blockchain revolution and become an international content creator.
The series of original NiftyPlanet drops.
NFT Hunters campaign is a series of special drops that will allow NFT hunters to get a high return on investment, and also give users the exciting opportunity to collect all the NFTs to get extra benefits in the medium term.
Loyalty Card
Only 30 pieces available
This is the first NiftyPlanet Drop.
The price will be 0.02 ETH per 1 NFT.
Using this NFT, you will be able to claim 10,000 NFPL tokens within 2 weeks after Listing on Uniswap exchange!
Modesty Card
Only 15 NFTs available
The price will be 0.5 ETH per 1 NFT
Holding this NFT will give you the right to claim NFPL tokens 4 times between July-Oct 2021 on our special NFT/farming platform.
Approximate ROI is 300-350%. The owner of the card can sell this card anytime.
Courage Card
Only 10 NFTs available
The price is 1 ETH per 1 NFT
Holding this NFT will give you the right to claim tokens 4 times in our special NFT/farming platform between July-Oct 2021 on our special farming platform.
Approximate ROI is 350-400%. The owner of the card can sell this card anytime.
Passion Card
Only 3 cards available
The price is 2.5 ETH per 1 NFT - Holding this NFT will give you the right to claim tokens 6 times between July-Oct 2021 on our special NFT/farming platform.
Approximate ROI is 400-450%. The owner of the card can sell this card anytime.
3 random NFTs from the summer hot drops will be distributed to the address holder.
Why is the NiftyPlanet project team remaining anonymous?
We believe that new era of privacy and also private money is here. The world is changing very fast and people want to have a new approach in their relationship with the world at large, including the economy and government. It is clear, especially after the tyranny that has arisen from the insane and and irrational response to the “pandemic” that the NWO and its buddies in the new Pharmaceutical Industrial
Development of "NFT Creation Engine" and marketplace.
Launching of marketplace Beta Testing, presenting exclusive Drops.
Collaboration with show-biz talents, artists, and creators in Japan and China for Drops.
Implementation of invitation system/Start reward system for users.
Opening of NFT creation to all content creators.
Official launch and mass marketing in Japan and China.
IDO (Initial Dex Offering) in Japan, China, and Internationally.
Voting system integration and delegation of Management to the community.

NiftyPlanet Where Are We Heading?

NiftyPlanet is the world’s marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and verifiably unique digital items you can truly own. Our team has been working hard to create something worthy of the attention of our community. After quite a lot of testing of the platform, we are happy, excited, and proud to announce that we are officially launching tomorrow, June, 19th! Our first drop is now scheduled, so more info will be published on our social media shortly.
Let’s talk about some things that you can expect in the next few days. On June 22, we are conducting our first Chinese AMA, so make you follow our WeChat and have your questions ready.
Another important piece of news is that NiftyPlanet is starting its first bounty campaign. During the next 8 weeks, bounty hunters will have a chance to earn $9,000 worth of NFPL tokens.
There will be 160 winners in total. At the end of the bounty campaign, we will count the number of stakes earned in all bounty programs and reward the best achievers. To increase your chances of winning, participate in several bounty programs. More details and rules will be published separately.
For more information about niftyplanet
WEBSITE: https://niftyplanet.co/
MEDIUM: https://niftyplanet.medium.com/
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/NiftyPlanet
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PlanetNifty
YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7iTV9RFgEOQsxhOaKfITDw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nifty.planet/
Reddit: https://discord.com/channels/829112237247561738/829112237247561740
About Nifty Planet project
NiftyPlanet is the world marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and unique digital items that you can actually own. What is NiftyPlanet? Our first NFT Drop successfully launched on June 19th! Stay tuned and subscribe on our social media for more upcoming events and news!
A platform based on blockchain technology, where your unique digital creations are protected, the love and authenticity of your creations is guaranteed.

Welcome to our decentralized international NFT marketplace!
A platform based on blockchain technology, where your unique digital creations are protected, loved, and the authenticity of your creations is guaranteed.
Creators have access to an international Crypto community.Fair income distribution system.
No brokers or middlemen between you and buyers.
Social elevator for young artists, content creators, and musicians.
Look no further. The NiftyPlanet marketplace will give you the opportunity to both join the blockchain revolution and also become a content creator with an international reach.Have you been searching for a place where you can find investors/buyers for your art, music, and other collectable content?
Are you an Artist or Creator?
Stage 1
We will launch our platform starting with special collaborative Drops (exclusive exhibitions). We are currently scouting and taking applications from well-known international artists and creators who would like to join our marketplace during this invitation stage.
Stage 2
Artists and creators will be able to create and sell their own NFTs in the NiftyPlanet marketplace.
Stage 3
We will be fully integrated with other NFT marketplaces and social media platforms and this will allow NiftyPlanet users to trade any NFTs on our platform or on other marketplaces seamlessly.
Fair income distribution system.
There are no brokers or intermediaries between you and the buyer.
The social elevator for young artists, content creators and musicians.
No need to look further. The NiftyPlanet marketplace will give you the opportunity to both join the blockchain revolution and become an international content creator.
The series of original NiftyPlanet drops.
NFT Hunters campaign is a series of special drops that will allow NFT hunters to get a high return on investment, and also give users the exciting opportunity to collect all the NFTs to get extra benefits in the medium term.
Loyalty Card
Only 30 pieces available
This is the first NiftyPlanet Drop.
The price will be 0.02 ETH per 1 NFT.
Using this NFT, you will be able to claim 10,000 NFPL tokens within 2 weeks after Listing on Uniswap exchange!
Modesty Card
Only 15 NFTs available
The price will be 0.5 ETH per 1 NFT
Holding this NFT will give you the right to claim NFPL tokens 4 times between July-Oct 2021 on our special NFT/farming platform.
Approximate ROI is 300-350%. The owner of the card can sell this card anytime.
Courage Card
Only 10 NFTs available
The price is 1 ETH per 1 NFT
Holding this NFT will give you the right to claim tokens 4 times in our special NFT/farming platform between July-Oct 2021 on our special farming platform.
Approximate ROI is 350-400%. The owner of the card can sell this card anytime.
Passion Card
Only 3 cards available
The price is 2.5 ETH per 1 NFT - Holding this NFT will give you the right to claim tokens 6 times between July-Oct 2021 on our special NFT/farming platform.
Approximate ROI is 400-450%. The owner of the card can sell this card anytime.
3 random NFTs from the summer hot drops will be distributed to the address holder.
Why is the NiftyPlanet project team remaining anonymous?
We believe that new era of privacy and also private money is here. The world is changing very fast and people want to have a new approach in their relationship with the world at large, including the economy and government. It is clear, especially after the tyranny that has arisen from the insane and and irrational response to the “pandemic” that the NWO and its buddies in the new Pharmaceutical Industrial
Complex, are currently trying to take over the world, and or kill us all. We feel that it is essential that we all begin guarding and protecting our privacy and rights before everything we own and love is gone or usurped by the “powers that shouldn’t be” either via their surveillance, assisted by other NWO buddies such as the tech giants we all know and love. Our own efforts start with this project. Those megalomaniacs aren’t welcome to participate in our community nor do we want anything to do with them thus we choose to remain anonymous.
We also feel there is too much pressure on companies and individuals to pay exorbitantly high taxes. And besides the obvious fact that taxes are too high, governments have shown perpetually that they are completely irresponsible in how they use taxes they collect from hard working citizens the world round; wasting and misusing funds for personal ends such as visiting prostitute establishments, rebuilding the same road many multiple times just so they can receive the same budget as the previous year, and last but not least to start wars, spending billions worldwide to create weapons of destruction to kill people in foreign countries that the taxpayers have no desire to have conflict with at all in the first place. But saying all this does not mean that we are against the taxes completely. In fact, we will gladly support the payment of taxes when they will be used for the people that bust their asses to pay them, and not to benefit the psychopaths who are currently in control of the spending of the taxes they collect from all of us. Taxes should migrated to a cryptocurrency basis and the method of payment should be changed from advanced payment — where you pay VAT, consumption taxes or taxes from your income from trading, to the “payment for the results”. In business area it’s called “Pay for Performance Principle”. In this payment for results scenario, for example, if you were happy with how the roads look around us that were built by your government, you would go to the DeFi Tax platform and pay directly to the company who built those roads. The same with your local Police force or any other kind of service that are currently funded by the thousands of types of taxes collected around the world. This way of paying taxes after you see the results or actual use of those taxes will motivate governments to transform and become more effective, efficient and responsible, and it will improve the world and environment around us. In our opinion, VAT that we are all paying in shops is absolutely enough for the government to survive. The rest of the Taxes we will pay in the future, once governments recognize and respect that The Era of Private money is here and we will no longer forgive their irresponsible use of our hard-earned income.
Cryptocurrency gives us our power to control our governments once more, the way they should be. Until the governments can prove they can be responsible and will not misuse or simply steal taxed money from the people we have no reason to hand any over to them. Another important reason for remaining anonymous, is routine paperwork and other extra costs. Once we register any kind of a earth-based company we need to hire a lawyer open a physical office, get and send correspondence in perpetuity. And all these things decrease our efficiency and effectiveness. In our initial stage we can not allow ourselves to waste such important resources as a time. We would better off investing this time to improve your user experience on our platform and make your life easier and more interesting, and to provide more creative and financial opportunities for our users.
The structure of NFPL token distribution
The NiftyPlanet platform is a semi self-funded platform. Half of the funds for the development and platform launch were provided by a few pre-seed investors.
Total token supply is 1 billion tokens.
There are 10 pre-seed investors of this project. In total they control 83M tokens. Additionally, they own 29% interest in the project.
2 main Founders control 8% of all token supply (80M tokens).

Tokens have been distributed to 2 founders, 2 team members and 10 pre-seed investors.
Before we hold our IDO which is planned for June 2021, founders’ and pre-seed investors’ tokens will not move at all. The main reason we are doing this is because we believe that people who participate in IDO’s should have a guarantee that the team and investors will not sell all of their tokens all at once before the IDO starts.
In the graphic you can see the entity structure of token allocation with exact ETH addresses. Until the end of the actual IDO, there will be no NFPL transactions originating from project or investor wallets.
Founder 1 (4.00%)
Founder 2 (4.00%)
Pre-seed investor 1 (2.00%)
Pre-seed investor 2 (1.15%)
Pre-seed investor 3 (0.60%)
Pre-seed investor 4 (0.55%)
Pre-seed investor 5 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 6 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 7 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 8 (0.40%)
These tokens will be distributed after IDO
Pre-seed investor 9 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 10 (2.00%)
Core team member 11 (1%)
Core team member 12 (1%)
Marketing (10.00%)
Main address with rest of the NFPL tokens (81.70%)
Platform Roadmap
We also feel there is too much pressure on companies and individuals to pay exorbitantly high taxes. And besides the obvious fact that taxes are too high, governments have shown perpetually that they are completely irresponsible in how they use taxes they collect from hard working citizens the world round; wasting and misusing funds for personal ends such as visiting prostitute establishments, rebuilding the same road many multiple times just so they can receive the same budget as the previous year, and last but not least to start wars, spending billions worldwide to create weapons of destruction to kill people in foreign countries that the taxpayers have no desire to have conflict with at all in the first place. But saying all this does not mean that we are against the taxes completely. In fact, we will gladly support the payment of taxes when they will be used for the people that bust their asses to pay them, and not to benefit the psychopaths who are currently in control of the spending of the taxes they collect from all of us. Taxes should migrated to a cryptocurrency basis and the method of payment should be changed from advanced payment — where you pay VAT, consumption taxes or taxes from your income from trading, to the “payment for the results”. In business area it’s called “Pay for Performance Principle”. In this payment for results scenario, for example, if you were happy with how the roads look around us that were built by your government, you would go to the DeFi Tax platform and pay directly to the company who built those roads. The same with your local Police force or any other kind of service that are currently funded by the thousands of types of taxes collected around the world. This way of paying taxes after you see the results or actual use of those taxes will motivate governments to transform and become more effective, efficient and responsible, and it will improve the world and environment around us. In our opinion, VAT that we are all paying in shops is absolutely enough for the government to survive. The rest of the Taxes we will pay in the future, once governments recognize and respect that The Era of Private money is here and we will no longer forgive their irresponsible use of our hard-earned income.
Cryptocurrency gives us our power to control our governments once more, the way they should be. Until the governments can prove they can be responsible and will not misuse or simply steal taxed money from the people we have no reason to hand any over to them. Another important reason for remaining anonymous, is routine paperwork and other extra costs. Once we register any kind of a earth-based company we need to hire a lawyer open a physical office, get and send correspondence in perpetuity. And all these things decrease our efficiency and effectiveness. In our initial stage we can not allow ourselves to waste such important resources as a time. We would better off investing this time to improve your user experience on our platform and make your life easier and more interesting, and to provide more creative and financial opportunities for our users.
The structure of NFPL token distribution
The NiftyPlanet platform is a semi self-funded platform. Half of the funds for the development and platform launch were provided by a few pre-seed investors.
Total token supply is 1 billion tokens.
There are 10 pre-seed investors of this project. In total they control 83M tokens. Additionally, they own 29% interest in the project.
2 main Founders control 8% of all token supply (80M tokens).

Tokens have been distributed to 2 founders, 2 team members and 10 pre-seed investors.
Before we hold our IDO which is planned for June 2021, founders’ and pre-seed investors’ tokens will not move at all. The main reason we are doing this is because we believe that people who participate in IDO’s should have a guarantee that the team and investors will not sell all of their tokens all at once before the IDO starts.
In the graphic you can see the entity structure of token allocation with exact ETH addresses. Until the end of the actual IDO, there will be no NFPL transactions originating from project or investor wallets.
Founder 1 (4.00%)
Founder 2 (4.00%)
Pre-seed investor 1 (2.00%)
Pre-seed investor 2 (1.15%)
Pre-seed investor 3 (0.60%)
Pre-seed investor 4 (0.55%)
Pre-seed investor 5 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 6 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 7 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 8 (0.40%)
These tokens will be distributed after IDO
Pre-seed investor 9 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 10 (2.00%)
Core team member 11 (1%)
Core team member 12 (1%)
Marketing (10.00%)
Main address with rest of the NFPL tokens (81.70%)
Platform Roadmap
Development of "NFT Creation Engine" and marketplace.
Launching of marketplace Beta Testing, presenting exclusive Drops.
Collaboration with show-biz talents, artists, and creators in Japan and China for Drops.
Implementation of invitation system/Start reward system for users.
Opening of NFT creation to all content creators.
Official launch and mass marketing in Japan and China.
IDO (Initial Dex Offering) in Japan, China, and Internationally.
Voting system integration and delegation of Management to the community.

NiftyPlanet Where Are We Heading?

NiftyPlanet is the world’s marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and verifiably unique digital items you can truly own. Our team has been working hard to create something worthy of the attention of our community. After quite a lot of testing of the platform, we are happy, excited, and proud to announce that we are officially launching tomorrow, June, 19th! Our first drop is now scheduled, so more info will be published on our social media shortly.
Let’s talk about some things that you can expect in the next few days. On June 22, we are conducting our first Chinese AMA, so make you follow our WeChat and have your questions ready.
Another important piece of news is that NiftyPlanet is starting its first bounty campaign. During the next 8 weeks, bounty hunters will have a chance to earn $9,000 worth of NFPL tokens.
There will be 160 winners in total. At the end of the bounty campaign, we will count the number of stakes earned in all bounty programs and reward the best achievers. To increase your chances of winning, participate in several bounty programs. More details and rules will be published separately.
For more information about niftyplanet
WEBSITE: https://niftyplanet.co/
MEDIUM: https://niftyplanet.medium.com/
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/NiftyPlanet
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PlanetNifty
YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7iTV9RFgEOQsxhOaKfITDw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nifty.planet/
Reddit: https://discord.com/channels/829112237247561738/829112237247561740
Author : harum93
ERC 20 wallet : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7
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