Dacă sunteți interesat să vă alăturați proiectului, NextProtocol ar trebui să citească informații care vă vor ajuta să obțineți informații care vă pot ajuta să vă vedeți viziunea și misiunea.
Despre NEXTiBOTNEXT este o companie cu sediul în Emiratele Arabe Unite, cu prezență și în SUA, reprogramând activ și adaptând platforme robotizate populare ca corobotați, pentru a asista oamenii în locurile de muncă comerciale și cu amănuntul. De când au început implementarea proiectelor robotizate, au identificat complexități în personalizare pe diverse platforme, necesitând competență și coordonare între diferiți constructori de aplicații. Pe baza acestor nevoi, NEXT a dezvoltat protocolul NEXT pentru robotică, care este condus de Blockchain și DeFi.
Protocolul NEXT permite publicarea ușoară a serviciilor robotizate folosind roboții noștri (NEXTiBOTs) și alți roboți OEM, permite roboților să ruleze cu propriile jetoane (implementează și jetoane robot ERC20 specifice afacerii Mint) și vând aceste servicii de robot pe piețe. Câștigurile fiecărui robot pot fi, de asemenea, împărțite cu deținătorii de jetoane care și-ar juca jetoanele de robot pentru randament.
NEXTiBOT-urile, alimentate de protocolul NEXT, sunt aici pentru a vă implica clienții în mod intim, limitând contactul uman, interacționați cu clienții și personalul pentru a partaja informații și a permite telepresenței să lucreze împreună, rămânând separat. NEXTiBOT permite viitorul interacțiunilor robotului folosind jetoane NEXT pentru proprietatea fracțională a robotului, controlul descentralizat, programarea și operațiunile roiurilor de roboți.

The solution developed by the NEXT Protocol is fairly innovative where each development can not only build their own robot but can also customize tokens for their robots which will bring benefits to developers through the robot services they offer.
NEXT Protocol has observed the market and has estimated that in the present time the role of robots is very much needed for various things, for example, such as during a pandemic like now, robots are very important in handling Covid-19, by providing health services without physical contact. So that the future of NEXT Protocol is very potential and the market is very broad.
NEXTiBOT is an AI-based robot that is fully supported by the NEXT Protocol. NEXTiBOT is intended for touchless management systems, intelligent receptionists, social distance monitoring inspectors, and many others. NEXTiBOT aims to create a world where robots can be integrated into everyday human life, which can streamline and accelerate human work. With the help of NEXT Protocol, not only will we build robots, but we will also build an economy, which will support developers in providing and developing robots. Following are the features of NEXTiBOT;
Self Aware: Robot learns everything from the basics and with the robot computing will be able to detect and complete tasks properly.
Sensor Enabled: The robot will be equipped with sensors.
Voice / Touch-Based: Voice or touch options to interact with the robot.
Camera Enabled: With the camera, it can increase the flexibility of the robot.
Auto Navigation: A navigation feature that is able to make the robot navigate autonomously.
NLP Based: Robots can interpret voice commands and act quickly and accurately according to orders.
NEXT is a token provided by the NEXT Protocol. NEXT is based on ERC-20 tokens, which allows users to store them in digital wallets that support ERC-20 based tokens or trade them on exchanges.
NEXT token holders can stake their tokens and get a yield from their staking. Token holders also get 50% of the rental yields of the robots, which are given by robot providers to the ecosystem of NEXT token holders. Not only that, by becoming a NEXT token holder, you have the opportunity to vote on Robot work and deployment decisions.
In the future, the role of robots is needed to help and accelerate human work, such as health services, intelligent receptionists, touchless management, and many other things. Therefore, experts say that the robot industry has great potential in the future. NEXT Protocol wants to accelerate the integration of robots into everyday life, by providing a protocol that helps developers to build, create, and collaborate with next-generation robots and also allows them to be able to tokenize their robots, which will generate additional value in the form of profits. It is a platform that combines robots with DeFi properties which are very profitable.
Use NEXTProtocol to build, create, and collaborate next generation robot and its associated application.
NEXT Protocol is a protocol that allows developers to build robots and tokenize them.
NEXT token holders can stake their tokens and get a yield from their staking.

Site web: https://nextprotocol.tech/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nextibot-106367817781928
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nextprotocol/
Telegramă: https://t.me/nextprotocol
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProtocolNext
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nextprotocol/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7AefOa83Ee-JeKW8eqt0Fw
Autor: harum93
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