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About Adonx.One
The Adonx.One vision is to provide and enabling the means for the new free digital economy to rise through the integration on the daily life reality of consumer
Adon is a blockchain based, efficient, anonymous, open source, decentralised, resilient, transcendent and powerful general purpose cryptocurrency for everyday use and powered by CryptoNote Technology. Adon is blockchain based digital currency that allows inexpensive, fast e-payments among people and systems.
A Great Journey Begins
"Adon combines all the best and amazing features of CryptoNote cryptography in addition to its unique and powerful features. It offers end users the best authentic experience they can have with a CryptoNote currency."
Term Deposits
Adon provides Term Deposits at blockchain level with its hybrid POS concept. Adon allows a upto 12% annual rate of interest that in economic terms is the most realistic rate and based on the world's economics does not make Adon inflationary, building a long-term sustainable, feasible and healthy project.
Private Messages
Besides being a currency, Adon addresses the privacy issue with the CryptoNote privacy features, and incorporates private messages in blockchain level through their wallets. Adon makes the process so easy to send a private message to your friend.
Integrated Addresses
The primary purpose of the integrated address is not to hide the actual wallet address but to pack a paymentID to make the process easy. Sending funds to the actual wallet address or Integrated wallet address both are the same, you receive funds to your actual wallet address.
Security matters
Untraceable payments
“Ring signatures” which shuffles users' public keys in order to eliminate the possibility to identify a particular user. Ring signature is a more sophisticated scheme, which in fact may demand several different public keys for verification. In the case of ring signature, for example, we have a group of individuals, each with their own secret and public key. The statement proved by ring signatures is that the signer of a given message is a member of the group.
Unlinkable transactions
Adon protects a receiver from defining his or her balance through inspecting ingoing messages to the users public address, with random data by the sender, an automatic creation of multiple unique one-time keys, derived from the single public key, for each p2p payment.
Blockchain Analysis Resistant
Adon’s blockchain analysis resistance results from unlinkability is designed to mitigate the risks associated with key re-usage and one-input-to-one-output tracing. that generates multiple one-time public addresses that can only be simply gathered by the message receiver. But hardly analyzed by confused foreigners inside the block explorer.
Business is easy

Payment Proof
To avoid disputes between/among parties while performing transactions, Adon provides a mechanism to produce payment proof. CLI & GUI wallet supports generation/verification of payment proof. In addition to it, Adon Explorer also supports the verification of the payment proof.

Reserve Proof
Reserve proof allows someone to prove he/she is holding a particular amount of ADON in an Adon wallet. Once you generate reserve proof, you can send the generated signature, wallet address and optional message for decryption to another party for verification. Reserve proof can be verified using Adon explorer tools or CLI & GUI wallet;

Sign & Verify
'Sign & Verify’ provides a unique mechanism to prove a specific message belongs to a wallet address or not using signature.
ADONX is ERC20 token on Ethereum blockchain, exactly 21M tokens will be minted, more than 80% of unsold tokens from the sale will be burned in each stage. Remaining tokens will be utilized towards airdrops & bounties.
ADONX Token will be used as payments method for different services available on Adonx eco system, or where ever applicable.
Total Supply: 21,000,000
Name & Symbol: ADONX
Protocol: ERC20
Platform: Ethereum
55.00 %: Token Sale
10.00 %: Uniswap liquidity pool
20.00 %: Team & Operations
05.00 %: Bounties & Airdrops
10.00 %: Reserve Fund
PRE 550,000 .0002 -50%
Stage — I 9,000,000 .0003 -25%
Stage — II 2,000,000 .0004 0%
The sale schedule will be updated on main channels, sale will last for the mentioned duration or until tokens are sold or duration has lapsed. Up to 80% of the unsold tokens will be burnt off.
PRE-SALE — https://adonx.one
Stage — I Exchange (IEO). Details will be updated on the website.
Stage — II https://adonx.one
All interested parties on Adonx Pre-Sale must have their own ETH wallet, wallets from an exchange or custodial wallets ( like freewallet.org, binance.com) are not valid.
You must have a wallet to which you have access to a respective private key or mnemonic words, as this is the only way you will be able to access the purchased Adonx tokens.
The pre-sale lasts for 15 days (initial determined) and is limited to existing stock.
Duration # 15 Days
Adonx stock # 550000 ADONX
Price # 0.0002ETH
Discount # 50%
Min Purchase cap # 0.1 ETH
Pre Sale Start Time
# 26th February 12:00 GMT/UTC
Pre Sale End Time
# 13th March 11:59 GTM/UTC
Adonx Token Smart Contract Address:
EtherScan: https://etherscan.io/address/0x52E253BE66dfCA8A3036697d8881135fCB702F42
Early investors on ADONX Token Pre-Sale can send ETH to 0x52E253BE66dfCA8A3036697d8881135fCB702F42 starting from 20th February. The price are 1 ETH = 5000 ADONX (50% bonus included) and for this stage there is 550000 ADONX tokens allocated.
How to purchase ADONX tokens
From the start of pre-sale
Go to the website https://adonx.one
Follow the instructions on the website to connect your wallet and complete the transaction
Use Token calculator to know the total amount of tokens you will get.
Preferred Wallets-
Please note- When you are using myetherwallet, metamask or trustwallet please use the following instructions
From address # Your connected wallet account address ( automatic )
To Address # 0x52E253BE66dfCA8A3036697d8881135fCB702F42
Amount # Your desired value in ETH (Minimum 0.1ETH)
Gas Price # Average speed value
Gas Limit # 200 000
Your wallet ( from where you sent ETH ) will be getting ADONX of the desired transaction amount.
Learn more about the project:
● WEBSITE : https://adon.network/
● BLOCKS EXPLORER : https://blocks.adon.network/
● POOL : https://pool.adon.network/
● WEB-WALLET : https://pay.adon.network/
● BITCOIN-TALK [EN] : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5145239.new#new
● BITCOIN-TALK [ES] : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5148703.msg51269471#msg51269471
● BITCOIN-TALK [PS] : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5146389.new#new
● BITCOIN-TALK [ID] : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5146266
● GITHUB : https://github.com/adon-net/
● DISCORD : https://discord.gg/UrTctGD
● TELEGRAM : https://t.me/adon_coin
● TWITTER : https://twitter.com/network_adon
● REDDIT : https://www.reddit.com/u/adon-net
● FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/adon.network/
● TELEGRAM PORTUGUESE : https://t.me/adonpt
● TELEGRAM RUSSIAN : https://t.me/adonru
● QQ CHINESE : https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=5mgLn4Q
About Adonx.One
The Adonx.One vision is to provide and enabling the means for the new free digital economy to rise through the integration on the daily life reality of consumer
Adon is a blockchain based, efficient, anonymous, open source, decentralised, resilient, transcendent and powerful general purpose cryptocurrency for everyday use and powered by CryptoNote Technology. Adon is blockchain based digital currency that allows inexpensive, fast e-payments among people and systems.
A Great Journey Begins
"Adon combines all the best and amazing features of CryptoNote cryptography in addition to its unique and powerful features. It offers end users the best authentic experience they can have with a CryptoNote currency."
Term Deposits
Adon provides Term Deposits at blockchain level with its hybrid POS concept. Adon allows a upto 12% annual rate of interest that in economic terms is the most realistic rate and based on the world's economics does not make Adon inflationary, building a long-term sustainable, feasible and healthy project.
Private Messages
Besides being a currency, Adon addresses the privacy issue with the CryptoNote privacy features, and incorporates private messages in blockchain level through their wallets. Adon makes the process so easy to send a private message to your friend.
Integrated Addresses
The primary purpose of the integrated address is not to hide the actual wallet address but to pack a paymentID to make the process easy. Sending funds to the actual wallet address or Integrated wallet address both are the same, you receive funds to your actual wallet address.
Security matters
Untraceable payments
“Ring signatures” which shuffles users' public keys in order to eliminate the possibility to identify a particular user. Ring signature is a more sophisticated scheme, which in fact may demand several different public keys for verification. In the case of ring signature, for example, we have a group of individuals, each with their own secret and public key. The statement proved by ring signatures is that the signer of a given message is a member of the group.
Unlinkable transactions
Adon protects a receiver from defining his or her balance through inspecting ingoing messages to the users public address, with random data by the sender, an automatic creation of multiple unique one-time keys, derived from the single public key, for each p2p payment.
Blockchain Analysis Resistant
Adon’s blockchain analysis resistance results from unlinkability is designed to mitigate the risks associated with key re-usage and one-input-to-one-output tracing. that generates multiple one-time public addresses that can only be simply gathered by the message receiver. But hardly analyzed by confused foreigners inside the block explorer.
Business is easy

Payment Proof
To avoid disputes between/among parties while performing transactions, Adon provides a mechanism to produce payment proof. CLI & GUI wallet supports generation/verification of payment proof. In addition to it, Adon Explorer also supports the verification of the payment proof.

Reserve Proof
Reserve proof allows someone to prove he/she is holding a particular amount of ADON in an Adon wallet. Once you generate reserve proof, you can send the generated signature, wallet address and optional message for decryption to another party for verification. Reserve proof can be verified using Adon explorer tools or CLI & GUI wallet;

Sign & Verify
'Sign & Verify’ provides a unique mechanism to prove a specific message belongs to a wallet address or not using signature.
ADONX is ERC20 token on Ethereum blockchain, exactly 21M tokens will be minted, more than 80% of unsold tokens from the sale will be burned in each stage. Remaining tokens will be utilized towards airdrops & bounties.
ADONX Token will be used as payments method for different services available on Adonx eco system, or where ever applicable.
Total Supply: 21,000,000
Name & Symbol: ADONX
Protocol: ERC20
Platform: Ethereum
55.00 %: Token Sale
10.00 %: Uniswap liquidity pool
20.00 %: Team & Operations
05.00 %: Bounties & Airdrops
10.00 %: Reserve Fund
PRE 550,000 .0002 -50%
Stage — I 9,000,000 .0003 -25%
Stage — II 2,000,000 .0004 0%
The sale schedule will be updated on main channels, sale will last for the mentioned duration or until tokens are sold or duration has lapsed. Up to 80% of the unsold tokens will be burnt off.
PRE-SALE — https://adonx.one
Stage — I Exchange (IEO). Details will be updated on the website.
Stage — II https://adonx.one
All interested parties on Adonx Pre-Sale must have their own ETH wallet, wallets from an exchange or custodial wallets ( like freewallet.org, binance.com) are not valid.
You must have a wallet to which you have access to a respective private key or mnemonic words, as this is the only way you will be able to access the purchased Adonx tokens.
The pre-sale lasts for 15 days (initial determined) and is limited to existing stock.
Duration # 15 Days
Adonx stock # 550000 ADONX
Price # 0.0002ETH
Discount # 50%
Min Purchase cap # 0.1 ETH
Pre Sale Start Time
# 26th February 12:00 GMT/UTC
Pre Sale End Time
# 13th March 11:59 GTM/UTC
Adonx Token Smart Contract Address:
EtherScan: https://etherscan.io/address/0x52E253BE66dfCA8A3036697d8881135fCB702F42
Early investors on ADONX Token Pre-Sale can send ETH to 0x52E253BE66dfCA8A3036697d8881135fCB702F42 starting from 20th February. The price are 1 ETH = 5000 ADONX (50% bonus included) and for this stage there is 550000 ADONX tokens allocated.
How to purchase ADONX tokens
From the start of pre-sale
Go to the website https://adonx.one
Follow the instructions on the website to connect your wallet and complete the transaction
Use Token calculator to know the total amount of tokens you will get.
Preferred Wallets-
Please note- When you are using myetherwallet, metamask or trustwallet please use the following instructions
From address # Your connected wallet account address ( automatic )
To Address # 0x52E253BE66dfCA8A3036697d8881135fCB702F42
Amount # Your desired value in ETH (Minimum 0.1ETH)
Gas Price # Average speed value
Gas Limit # 200 000
Your wallet ( from where you sent ETH ) will be getting ADONX of the desired transaction amount.
Learn more about the project:
● WEBSITE : https://adon.network/
● BLOCKS EXPLORER : https://blocks.adon.network/
● POOL : https://pool.adon.network/
● WEB-WALLET : https://pay.adon.network/
● BITCOIN-TALK [EN] : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5145239.new#new
● BITCOIN-TALK [ES] : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5148703.msg51269471#msg51269471
● BITCOIN-TALK [PS] : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5146389.new#new
● BITCOIN-TALK [ID] : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5146266
● GITHUB : https://github.com/adon-net/
● DISCORD : https://discord.gg/UrTctGD
● TELEGRAM : https://t.me/adon_coin
● TWITTER : https://twitter.com/network_adon
● REDDIT : https://www.reddit.com/u/adon-net
● FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/adon.network/
● TELEGRAM PORTUGUESE : https://t.me/adonpt
● TELEGRAM RUSSIAN : https://t.me/adonru
● QQ CHINESE : https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=5mgLn4Q
Author : harum93
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