#Crypt_ON #TGE
We have talked with you a lot and for a long time about various implementations of blockchain projects. But you know what? We always speak of them as a solution that is able to improve the existing areas of real business, while attracting us either as clients or as investors. What if we shift the emphasis a bit?
What do you say about the project that the community will manage? Make decisions at key moments, choose motion and development vectors? As it seems to me, this is an extremely interesting and fresh concept, capable of attracting the attention of a considerable number of crypto-enthusiasts around the world.
What is Crypt-ON ?
Crypt-ON is a financial platform that combines various methods of p2p payments (including credit micro loans), but based on the blockchain and cryptocurrencies . In fact, we have already passed all this, but I would not focus your attention on an ordinary project, which Crypt-ON is not exactly like.
Crypt-ON is the place to make secure financial transactions. They can look for how to invest money for a short time, while other people will look for short-term loans, etc. We’ll talk about all the services later in our article.
We have talked with you a lot and for a long time about various implementations of blockchain projects. But you know what? We always speak of them as a solution that is able to improve the existing areas of real business, while attracting us either as clients or as investors. What if we shift the emphasis a bit?
What do you say about the project that the community will manage? Make decisions at key moments, choose motion and development vectors? As it seems to me, this is an extremely interesting and fresh concept, capable of attracting the attention of a considerable number of crypto-enthusiasts around the world.
What is Crypt-ON ?
Crypt-ON is a financial platform that combines various methods of p2p payments (including credit micro loans), but based on the blockchain and cryptocurrencies . In fact, we have already passed all this, but I would not focus your attention on an ordinary project, which Crypt-ON is not exactly like.
Crypt-ON is the place to make secure financial transactions. They can look for how to invest money for a short time, while other people will look for short-term loans, etc. We’ll talk about all the services later in our article.
But the main thing that needs to be highlighted is that all these transactions will be transparent and safe, because they use blockchain and smart contracts.
Problem and Solution from Crypt-ON
Its a well known fact that humanity has attempted to manage budgetary relations through contracts and contracts previously. In a few spots it was an effective occasion, in spots it was not exceptionally.
For this situation, managed and incorporated organizations, for example, banks or open budgetary establishments, have dependably delighted in incredible certainty. Be that as it may, today we are prepared to change conventions. Advanced monetary standards have indicated us as of late that cash can be decentralized.
Indeed, to ensure budgetary dissolvability, despite everything you need to utilize top-level banks (for instance, to give chance protection against gold and outside cash stores), yet at the customer level this need has just vanished.
Blockchain and smart contracts gave us the essential arrangement of instruments when it is greatly troublesome for fraudsters to approach the client's extortion, and regardless of whether this occurs, they can be followed, ceased, and conceivable dangers can be secured.
Crypt-ON will utilize these advancements minus all potential limitations. By constructing the budgetary platform in light of the definitely known and safe devices, Crypt-ON will establish the framework for another idea of the customer money related market.
Every exchange directed on the platform won't just be recorded, yet additionally furnished with an exceptional "trust token", which is discharged by Crypt-ON. What's more, the dimension of trust in the members in the exchange will be shaped. Also, this dimension will be changed into a visual rating, which at that point will turn into the premise of your sheltered exchange toward any path! I believe that it is advantageous to harp on this and to single out the fundamental exercises of the Crypt-ON platform.

Main terms of the project:
DAO (decentralized autonomous organization). This is a form of community organization / platform that operates at the expense of the rules laid down in the smart contracts, and decisions are made by its members. Records of all transactions and DAO policy rules are stored in the blockchain system.
P2p-loans - a type of loan in which the transfer of funds is carried out without the participation of a bank or another third party, and the creditor is a specific individual. From English "peer-to-peer" (equal to equal), or "person-to-person" (from person to person).
Stablecoin is an external digital token that protects against the high volatility inherent in cryptocurrencies. An external token such as a Maker platform token or LibreCash will be selected for use in the project, the stability of which is ensured by emission / remission on the blockchain instead of guarantees in fiat currency (which does not have a value link to a traditional asset).
Reputation (Trust token) is a digital token operations records containing the user / participant platform of the operations records in the form of a trust rating. In particular, subject to the terms of the contract - in the form of a rating upgrade, in case of a delay in the execution of a contract - in the form of a downgrade, in the event of non-fulfillment - in the form of a “Attention! ((Alert!) ". The entry in the user's token is made automatically in the blockchain system and cannot be changed or canceled. In fact, this is a Crypt-ON user reputation, encrypted in the token for ease of handling and transparency of the recording.
Escrow (the term is used by analogy and does not involve the involvement of a professional market participant) - based solely on the consent of all parties to the transaction, the participation of an independent intermediary / authorized person, expressed in depositing the transaction price with it, with the condition of its subsequent transfer to the interested person All participants in the transaction fully complied with the terms of the contract.

Competitive Advantages
At the principal organize, the Crypt-ON stage will give clients 4 administrations:
Conducting completely safe exchanges in digital money with the assistance of an autonomous judge (Escrow benefit). In the meantime protection exchanges will be utilized!
Service for the choice of microloans . Any member in the framework can take an interest in p2p crediting, and in any job. This is the place a free and straightforward rating framework proves to be useful, which will make it conceivable to limit the danger of falling on a problematic borrower.
Service to look for some kind of employment and representatives . It will be a sort of independent trade that will work through keen contracts. This totally kills the installment non-installment of compensation or inability to finish the errand.
Service for the nearby trade of cryptographic money . Enables you to locate the best trade offers dependent on your area. You never again need to utilize remote administrations that protect their dangers, including expanded loan fees. It is conceivable that the trade in your locale will be substantially more productive.
Indeed, all the satisfaction or non-satisfaction of keen contracts will influence the notoriety of the framework members. In the event that a member has any issues, he can generally swing to autonomous mediation, as per the consequences of which a choice will be made - to whom to expand the rating and to bring down it.
Later on, such a framework will permit making a different network of crypto fans who can try their most out of control thoughts and thoughts, shape groups, enlist the fundamental authorities, get credits - this without leaving the PC and the Crypt-ON stage.
Given the chances and simplicity of support, Crypt-ON is wanting to pull in the individuals who don't share the possibility of a digital currency future today.
IPT and TGE Project Token
Token Generation Event or TGE (this is a simple of the ICO, just lawfully allowed in the United States and directed by the SEC) will be held from October 1 of this current year to January 21, 2019.
A sum of 200 million IPT tokens will be discharged. Tomb ON note that their token won't be digital currency in the broadest feeling of the word. This is the purported "utility" token that will be utilized inside the structure of the stage to pay for different capacities. In the meantime, it tends to be bought on the stock trades for customary digital currency or cash.
The SoftCap project is set at a bar of 4 million USD, HardCap is 16 million. In the event that in the offer of tokens SoftCap is come to, however HardCap isn't gathered, at that point every unsold token will be singed.
Token Name: IPT
Standard: ERC20
Total number: 200,000,000 Token
Hard cap at ICO stage: $ 16,000,000
Soft cap at ICO stage:$ 4,000,000

Presently how about we take a gander at how the aggregate number of tokens issued will be dispersed:
77% wanted to be actualized in the structure of TGE;
10% will stay in the exchange protection support;
10% will stay with the undertaking group;
3% designated to abundance.
With respect to the raised assets, the conveyance is as per the following:
half will go to the improvement of the stage;
20% will go to promoting and publicizing;
10% will stay in the hold support;
5% each will be spent on legitimate costs; on the compensation of undertaking specialists, and on the execution of decentralization on the stage.
Project Evaluation
ICOBench this time was not altogether different in the contrast between the profile and master rating. There is 4.4 in the profile , yet the specialists (or rather, while he is separated from everyone else) appraised the venture at 4.5. Additionally, the group and the possibility of the venture put the most extreme 5. I can't help thinking this isn't absurd.
With respect to my conclusion, this time I will attempt to be limited in evaluations. The stage unquestionably has an intriguing vision, yet not the most imaginative item. Indeed, there is still MVP, which as of now talks about the reality of expectations. An exceptionally elegantly composed whitepaper venture, with an emphasis on key focuses. Be that as it may, here the most intriguing will start when TGE is finished, yet on the off chance that it closes effectively or not effectively, it depends, including on you.

For further information about Crypt-ON come to visit :
Website : https://crypt-on.io/
Whitepaper : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ItcfVNhOnSiXhRlf-OIAjZDSnfJuIS66/view
ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3530713
Telegram : https://t.me/CryptON_ICO
Facebook : https://facebook.com/CryptOnDAOsystem/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Crypt__ON
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/user/crypt-on
Medium : https://medium.com/@Crypt__ON
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/crypt_on/
Author : harum93
Ethereum wallet adress : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7
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