#Kinesis $KAG $KAU #cryptocurrency #blockchain #decentralization #bounty #Airdrop.

The financial system continues to grow, as does the blockchain system. The development of blockchain and cryptocurrency has attracted the attention of the whole world. Finance is presented very easily, simply by using your mobile phone, you can access the economy around the world. This presents a great opportunity for those of you with creativity and financial savvy to take part in the future financial revolution. Users will be overwhelmed by seeing a very expensive blockchain payment system today. Thus, Kinesis will be the solution for your money in the future. The Kinesis monetary system is ubiquitous, globally distributed and decentralized, so it is secure, efficient, fair and provides good incentives for transactions.
Kinesis is a financial solution available worldwide. Kinesis is reliable and has established a new monetary system in the financial market. The Kinesis system is an evolutionary step beyond the current monetary system that we usually use. Kinesis will increase your currency either as a deposit or in exchange for the transactions you perform. Each user of kinesis will be given an incentive in the form of a reward, and this is aimed at promoting the use of kinesis as a currency, and users or investors in this case will return their investments proportionally and proportionally.
Kinesis is a financial solution available worldwide. Kinesis is reliable and has established a new monetary system in the financial market. The Kinesis system is an evolutionary step beyond the current monetary system that we usually use. Kinesis will increase your currency either as a deposit or in exchange for the transactions you perform. Each user of kinesis will be given an incentive in the form of a reward, and this is aimed at promoting the use of kinesis as a currency, and users or investors in this case will return their investments proportionally and proportionally.
Kinesis has a vision, which is to provide a solution that is an evolution of the current monetary system in the modern monetary system, which is a system that provides energy to stimulate the movement of money, assets, trade and economic activities at the fair and in a profitable way.
Kinesis aims to provide you with solutions that enable secure, fair and efficient exchange monetary system worldwide.
Description of the project
1 Kinesis Monetary System
Looking at its vision and mission for the financial future, Kinesis is optimistic about changing to accept and value every use of its currency and to stimulate capital flows that act as a system to stimulate trade and economic activity.
Here are some of the main elements of KINESIS:
Gold and Silver are the main currencies of Kinesis, these two precious metals are stable in trade, reliable and have a high commercial level in world trade.
Profitability is a continuous economic activity, and it is not in the form of debt, as in the currency we use every day. Return defines value by calculating the net present value (NPV)
for commercial, institutional and retail investments.
Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies is a system that is supported by the assets and outcomes of multiple assets.

Figure 2. Kinesis System
1.2 Strategic Partner - Distributed Bullion Exchange (ABX)
Kinesis and the monetary system have been developed as partners in public companies such as Bullion Exchange (ABX) https://abx.com/ , which is the world's leading electronic trading company. exchange of precious metals and has been operating since 2013. have seven trades, prices and hop hubs around the world and recently partnered with Deutsche Borse Group European Commodity Clearing (ECC) for clearing and broad service at https://abx.com/2017/11/15/ecc-abx /
1.3 Sequence The
development, launch and start-up of the Kinesis Monetary System consists of the two phases described in the whitepaper, in the following sequence:
Initial Token Offering (ITO) of the Kinesis Velocity Token (KVT); an ERC20 compliant utility token. KVT ITO is currently in the pre-sale stage and the public sale is due to start on September 10, 2018 and end on November 11, 2018.
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) of the first Kinesis Currency Suite products; each is backed by 1: 1 direct precious metals. The first Kinesis cryptocurrencies, KAU (gold-plated coin) and KAG (silver-plated coin), are based on the dedicated Kinesis blockchain network (a fork of the Stellar network). The Kinesis Currencies ICO is slated to start on November 12, 2018.
Figure 3. Kinesis launch timeline
2.1 Solving problems in the cryptocurrency market The
volatility of cryptocurrency makes it impossible to store and use it as a currency due to the uncertainty of world prices for coins, each of which changes in price. This characteristic does not allow people to store a lot, as the currency must be stable and have a fixed value in economic transactions. Money is created to serve and ensure the efficiency of every business transaction that is done. Although from the very beginning, the cryptocurrency was designed for a decentralized future, now, due to restrictions, it becomes difficult for users to use it for commercial purposes. Because of this, Kinesis is there for those who need it as a way to discover and innovate from the monetary system.
2.2 Solving problems in the fiat currency market The
paper currency that we use today has had a bad history, from the past to the present, there have been many problems with paper money. Banks around the world print and devalue money, creating price inflation of their own choosing to support commercial credit and consumer spending to support nominal economic growth (excluding inflation). But this is not very good for consumers, because, in the end, the policy pursued cannot avoid the inflation that occurs in the market. Since the system from Kinesis is decentralized, the user can avoid the above things as control over market participants.
2.3 Dealing with Asset-
Backed Currency Problems The problem lies in 3 main principles:
Gresham's Law of Money Bad money drives out good is an inherent problem that causes the instability of cryptocurrencies and asset-backed currencies.
Return is an asset problem that is supported by other precious metals (gold, silver) assets that are not tied to them. Kinesis offers a monetary system, delivering valuable results from this precious metal based on the level of the active investor or user. The more active they are, the more rewards will be offered.
Security is the main concern of Kinesis, where they will check ABX in this case to prevent fraud, which is often committed by irresponsible parties. ABX is home to global wholesale bullion exchanges that have been running bug-free since 2013 and have major physical brokers / dealers and traders around the world trusting the systems they build. ABX also has partnerships all over the world and is also one of the largest.
2.4 Addressing the Challenges of the Precious Metals Market An
archaic and inefficient market is those in the precious metals market that currently trade over-the-counter (OTC) in the physical market in addition to digital transactions (manually). While Kinesis, through its institutional integration with ABX and its wholesalers, transacts electronically through the blokchai system with extensive partnerships that span the world.
A fragmented and ineffective market is a manual physical marketplace where conditions are interrupted from one to the other. While Kinesis will effectively interact with the markets and aggregate global physical liquidity.
Limited Resources is an organization that currently lacks the resources to carry out the necessary due diligence, understand the regulatory framework and establish global operations. In Kinesis systems and technologies, this will be easier, since each user can expand their network internationally without restrictions.
Barriers to entry are an obstacle that arises in the physical market, while Kinesis provides large bars in international trade and there is no longer a barrier between them and market participants. Kinesis will connect this mall with traders for differential arbitrage.
Market access is an advantage in the kinesis system, where ABX partnerships provide this opportunity, allowing suppliers to act as liquidity providers and directly access our exchanges and sell metals at Offer prices. You don't need any more intermediaries to place bets on every trade you make.
Figure 4. Kinesis solution
Kinesis is a full cycle money system with the features you need to succeed and an efficient monetary system that will differentiate businesses between groups.
Kinesis has several main components, including:
The Kinesis Currency Exchange (KCX) functions as a wholesaler where currencies are printed and manufactured.
The Kinesis Blockchain Network (KBN) is a blockchain technology that overlaps the generated Kinesis cryptocurrency package.
The Kinesis Blockchain Exchange (KBE) is a digital currency block where Kinesis is exchanged for other digital currencies.
The Kinesis Financial Network (KFN) is a component that functions as a cellular banking system where Kinesis currency can be used for savings or payments, remittances and funds to move money, and also has Mastercard and Visa debit cards and accompanying card funds that provide the ability to use Kinesis as a payment currency around the world.
Kinesis Commercial Center (KCC), which is a component that functions as a KCC in order to function as an online aggregator platform providing goods and services, allowing Kinesis currency bundles to be used as payments for participating traders.
Figure 5. Ecosystem of digital money
Kinesis has several main components, including:
The Kinesis Currency Exchange (KCX) functions as a wholesaler where currencies are printed and manufactured.
The Kinesis Blockchain Network (KBN) is a blockchain technology that overlaps the generated Kinesis cryptocurrency package.
The Kinesis Blockchain Exchange (KBE) is a digital currency block where Kinesis is exchanged for other digital currencies.
The Kinesis Financial Network (KFN) is a component that functions as a cellular banking system where Kinesis currency can be used for savings or payments, remittances and funds to move money, and also has Mastercard and Visa debit cards and accompanying card funds that provide the ability to use Kinesis as a payment currency around the world.
Kinesis Commercial Center (KCC), which is a component that functions as a KCC in order to function as an online aggregator platform providing goods and services, allowing Kinesis currency bundles to be used as payments for participating traders.
Figure 5. Ecosystem of digital money
Regarding the roadmap and launch schedule for Kinesis as follows:
Figure 6. Kinesis Roadmap
Figure 7. Timeline Kinesis Lauch
Figure 8. Timeline of Milestones
Regarding the public sale of KWT:
Figure 9. Schedule of public sales of KVT
There are great people at Kinesis to support and realize our vision and mission, and they were chosen to guide Kinesis in achieving its goals. The Kinesis team consists of several teams, including: the leadership (executive) team, the operations team, the development team, and the advisory team.
Kinesis is the future money solution. They use the monetary system to make storing and exchanging money more efficiently and securely. The Kinesis monetary system is capable of leveraging the highest value vault, such as gold, silver, and making it an efficient medium of exchange using blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, and then stimulating the speed of money circulation and economic activity through multifaceted systems to stimulate profitability. Kinesis is not abstract or theoretical, it was carefully planned and at the time of writing most of the ecosystems have been built and are currently being commercialized. It has been archived and engineered with exchanges, markets, banking and technology professionals who have a deep understanding of what is needed to build and consistently implement this monetary and foreign exchange market system in the most strategic and efficient way. Kinesis is poised to deliver the next wave of energy innovation in blockchain and decentralized cryptocurrency space. We look forward to your participation and welcome to Kinesis.

Telegram: https://t.me/kinesismoney
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KinesisMonetary
Medium: https://kinesis-money.medium.com/
Author : harum93
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