Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2020

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining a project, you should read information that will help you find information that can help you see your vision and mission.

The use of modern strategies in business gives more fame, increases users, and enhancing the productivity of the platform. The thing which impresses the buyers of any platform is to talk about current market problems and give a solution to these problems. Corul is a tokenized Defi marketplace which is for future generation and seeks to give clearness, safety measures, and consistency to trader and customers. Corul is an associate marketplace and works as a universal ecommerce amass to improve the recent business by providing its innovative tokenized defi marketplace.

Decentralized Financing System

This platform is depend on decentralized financing system and try to collect new consumer for trader and assist people to purchase more by providing the capability of shop at the present and recompense later on Corul marketplace is made up to offer decentralized subsidize alternative to help seller, manufacturer, wholesalers and little vendor to have a loan on their crypto collaterals at cheapest rate. We are providing enduring online business with help of blockchain and crypto currency to make Corul more protected, lucid, rapid and authentic.

Concise information, outlook, industrial constraint, and business models are bring in the plan and provide all details of our plan to the reader and users impress them to adopt corl. Corul is going to get fresh buyers and sellers to work on Corul marketplace by presenting a lot of additional benefits. We are also providing immense marketing strategies for its vendors by not merely digital marketing although as well as by on boarding members.

Corul Wallet
The Corul wallet permit consumer to maintain their bit coins and altcoins by providing them effortlessness to control their possessions, not like typical wallet systems. The flat set down and taking out process from the wallet make it only one of its kind from its resistance. Buy now and pay later policy of coral permit all dealers around the world to buy tokens from coruls. In return corl moreover provide acclaim to their users which depended on economic dealings and the security they set into the platform. Current market problems like complexity in swapping, complex transaction etc, are faces by traders and also effects the growth of platform .

Corul provide solution of current problems and set faster, speedy transaction for users, make settlements with trader more secure and faster as compare too there. By giving quick response to any trader, all the settlement will arrange within minutes. Corul serving the world’s financial system to give increase greatly faster rate and listing to each trade there irrespective of their field.

Token Economics
Coruls will launch a CORL token which will serve as a payment on the platform. These tokens will provide many benefits to merchants, consumers, traders, affiliates, influencers, start-ups, investors & third-party users. This token will be used as fuel that will support the operation of the platform with the following details;

Marketing Platform
Corul also works for the network of affiliates for expanding more marketing of platform as well as sale jobs. In that way coral build a platform not only for selling products of their own platform but also give affiliation to others network and attach through influencer management platform and carry all essential marketing features to carry new sales for traders. The coruls wallet builds on innovative features in which any users can exchange their crypto currencies among any other market very easily. So coruls is online platform which allow online selling, secure purchasing among all over the world and also connect all users, give affiliation to other network for increasing sale jobs. The platform is planned to present every one of the main integrations necessary for merchants.

For more information








Author : harum93

Praem Capital

Halo semuanya, apa kabar? Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek ,Praem Capital  Anda harus membaca informasi yang akan membantu Anda mendapatkan informasi yang dapat membantu Anda dalam melihat visi dan misi Anda

Meningkatnya pengangguran, ketidakstabilan ekonomi global, dan kepanikan yang meluas yang disebabkan oleh hal-hal yang tidak diketahui hanyalah sebagian kecil dari dampak pandemi, yang telah mempengaruhi jutaan nyawa. Saat ini, semakin banyak orang mulai menyadari bahwa memiliki “bantalan finansial” yang kokoh dapat memberikan keamanan dalam situasi kehidupan yang sulit.

Meskipun memahami pentingnya berinvestasi dan membangun cadangan uang tunai, banyak orang masih ragu untuk mengambil risiko tersebut, terutama karena banyaknya mitos dan kurangnya pengalaman berinvestasi.

Tentang Praem Capital Ecosystem?

Praem Capital adalah perusahaan fintech Swiss yang didasarkan pada konsep ketahanan risiko. Praem menggabungkan solusi teknologi untuk menghasilkan keuntungan di lima pasar yang berbeda, model ekonomi yang unik, dan kemitraan yang membuka peluang asuransi modal investor. Sejak 2017, tim kami telah berupaya menciptakan dan meningkatkan solusi teknis di bidang investasi. Kegiatan Praem ditujukan untuk investasi cerdas, yang diwujudkan melalui teknologi yang menggunakan AI dan bot perdagangan. Setiap komponen ekosistem kami diintegrasikan ke dalam mekanisme umum, yang karenanya memungkinkan untuk mencapai operasi teknologi perusahaan yang holistik dan bebas kesalahan. Praem Capital adalah platform yang unik dan satu-satunya yang memberikan solusi komprehensif untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan investor modern.

Misi dan Tujuan

Solusi terintegrasi Praem Capital dan perkembangan unik memungkinkan untuk melindungi nilai risiko dan meminimalkan jumlah kesalahan dalam perdagangan. Hasilnya bahkan lebih menguntungkan bagi investor.

Misi kami

adalah merevolusi investasi dengan mengintegrasikan ekosistem Praem ke dalam bisnis dan institusi global.

Tujuan Praem Capital

adalah menciptakan ekosistem yang akan menyederhanakan proses penggunaan produk investasi, sehingga dapat diakses oleh semua orang. Mencapai tujuan ini memungkinkan perusahaan merevolusi sektor keuangan. Setiap investor akan memiliki kesempatan untuk mengamankan modalnya dari perubahan yang tidak terduga di pasar keuangan.

Masalah dan Solusi

Praem Capital memecahkan masalah paling serius yang dihadapi investor modern. Masalah: Uang salah diinvestasikan hanya dalam satu ceruk.

Solusi: Diversifikasi portofolio yang cermat. Masalah: Kurangnya pengalaman dan pengetahuan dalam perdagangan, sumber daya manusia yang terbatas. Solusi: Bot perdagangan secara mandiri melakukan operasi perdagangan sesuai dengan algoritma dan parameter tertentu tanpa berhenti.

Masalah: Perubahan peristiwa yang cepat, kerumitan pemrosesan volume informasi yang masuk.

Solusi: AI dan blockchain pribadi memproses ribuan operasi per detik, dengan mempertimbangkan semua detailnya.

Masalah: Risiko, penarikan, dan kerugian.

Solusi: Hedge - Kemitraan dana Jika terjadi penurunan yang tinggi, saldo perdagangan investor akan diisi ulang dengan 50-100% dana untuk terus melaksanakan pesanan yang menguntungkan.

Masalah: Kurangnya kesempatan untuk berinvestasi dalam jumlah besar.

Solusi: bahkan modal awal yang kecil pun memiliki potensi untuk tumbuh dan untung pada tahap Penjualan Token karena kapitalisasi operasi token dan instrumen keuangan.

1. Profitabilitas dan minimalisasi risiko berkat diversifikasi alat yang membentuk portofolio investasi.

2. Bot Perdagangan Praem dirancang untuk menangani dan memulai perdagangan di Forex, crypto, dan pasar saham. Fungsinya mengungguli kemampuan manusia mana pun karena mereka dapat memproses lebih banyak transaksi dan menanganinya lebih cepat, menghilangkan subjektivitas, dan memastikan operasi bebas kesalahan, semuanya untuk mengamankan keuntungan.

3. Kecerdasan Buatan diciptakan dan dilatih untuk meningkatkan operasi bot perdagangan dan menjadi bagian integral dari ekosistem. AI menganalisis data sosial, ekonomi, dan politik secara holistik, membuat keputusan berdasarkan informasi, dan mengumpulkan rekomendasi berharga untuk bot perdagangan.

Pembelajaran mesin berdasarkan riwayat transaksi dan urutan eksekusi mengurangi kemungkinan kesalahan saat memproses tugas investasi.

AI terus meningkatkan IQ-nya, merespons perubahan kondisi perdagangan yang signifikan secara tepat waktu, dan memantau banyak faktor.

4. Teknologi menggerakkan ekosistem Praem dan mengurangi risiko, sementara asuransi memberi investor keamanan modal yang lebih tinggi.

Hedge fund menjamin ROI dan melindungi simpanan selama transaksi. Jika terjadi penurunan, IMF mengkompensasi 50 hingga 100 persen dari jumlah tersebut, tergantung pada rencana investasi, sehingga bot dapat terus mendapatkan keuntungan maksimum dari transaksi.

5. Bahkan modal awal yang kecil memiliki potensi untuk tumbuh dan untung pada tahap ICO, karena kapitalisasi token dan operasi dengan instrumen keuangan.

Pasar Investasi Praem

Forex- Pasar pertukaran mata uang internasional global.

Kapitalisasi: $ 7 triliun.

Forex Likuiditas tinggi, tidak ada regulator, perdagangan margin yang dapat diakses, memungkinkan teknis

strategi dan otomatisasi proses.

● Crypto- Pasar berkembang dari aset digital dengan volatilitas tertinggi.

Kapitalisasi: lebih dari $ 300 miliar. Volatilitas dan profitabilitas Mata Uang Crypto

2-3x lebih tinggi daripada di pasar konvensional. Volume perdagangan besar, likuiditas tinggi, transparansi data, aset terdesentralisasi.

● Saham- Pasar sekuritas dengan beragam alat investasi: saham, obligasi, futures, opsi, dividen. Kapitalisasi: $ 17 triliun. Pasar Saham Variasi portofolio investasi, rasio margin risiko terhadap laba yang fleksibel.

● Real Estat- Sektor ekonomi dengan risiko investasi rendah. Kapitalisasi: $ 9,6 triliun. Strategi pendapatan stabil Real Estat, banyak pilihan investasi, memungkinkan analisis fundamental dan teknis.

● VC- Berinvestasi di perusahaan yang sedang tumbuh atau berkembang. Kapitalisasi: $ 300 miliar.

Banyak sekali startup yang menjanjikan. Profitabilitas tinggi yang mencakup risiko berat.

Praem Technologies

Saat ini, teknologi individu tidak memungkinkan kami untuk menyelesaikan masalah keamanan investasi sepenuhnya. Praem Capital menyatukan solusi investasi modern untuk keuntungan tinggi dan perdagangan berisiko rendah:

1. Bot Perdagangan Praem

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

3. Sinkronisasi Bot Perdagangan dan AI pada blockchain pribadi

Keunggulan Platform

● Teknologi Inovasi

Teknologi praem meminimalkan risiko dan partisipasi manusia dalam Forex, cryptocurrency, dan perdagangan pasar saham.

● Profitabilitas

Pengembalian tinggi atas investasi real estat dan pengurangan risiko dalam modal ventura.

Model bisnis

Praem Capital mengasumsikan potensi pertumbuhan yang sangat baik, yang ukurannya adalah token PRM. Kapitalisasi, dan nilai token, didasarkan pada profitabilitas super dari instrumen keuangan dan nilai pasar Artificial Intelligence yang terus berkembang. Praem Capital berencana meluncurkan ekosistem pada Januari 2021.

Tahap paling kritis dalam proses ini adalah menarik individu, yang akan menghasilkan pendapatan dari keuntungan instrumen keuangan dan menjadi pemegang aset Praem Capital - token PRM yang terus berkembang. Selanjutnya berdasarkan peningkatan kapitalisasi, pertumbuhan token terbentuk. Biaya kecerdasan buatan merupakan faktor penting dalam kapitalisasi perusahaan.

Dalam dua bulan, AI akan "mendapatkan pengalaman" dengan terus-menerus menganalisis sejumlah besar transaksi yang beragam selama periode Penjualan Token. Oleh karena itu, segera setelah biaya kecerdasan buatan naik, kapitalisasi seluruh platform akan meningkat, dan nilai token akan meningkat. Meskipun grafik harga token PRM hampir terus-menerus naik, mungkin ada fluktuasi harga kecil.

Program Mitra Afiliasi

Dengan menggunakan anggaran yang dialokasikan, Praem juga dapat menyediakan program afiliasi yang menguntungkan. Dengan merekomendasikan usaha Praem Capital yang sangat menguntungkan dan berisiko rendah, pengguna menerima hadiah yang besar setiap kali mereka membeli paket. Persyaratan program afiliasi jelas dan lugas. Setiap orang bisa ambil bagian di dalamnya. Dengan menjadi pemegang token dan membeli paket, pengguna secara otomatis menjadi anggota program. Fitur lainnya adalah adanya sistem peringkat. Dengan membeli paket selama Penjualan Token, pengguna mengundang mitra aktif, menghasilkan hingga $ 445K berkat perputaran total struktur mereka.

Tentang Token Sal

General Provisions

Token symbol / ticker: PRM

● Total number of tokens: 20 million

● Number of tokens distributed through Token Sales: 4 million

● Additional issue of tokens: not possible

● Fundraising (Soft Cap): USD 3 million

● Fundraising (Hard Cap): USD 30 million

● Methods of payment for tokens at the Token Sales stage: ETH, USDT, BTC

Payment methods after the launch of the ecosystem: BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, USDT, USDC, XRP, BNB, TRX, DASH
Token General Information

The PRM token is an ERC20 standard utility token. Before starting the Token Sales, the source code of the token and smart contracts will be published on GitHub so that every token holder can make sure that the company’s obligations are fulfilled.

The Praem ecosystem targets high growth potential, and the PRM token is the measure of this growth. The PRM token will allow its holders to enjoy platform privileges and receive income from the growth of the value of the token and the operation of financial instruments. After the PRM token is listed on exchanges, token holders will have the opportunity to sell it.
PRM Token Emission and Distribution

The Praem Token (PRM) is the company’s primary asset, and all rights to it belong to Praem Capital.

Total supply: 20,000,000 PRM tokens, which are distributed in the following order:

● 10M – Praem
-6M – an internal reserve of the company

-4M – a budget for sale to achieve Hard Cap

● 4M – Public Sale
● 6M – Hedge Fund

-4M – at the expense of allocating funds for revision;

-2M – for insurance of the operation of financial instruments;

The token issue is limited and is associated with Praem Capital’s initial capitalisation and the possibility for the fund to insure 100% of investors trading balances.
Upon completion of the Token Sales stage, the token holder has the opportunity to:

● exchange tokens with the help of the Fund and fix profit for further work in the ecosystem;

● independently implement the token on the exchange;
● use your accumulated balance from the operation of financial instruments to withdraw or reinvest in the ecosystem.
Token Sales Stages

The Token Sales will be held in three stages:

First Stage – Private Sale

● Number of tokens for sale: 100,000
● Token value: $ 0.50
● Duration: one day – November 5, 2020

Only private investors have access to this stage.
Second Stage – Pre-Sale

The Pre-Sale consists of two rounds, for which the registration with the opportunity to book an investment plan for purchase will open the day before the start.

Pre-Sale Round 1

● Number of tokens for sale 200,000
● Token value: $ 0.70

● Duration: two days – November 6, 2020
Pre-Sale Round 2

● Number of tokens for sale: 200,000
● Token value: $ 0.90

● Duration: two days – November 8, 2020
Third Stage – Public Token Sales

● Number of tokens for sale: 3,500,000
● Token value: $ 1.0

● Duration: from November 10 to January 10, 2021
Budget Allocation

As mentioned earlier, one of the goals of the Token Sales is to raise funds to finalize the ecosystem and launch it. We provide two options for implementing the ecosystem, depending on the number of funds allocated.
● Soft Cap

Soft Cap Achievement of 3 million USD and subsequent launch of our ecosystem on a Private Blockchain. Upon reaching the Soft Cap, the work of the ecosystem will be fully automated; there will be an opportunity for cross-niche trading due to our private Blockchain’s development.

Investment plan sales are stopped. Now investors can distribute their grown capital among niches and use the ecosystem without time limits. New users will be able to buy a subscription for any period.

Investor funds are devoted to financial instruments as early as at the Token Sales stage, while the Fund covers Soft Cap for ecosystem enhancement, proportionally to the amount of every plan purchased.
Allocation of Hedge Fund Financing

● Engineering & Development 40%
● Marketing & User acquisition 30%
● Security & Compliance 10%
● Operational & Administrative 8%
● Unexpected expenses 7%

● Legal & Advisory 5%
● Hard Cap

Hard Cap Achievement of 30 million USD and subsequent Global Integration. The Hard Cap enables the company to revolutionize the financial sector with a unique product, the Praem Mechanism. It includes AI-powered bots synchronized on a private blockchain. Each buyer will be able to generate their profits more securely. Global integration will make it possible to spread interest in our platform among private investors and commercial and institutional organizations (insurance companies, investment funds, pension funds, banks, and others). The finished working product will help to prepare the documentation for the IPO in a short time, together with entering the crypto exchange.

February 2020 Crypto Bots V5
Annual revision of algorithms for the new year. The AI system’s learning indicators showed greatly improved results, +17%

March 2020 Stock Market Bot V4

After the revision for Praem’s Stock market bot, no major changes were implemented.

April 2020 Praem Exchange Concept

The First concept for the future development of Praem Exchange, which would include 5 investment

May 2020 Forex Bot V4

Final update of the bot’s algorithm before the launch, delivering us much higher profits.
Our team

Nicolas Durr
PhD, Founder & CEO of Praem Capital and

Denis Gusev
CMO Praem Capital, Marketing Manager at PrimeXBT

Marina Danylyuk
To get clearer information, please visit the link below:

● Website:
● Telegram:
● Telegram:
● Facebook:
● Medium:
● Instagram:

Penulis : harum93


Kamis, 29 Oktober 2020


Halo semuanya, apa kabar? Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek,  


Anda harus membaca informasi yang akan membantu Anda mendapatkan informasi yang dapat membantu Anda dalam melihat visi dan misi Anda


Koin BitCashPay, berdasarkan kriptografi, adalah teknologi yang sepenuhnya baru lahir dan belum diuji, mungkin ada risiko lain yang belum disebutkan atau tidak diantisipasi oleh tim BitCashPay. Selain itu, risiko lain dapat datang tiba-tiba, atau beberapa risiko yang diidentifikasi di atas dapat terjadi bersamaan.

BitCashPay saat ini telah mengumpulkan tim teknis dan konsultan ahli dengan keunggulan utama dan pengalaman mendalam di sektor profesional masing-masing, termasuk profesional dengan keterlibatan yang langgeng dalam industri blockchain dan tim inti dengan pengalaman yang kaya dalam pengembangan dan pengoperasian produk Internet.

Platform tersebut akan dipromosikan pada saluran komunikasi yang efisien yang dapat digunakan untuk menargetkan audiens tertentu. Daftar saluran yang akan kami gunakan telah disajikan di bawah ini. Mohon dicatat bahwa daftar ini tidak lengkap atau pasti.


BCP Coin adalah mata uang integral dari platform BitCashPay. Informasi tentang ICO kami akan diumumkan di situs web kami. Kami berencana untuk membagi penjualan koin menjadi beberapa tahap, memberi penghargaan kepada pengadopsi awal dengan tingkat bonus tertinggi. Setelah koin terjual, tidak ada kesempatan lain untuk membelinya dengan bonus yang diberikan. Untuk menjaga harga BCP tetap stabil, BitCashPay akan mengunci tokennya dan melepaskannya dalam jumlah yang diatur, dalam periode tertentu.

CRYPTO BANK Dengan layanan ini, Anda dapat dengan mudah terlibat dalam pinjaman kripto dan taruhan kripto di platform BitCashPay. Crypto bank adalah salah satu platform peminjaman Bitcashpay, menjadi yang pertama di Filipina yang memungkinkan klien untuk membuka rekening tabungan crypto.

CRYPTO EXCHANGE BitCashPay menawarkan pertukaran cryptocurrency terdesentralisasi yang akan lebih transparan dalam operasi dan biaya daripada model pertukaran saat ini. Pemegang BCP dengan hingga 10rb BCP akan memiliki nol biaya di bursa mereka. Di sisi lain, biaya minimal berlaku untuk non-pemegang BCP.

CRYPTO TRADING AI Dengan membayar jumlah tertentu sebagai biaya berlangganan bulanan, Anda dapat memiliki akses ke AI perdagangan crypto, yang akan membantu Anda berdagang dengan lebih efisien dan menghasilkan keuntungan besar di platform BitCashPay. Kami akan menyediakan perangkat lunak kecerdasan buatan BARU yang dikembangkan yang sekarang membuat perdagangan cryptocurrency MUDAH. Jika Anda dapat mengklik sebuah tombol, Anda sekarang dapat memperdagangkan cryptos. Anda memegang kendali penuh atas dana Anda. Anda tidak perlu menyerahkan dana Anda kepada kami atau siapa pun. Anda pasti akan mendapatkan 100% dari keuntungan Anda dan dibayar langsung dalam Bitcoin. 


FITUR STAKING ETH 2.0 Karena ETHEREUM NETWORK akan mengimplementasikan ETH 2.0 dan akan menggunakan POS, di BITCASH PAY kami akan menghosting node untuk mereka yang ingin berpartisipasi dalam Ethereum Staking. Koin BCP akan berfungsi sebagai pembayaran untuk biaya staking.

BitCashPay dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam bisnis Anda sebagai sistem pembayaran / pembayaran liburan. Platform kami dirancang untuk memungkinkan yang berikut:

Pemuatan telepon seluler
Membeli produk makanan cepat saji dari Jollibee Food Groups
Membeli bahan bakar di SPBU tertentu

PEMINJAMAN FASTCASH3K.COM Platform peminjaman ini akan diintegrasikan melalui koin BCP dan ini akan berfungsi sebagai biaya langganan bagi pemberi pinjaman, serta pembayaran bunga pinjaman.


Anda dapat memperoleh BCP dengan lebih banyak cara daripada dengan pertukaran cryptocurrency selama tahap ICO proyek. Kami merancang mekanisme yang akan menjamin semua pengguna aktif platform pertukaran kami bisa mendapatkan BCP untuk setiap transaksi yang akan mereka lakukan.


Yang benar-benar membedakan kami dari proyek lain adalah kami bertaruh pada pengembangan produk. Kami telah menyiapkan kasus penggunaan BITCASHPAY TOKEN sebelum kami meluncurkan penjualan token kami. Kami telah dengan serius bergerak maju selama beberapa tahun dan menciptakan 6 produk dalam satu ekosistem: bank berbasis blockchain dengan staking, pinjaman crypto, pertukaran crypto, dompet crypto, gateway pembayaran untuk pedagang dan platform penjualan token. Kami akan terus mengembangkannya dengan menambahkan fitur dan fungsi baru untuk pelanggan kami. Kami tidak takut membuat kesalahan. Kami akan menjadi bisnis berbasis blockchain terbaik di pasar. Anda dapat mendukung BitCashPay dengan membeli token utilitas kami - BCP.

Jumlah token terbatas!
Dapatkan sekarang  https: //

Tujuan utama dari platform ini adalah pengembangan komunitas yang terbentuk di sekitar aplikasi pertukaran kami. Komunitas pengguna yang akan berdagang bersama, berkomunikasi, berbagi keahlian, dan saling membantu. Saat kami merancang platform kami, kami berfokus pada keefektifan proses perdagangan dan pada memaksimalkan pendapatan terkait situasi saat ini di pasar.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi kami di:

penulis : harum93

Senin, 26 Oktober 2020


Best wishes to all of you in the BLG Community
Back with me fragrant93 this time I invite you to review the project. interest that will lead you to your next success.

#DeFi #Ethereum #DutchAuction #Uniswap #YieldFarming #NFTs #mmorg #yfi #AMA #ERC20 #blockchain #cryptocurrency
Do you remember cryptokitties, blockchain-based games that were phenomenal. Let's take a look back at this game, Cryptokitties is a virtual block based game that allows players to adopt, raise and trade virtual cats. The game was created by Vancouver-based blockchain company Axiom Zen. However, what is very important to remember is that this is the first known DAPP application for recreation and recreation.

Cryptokitties sales have peaked. People have spent over twelve million dollars buying these cryptokitties. There are even reports of people making more money trading cyptokitties than investing in their IRA!

In late November 2017, design studio Axiom Zen launched CryptoKitties, a Pokemon-style game built on the Ethereum blockchain network. There, you can buy and collect virtual cats, and breed them with the hope of creating new cats with special attributes. The presentation may be said to be familiar, but every transaction there uses cryptocurrency.

Every digital cat on CryptoKitties belongs to the user completely. They are only one in the whole game; cannot be duplicated, taken by others, or destroyed. The most special aspect of the game is its breeding system: when two cats "get along," the cubs are completely unique - including in appearance, biography and characteristics.

Kittens' unique features are the result of their mother's 256-bit genome, resulting in about four billion different genetic variations. Then why a cat? On its website, Axiom Zen jokes:

"Because cats are very difficult to understand. They are the ambassadors of Pharaoh, appearing in memes and on your mother's Facebook page. Cats never discriminate, because they hate every human being fairly. "

This game comes with 100 "Founder Kitties". There's also a new 'Gen 0' cat that is released every 15 minutes, presented at an average price of five sold plus a 50 percent discount. The price will continue to fall in 24 hours until someone buys it. Players can also sell their cats through auctions. You are welcome to set the starting and ending prices with the digital currency ETH (ether, cryptocurrency Ethereum).

So suppose I choose a starting price of 1 ETH and an ending price of 0 ETH, then someone buys it within 12 hours of the auction starting, he pays me 0.5 ETH.

To breed them, you can specify the number of ether so that other players can breed their cats with our digital pets, and furthermore, they are eligible to have kittens. Alternatively, you can pay ether to pair her with another cat and get her kitten.
About kittieFIGHT

KittieFight is Mortal Kombat for Cryptokitties. In the game kittieFIGHT, ETH & KTY tokens are given out and shared among the winning group / coalition of fighting matches using special battle kittie avatars originating from the Cryptokitties platform. There is an Eth & KTY token jackpot to win in every game. All participants in the game have a 50% chance of being on the winning side. This is also an experiment in group psychology with two opposing coalition groups at odds with each other over large sums of money. You can read more about it in the whitepaper here:
The tools needed to play
KTY token (Rinkeby)
Ether (Rinkeby)
Kittiefight on the Rinkeby Ethereum Testnet

Go to and install metamask for chrome or Firefox. Create a password and seed, then select and maintain an Ethereum address for in-game use. The KittieFIGHT smart contract is currently being used to the Rinkeby testnet, so make sure your metamask wallet is set to Rinkeby.
About kittieFIGHT

Cat fight is a game where cats / kittens fight against each other based on crowd based action. Just like how a cheering crowd at a boxing match motivates boxers to box, in the case of kittyFight, the crowd is betting on every cat they support, causing their cat to become another opponent. The people / crowd chooses which cats to bet on, resulting in action on the side of the chosen cat. The actions are random bets placed on the blockchain. The result of each crowd participant's bet results in the event being transmitted from the blockchain api service to the front-end / UX resulting in kitty animation (punching, scratching, etc.).

If there is no action for 10 seconds [No event is emitted from the blockchain for 10 seconds], there is a simulated action called “silent action-with sound and reaction” which each cat takes in turn. Basically, during the idling cycle, the cat shadows squares at each other, and avoids the action / punches with a slight crouch, but keeps the interactivity and continuity of the game going, to keep the game fun without any actual damage. The winner of this game is the cat that takes the least damage.

KittieFIGHT adds utility for Cryptokitties users and reduces the excess supply of cats on the Cryptokitties platform. This is also an interesting experiment in gamified demand in the Token economy using a utility ERC 2O token called KTY, which is tightly integrated with UNISWAP AMM. KTY has various costs and expenses for game participation, without the need for users to hold KTY directly.

Combat MMO game for Cryptokitties users.
A jackpot game supported by the Lending Protocol.
Players push the battle by betting ETH.
The game generates 10 times the initial ETH jackpot.
Economy of KTY Gamified Token demand with UNISWAP AMM.
Decentralized Governance using Aragon DAO.
Weekly results for lenders, DAO shareholders and match winners.
Steps to participate in the game:

Get KTY Tokens and Ether
Registering your Rinkeby Ethereum Address
Join the team
Starting the Game
Place a bet
Check your ranking
Increase the chances of winning as a team
Finish the game
Winners withdraw income
Losers go to Kitti
eHELL forever!
How does it work ??
KTY Dutch auction.

The Dutch KTY auction is an initial KTY distribution prior to the launch of Kittiefight Volcano Yield Farming which incentivizes on-chain liquidity. Users can set a price from KTY by submitting a bid during the 4 week offer period. Users can then receive + 200% more KTY and SDAO utility tokens to provide KTY and WETH, ANT, yDAI, yYFI, yyCRV, yaLink, aLend, aSNX, yETH, aYfi, 2key, GNO, but liquidity at Uniswap takes advantage of the + $ potential 1.7 Strength of B USD worth of governance without risk of non-permanent loss. learn more:
Dutch auction.
The Dutch auction is an auction in which a set of tokens is put up for sale to the public using a process that allows the buyer to determine the token price. The process works like this:
Dutch auction tutorial.

Imagine a set of tokens set up in a smart contract with the following guiding parameters on sale:
Start date
Expiration Date
Prices start
Minimum price
The number of tokens to be sold
Tokens for sale

Imagine that a rare resource pool consisting of 100 tokens will be sold at a starting price of $ 10 each and a minimum price of $ 1, with the price gradually decreasing every second towards the $ 1 mark and over the specified auction time duration.

The bidder sends a bid at a specified time and price point. The bid represents the total money the buyer is willing to pay for an allocated number of tokens at a specific price point during a specific time in the auction duration.

Some people may buy tokens for a very initial $ 7 or $ 5. $ 4, most for $ 3 and tokens selling for $ 2.5. The interesting thing is that everyone can pay $ 2.5 per token, balancing first-mover profits with a democratic price allocation. This auction process makes it a fair way to make sure everyone who really wants the limited available tokens gets it and everyone is happy with the price. KTY tokens will be distributed in a fair manner described above enabling early holders to acquire our tokens for use in the KTY Volcano yield mining program to earn more KTY and SDAO tokens as the main KittieFIGHT lending protocol and games roll out to the Ethereum Main network.

Agricultural Produce KTY.
The KittieFIGHT Yield Farming Volcano Faucet distributes KTY and SDAO tokens to Yield Farmers who provide liquidity in Uniswap V2 while staking the uniswap liquidity token pool in Volcano yield farming contracts. The more liquidity you provide, and the longer, more than the 6 month program duration, the larger the share of the KTY and SDAO token pool you receive. 7% (or 7,000,000) of the total fixed KTY token supply and 7% (or 7,000,000) of the total SDAO token supply remains allocated for the program duration of 6 months. 10% (700,000 KTY & 700,000 SDAO) of program allocation is awarded automatically to yield farmers who participated in the first 7 days of launching the volcano program, and as long as they continue until the end of the program duration.

About the KTY Gamified token.
KTY Token Utility.
KittieFIGHT DAO tokens and ETHER prizes

Amepay platform review

Hello all. Today, the world of cryptography is increasingly in demand by many people. Cryptocurrency was born because of the times to make it easier for people to transact in the digital world, we know that we are very busy utilizing the internet for transaction or other convenience. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the cryptocurrency world a project was born. AMEPAY is very promising and also expected, namely:

Quoting from the AMEPAY website, with a new program with an alternative cryptocurency-based payment system that prioritizes security, speed and convenience.This is a breakthrough for the world of cryptocurency eliminating the complexity, high cost and undoing that is common with today’s systems and replacing it with a simple, affordable, and fast network. AMEPAY also offers a wide range of advantages with a transparent and decentralized blockchain infrastructure that also doubles as a reliable database for storing and sharing transaction records.

What is AMEPAY?
AMEPAY is a cryptocurrency-based payments alternative that is fast, convenient, and secure. AMEPAY eliminates the complexity, high-costs, and delays that are familiar to the present system and replaces it with a simple, affordable, and quick network.

AMEPAY is a new vertical under AMEPOS, a leading provider of Point-of Sale (PoS) software and hardware. Armed with 8 years of experience in the sector, we are habituated with the challenges faced by the different stakeholders and have developed a comprehensive solution to tackle them.

Through AMEPAY, we aspire to offer practical and holistic improvements to the payments experience, by increasing efficiency, alleviating risk, and inducing loyalty. AMEPAY will harness blockchain technology and cryptocurrency to provide a multifaceted solution that is in equal parts streamlined, innovative, and rewarding. We currently boast of an existing network of more than 1500 small and medium-sized merchants spread across eight countries. Once our technology is deployed, we will target the South Asia region and expect to fortify more than 1 million merchants within the first year of operations.

AMEPAY Solution
It uses the Ethereum blockchain to organize transactions and manage operations. This use of blockchain will ensure that every transaction occurs in fast, secure and transparent manner.
Platform Features

Integration with existing businesses: Amepay will empower businesses with various solutions such as supplementary equipment, loyalty programs, data analytics, robust KYC processes, fraud detection, and many other solutions that will be continuously added.
Wallet: Digital wallets that support popular fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies that allow people to be able to store or transact their assets safely and securely.

Low-fees: Thanks to blockchain, Amepay can reduce fees, and only charge 1% for each transaction.

Data Analytics: Businesses will be able to analyze various transactions and actions of customers with the help of Amepay tools.

Crypto-to-Fiat Transactions: Amepay will allow users to be able to execute crypto-to-fiat transactions instantly. Thanks to AME tokens.
Inventory and Database Management: This is a blockchain-based Inventory and Database Management solution which is very useful for businesses to manage their inventory.

Remittance: A low-cost remittance solution that allows individuals working overseas to send money to their families safely and securely.
Rewards Program: Every transaction made by users will be rewarded with AME tokens by the Amepay platform, which can then be exchanged for various goods or services.

AMEPAY Beneficiaries
Benefits for Everyone

AMEPAY takes everybody into account. Our holistic approach enables us to pass on benefits to all our esteemed stakeholders.

AMEPAY users enjoy the following benefits:

An exciting loyalty program
Instant cashback

Easy access to a global marketplace
Execution of payments in cryptocurrency of their choice
Opportunity to purchase prepaid AME gift cards
Exploration of liquidity through an integrated exchange platform

AMEPAY Merchants
Merchants or Enterprises using AMEPAY enjoy the following benefits:
Exploration of a digital marketplace
Complete POS solution
In-built inventory management system
Simple and prompt crypto-to-fiat conversions
Protection against price volatility
Saving on expenditure due to minimum transaction fees

Third-Party Affiliates
Third-party aggregators can also make use of the AMEPAY infrastructure to enhance their capabilities.

AMEPAY will benefit them in the following ways:
Hassle-free entry into the cryptocurrency sector
Earn regular revenue through commissions and transaction fees
Appeal to a niche, but sizable group of seasoned cryptocurrency users
Ame Token

Ame Token is a cryptocurrency launched by the Amepay platform to facilitate payments and rewards for users. This token is the ERC-20 Ethereum which will support the operation of the platform. The following are details of Ame Token;

Token Allocation
Token Sale (Private & Public): 42%

Rewards: 30%
Founder Team: 12%
Marketing & Advisory: 10%

Reserved for Development: 6%
Fund Utilization

Platform & Core Product Development: 55%
Marketing & Business Development: 10%

Operations: 10%
Exchange Listing: 10%
Reserve: 8%

Legal: 7%
How do I buy?
You can contribute to their ICO by registering the link below
Phase I starts 21st September - Buy with 100% Bonus
Phase II starts 10th October - Buy with 50% Bonus
Phase III starts 20th October - Buy with 25% Bonus
Acceptable currencies - BTC, ETH, XRP and Fiat
Minimum Purchase - 3000 AME Tokens
Number of tokens for sale in ICO - 450,000,000 AME (30%)

In Conclusion
Many payment platforms today offer various solutions and benefits to their customers, but most of them don’t pay much attention to merchants and customers. Amepay is a cryptocurrency and blockchain-based payment platform that will empower merchants and customers with various solutions and benefits, such as rewards, low fees, data analysis, inventory management, integration, and many others. It is an innovative, fast, secure, and reliable modern payment platform for merchants and customers.

Fore More Information Please Visit :

Telegram: https: // t. me / amepay
White paper:

Author : harum93